PartyPoker Weekly: Prepara??o para as WSOP e Tony G Conhece seu Her��i

Nesta semana, no PartyPoker Weekly, Tony G conhece seu her��i, prepare-se para as WSOP e desfrute do melhor b?nus do poker online.
Febre WSOP Ainda Maior
A cada dia, algu��m garante o seu pacote para o Main Event das World Series of Poker no PartyPoker, e n?o se fala de outra coisa no PartyPoker Blog.
ThunderXpress, jogador sueco de longa data no PartyPoker, recentemente conquistou seu pacote de $14,000 para o Main Event. O jogador, que se descreve como o maior sortudo do site, est�� animado para jogar pela primeira vez um evento das WSOP:
��I��m obviously very excited to finally go to Vegas! I��ve never been there and as a poker player it feels like something you have to do at least once!��
��I just base my whole preconception of the city on the movie ��The Hangover�� and assume it��s an awesome place to spend some summer weeks, guess it will be hot as hell there though. Some friends were there last year and after having listened to their stories I cant wait to go there and see for myself!��
E ainda: Jared Tendler, uma esp��cie de coach da mente, compartilha seus conselhos de como se preparar mentalmente para encarar o Main Event:
��Of the thousands of players who compete in the WSOP main event, just a very small percentage of them are physically and mentally prepared for the gruelling task ahead of them. If things go well, you will be playing consecutive 16 hour days with little time to rest and reset your mind. How you prepare before, during, and after each day is key to maintaining focus while you are playing through the marathon that is the WSOP.��
Descubra como aumentar sua resist��ncia mental para enfrentar o Main Event no PartyPoker Blog.
Ainda h�� tempo para se classificar ao Main Event no PartyPoker diariamente por apenas $2.
Tony G Conhece o Justin Bieber do Poker
Em meio ao WPT Vienna, Tony esbarrou com o seu her��i, ningu��m menos que o Justin Bieber... do poker.
O Melhor B?nus do Poker Online
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