Sochi Recebe Primeira Etapa do European Poker Tour (EPT) de 2019

A primeira etapa do European Poker Tour (EPT) de 2019 j�� tem data marcada. O ic��nico circuito regressa a 20 de mar?o a Sochi, na R��ssia para 9 dias recheados de a??o.
O Casino Sochi ser�� mais uma vez a casa deste festival de poker ao vivo com o patroc��nio do PokerStars. Como acontece em todos os festivais, o grande destaque �� o Main Event que ter�� um prize pool garantido de RUB 150,000,000, aproximadamente �1,954,000.
Os jogadores que se deslocarem �� cidade russa durante este festival podem ainda esperar uma agenda repleta de torneios para todos os bolsos, com buy-ins t?o pequenos como RUB 6,600 e que v?o at�� aos RUB 375,000.
Em disputa estar?o tamb��m cinco Platinum Passes para o Players No Limit Hold'em Championship (PSPC).
O embaixador do PokerStars Mikhail Shalamov disse: "Mal posso esperar por ver o regresso do EPT a Sochi em 2019. �� um evento muito popular e entusiasmante. O fato de ser a quinta vez que a PokerStars Live visita a regi?o, �� a prova disso".
Calend��rio do EPT Sochi de 20 a 29 de Mar?o de 2019:
Hora | N��mero do Evento | Evento | Buy-in (RUB) | Stack Inicial | Registo termina |
Mar?o 20 - Ter?a | |||||
14:00 | #1 (1A) | NL Hold'em - EPT National - Unlimited Re-Entries - 45 Minute Levels | 66,000P | 30,000 | Registration closed |
20:00 | #2 | NL Hold'em - Unlimited Re-Entries - 66,000 ? Cash Satellite | 6,600P | 10,000 | Registration closed |
Mar?o 21 - Quarta | |||||
14:00 | #1 (1B) | NL Hold'em - EPT National - Unlimited Re-Entries - 30 Minute Levels | 66,000P | 30,000 | Registration closed |
20:00 | #1 (1C) | NL Hold'em - EPT National - Unlimited Re-Entries - 30 Minute Levels | 66,000P | 30,000 | Registration closed |
Mar?o 22 - Quinta | |||||
14:00 | #1 (day 2) | NL Hold'em - EPT National - Unlimited Re-Entries - 60 Minute Levels | 66,000P | Registration closed | |
16:00 | #3 (day 1) | NL Hold'em - Super Deep Stack - Single Re-Entry | 33,000P | 50,000 | Registration closed |
20:00 | #4 | NL Hold'em - EPT Main Event Cash Satellite - Unlimited Re-Entries | 19,800P | 10,000 | Registration closed |
Mar?o 23 - Sexta | |||||
12:00 | #5 (1A) | EPT Sochi Main Event - Single Re-Entry Per Flight - 150,000,000 ? Guarantee - 60 Minute Levels | 192,000P | 30,000 | Registration closed |
14:00 | #1 (day 3) | NL Hold'em - EPT National - Unlimited Re-Entries - Final Day | 66,000P | Registration closed | |
14:00 | #3 (day 2) | NL Hold'em - Super Deep Stack - Single Re-Entry - Final Day | 33,000P | Registration closed | |
18:00 | #6 | NL Hold'em - EPT Main Event No Cash Value Satellite - Unlimited Re-Entries | 19,800P | 10,000 | Registration closed |
Mar?o 24 - S��bado | |||||
12:00 | #5 (1B) | EPT Sochi Main Event - Single Re-Entry Per Flight - 150,000,000 ? Guarantee - 60 Minute Levels | 192,000P | 30,000 | Registration closed |
16:00 | #7 | NL Hold'em - EPT Main Event No Cash Value Satellite - Unlimited Re-Entries | 19,800P | 10,000 | Registration closed |
