SCOOP 2010: Resultados dos Eventos #24, #25 e #26

O Dia 10 do PokerStars' Spring Championhip of Online Poker avan?ou o Dia 11, quarta-feira. Perto das 18h (hor��rio do Brasil), o torneio Alto do Evento #26 encerrava-se. O campe?o dessa batalha de quase 21h foi 'fkasbergen', que embolsou $151,204 ao superar uma mesa final que contou ainda com Steve 'gboro780' Gross, Dave 'SexSeen' Sands e Keith 'DaMurdera3' Ferrera. Outros que alcan?aram t��tulos de SCOOP nessa ter?a foram Ben 'Benba' Lamb, John 'jmonnett' Monnette e David 'Gunslinger3' Bach.
O desempenho dos jogadores brasileiros foi um pouco mais t��mido nesse Dia 10, por��m p?de-se observar dois destaques: o paulista de nick BerlofaSP foi o nono colocado no torneio M��dio do Evento #24 - Triple Draw 2-7 Lowball $100+9 - e faturou $1,295.80. No torneio M��dio do Evento #26 - No-Limit Hold'em $100+9 $200K GRT, o tamb��m paulista 'kinabamula' fez mesa final e terminou o torneio na s��tima posi??o, aumentando seu bankroll em $9,459.
Os resultados dos Eventos #24, #25 e #26 do SCOOP 2010:
PokerStars SCOOP Evento 24 - Baixo (deuce to seven triple draw lowball)
Buy-in: $10 + $1
Premia??o: $30,680
Field: 3,068
*1. j3os8h - 3,900.47
*2. Mike 'mdot20' Wagner - $3,617.68
*3. francis9 - $3,282.89
4. luadarko - $1,641.38
5. kudri84 - $997.10
6. RiverMonkey - $536.90
* acordo entre os tr��s finalistas, onde o vencedor embolsou ainda mais $500.
PokerStars SCOOP Evento 24 - M��dio (deuce to seven triple draw lowball)
Buy-in: $100 + $9
Prize Pool: $62,000
Entrants: 620
1. Buckeye 119 - $11,780
2. HCAP - $8,680
3. capoch $6,355
4. Marc 'Needleking' Naalden - $4,340
5. JVAFifty - $3,100
6. Charlie Ivey - $1,928.20
PokerStars SCOOP Evento 24 - Alto (deuce to seven triple draw lowball)
Buy-in: $1,000 + $50
Premia??o: $140,000
Field: 140
1. John 'jmonnett' Monnette - $36,400
2. Terrance 'Unassigned' Chan - $24,500
3. capoch - $18,200
4. John 'jdags21' D'Agostino - $11,900
5. kumagala - $9,100
6. Matt 'SamENole' Smith - $6,300
PokerStars SCOOP Evento 25 - Baixo (seven-card stud high-low)
Buy-in: $20 + $2
Premia??o: $57,080
Field: 2,854
1. Jon 'LUFCBas' Spinks - $9,705.19
2. James 'Andy McLEOD' Obst - $6,849.60
3. George "Jorj95" Lind III - $5,137.29
4. ARROGANTICE - $3,995.60
5. sweetreason - $2,854
6. periferel - $1,712.40
7. TheSlyFox - $1,083.94
8. Mike 'gordo16' Gordon - $527.99
PokerStars SCOOP Evento 25 - M��dio(seven-card stud high-low)
Buy-in: $200 + $15
Premia??o: $130,200
Field: 651
*1. BIGtittitilt - $22,007.77
*2. *Matty*NYG - $20,007.77
3. kazakhdevil - $13,020
4. Lil'Wayne'57 - $9,765
5. chevy corv - $6,510
6. PAARTYPAN - $4,557
7. wjdsnipes - $2,929.50
8. 7PRS - $1,953
* acordo no heads-up, onde o vencedor embolsou ainda mais $2,000.
PokerStars SCOOP Evento 25 - Alto (seven-card stud high-low)
Buy-in: $2,000 + $100
Premia??o: $240,000
Field: 120
1. David 'Gunslinger3' Bach - $65,400
2. George 'Jorj95' Lind III - $44,400
3. Michael 'amrasaralond' Binger - $33,600
4. Matt 'PokerGodZeus' Glantz - $22,800
5. Cordelia - $16,800
6. dabigmon - $12,600
7. Colonel Mort - $10,200
8. Francis 'teacuppoker' Cagney - $7,800
PokerStars SCOOP Evento 26 - Baixo (no-limit hold��em)
Buy-in: $10 + $1
Premia??o: $164,980
Field: 16,498
*1. *guerillaz* - $17,809.72
*2. fyssas1881 - $14,023.30
*3. thewh00sel - $10.723.70
4. Pirri07 - $7,424.10
5. KaY_sLaY - $5,774.30
6. CrazyB15 - $4,124.50
7. tewksbury3 - $2,474.70
8. ItWaSsUiTeD3 - $1,484.82
9. Rhory25 - $989.88
* acordo entre os tr~es finalistas, onde o vencedor embolsou ainda mais 5,000.
PokerStars SCOOP Evento 26 - M��dio (no-limit hold��em)
Buy-in: $100 + $9
Premia??o: $420,400
Field: 4,204
1. Ben 'Benba' Lamb - $66,003.97
2. FrenchKiss91 - $49,186.80
3. PPHSkid99 - $34,683
4. T-MartPoker - $24,173
5. matador009 - $17,867
6. YaGotBurnt - $13.663
7. kinabamula - $9,459
8. Shannon 'basebal1b' Shorr - $5,255
9. pokrmike1005 - $3,263.20
PokerStars SCOOP Evento 26 - Alto (no-limit hold��em)
Buy-in: $1,000 + $50
Premia??o: $824,000
Field: 824
1. fkasbergen - $151,204
2. Nickdawgg - $107,944
3. nicelife - $81,576
4. Eric 'psuNYY51' Ladny - $61,388
5. Steve 'gboro780' Gross - $42,848
6. Dave 'SexSeen' Sands - $34.608
7. Keith 'DaMurdera3' Ferrera - $26,368
8. BongBob - $18,128
9. gantosholla - $10,712
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