20:00 | #5 (1C) | EPT Sochi Main Event - Single Re-Entry Per Flight - 150,000,000 ? Guarantee - 30 Minute Levels | 192,000P | 30,000 | Registration closed |
Mar?o 25 - Domingo | |||||
12:00 | #5 (day 2) | EPT Sochi Main Event - Single Re-Entry Per Flight - 150,000,000 ? Guarantee - 90 Minute Levels | 192,000P | Registration closed | |
18:00 | #8 | NL Hold'em - Unlimited Re-Entries - 132,000 ? Cash Satellite | 13,200P | 10,000 | Registration closed |
20:00 | #9 (day 1) | NL Hold'em - Single Re-Entry | 33,000P | 20,000 | Registration closed |
Mar?o 26 - Segunda | |||||
12:00 | #5 (day 3) | EPT Sochi Main Event - Single Re-Entry Per Flight - 150,000,000 ? Guarantee - 90 Minute Levels | 192,000P | Registration closed | |
16:00 | #9 (day 2) | NL Hold'em - Single Re-Entry - Final Day | 33,000P | Registration closed | |
16:00 | #10 (day 1) | NL Hold'em - Single Re-Entry | 132,000P | 20,000 | Registration closed |
20:00 | #11 (day 1) | NL Hold'em - Win The Button - Single Re-Entry | 33,000P | 20,000 | Registration closed |
Mar?o 27 - Ter?a | |||||
12:00 | #5 (day 4) | EPT Sochi Main Event - Single Re-Entry Per Flight - 150,000,000 ? Guarantee - 90 Minute Levels | 192,000P | Registration closed | |
14:00 | #10 (day 2) | NL Hold'em - Single Re-Entry - Final Day | 132,000P | Registration closed | |
14:00 | #12 | PL Omaha - Single Re-Entry | 33,000P | 20,000 | Registration closed |
16:00 | #11 (day 2) | NL Hold'em - Win The Button - Single Re-Entry - Final Day | 33,000P | Registration closed | |
16:00 | #13 (day 1) | NL Hold'em - EPT High Roller - Single Re-Entry | 630,000P | 50,000 | Registration closed |
16:00 | #14 (day 1) | NL Hold'em - Single Re-Entry | 66,000P | 20,000 | Registration closed |
20:00 | #15 (1A) | NL Hold'em - EPT Cup - Single Re-Entry Per Flight | 19,200P | 20,000 | Registration closed |
Mar?o 28 - Quarta | |||||
12:00 | #5 (day 5) | EPT Sochi Main Event - Single Re-Entry Per Flight - 150,000,000 ? Guarantee - 90 Minute Levels | 192,000P | Registration closed | |
14:00 | #14 (day 2) | NL Hold'em - Single Re-Entry - Final Day | 66,000P | Registration closed | |
14:00 | #15 (1B) | NL Hold'em - EPT Cup - Single Re-Entry Per Flight | 19,200P | 20,000 | Registration closed |
16:00 | #13 (day 2) | NL Hold'em - EPT High Roller - Single Re-Entry | 630,000P | Registration closed | |
20:00 | #15 (1C) | NL Hold'em - EPT Cup - Single Re-Entry Per Flight | 19,200P | 20,000 | Registration closed |
Mar?o 29 - Quinta | |||||
12:00 | #5 (day 6) | EPT Sochi Main Event - Single Re-Entry Per Flight - 150,000,000 ? Guarantee - 90 Minute Levels | 192,000P | Registration closed | |
14:00 | #13 (day 3) | NL Hold'em - EPT High Roller - Single Re-Entry - Final Day | 630,000P | Registration closed | |
14:00 | #15 (day 2) | NL Hold'em - EPT Cup - Single Re-Entry Per Flight - Final Day | 19,200P | Registration closed | |
14:00 | #16 | NL Hold'em - Single Re-Entry | 13,200P | 20,000 | Registration closed |
16:00 | #17 | NL Hold'em - Single Re-Entry | 66,000P | 20,000 | Registration closed |
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