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2017 Aussie Millions

$10,000 Main Event
Dias: 5
Event Info

2017 Aussie Millions

Resultados Finais
M?o Vencedora
1,600,000 AUD
Event Info
10,000 AUD
7,685,000 AUD
Informa??es do Nível
80,000 / 160,000

Hands #86-90: A Few Small Pots

Nível 29 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #86: Tobias Hausen raised to 250,000 under the gun with {k-Hearts}{10-Diamonds} and Jeff Rossiter defended his big blind with {q-Spades}{8-Spades}. The flop fell {6-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}{k-Diamonds} and after a check from Rossiter, Hausen bet 175,000 and took it down.

Hand #87: Shurane Vijayaram raised to 250,000 on the button with {k-Spades}{j-Spades} and Tobias Hausen called in the big blind holding {k-Clubs}{9-Hearts}. On a flop of {6-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}{9-Diamonds} Hausen checked it over to Vijayaram who checked to see the {q-Diamonds} turn.

Hausen took another peek at his cards before betting 325,000. Vijayaram called and the {2-Clubs} completed the board. Both players checked on the end and Hausen dragged the pot.

Hand #88: Jeff Rossiter picked up {q-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} on the button and raised to 250,000 which was enough to take down the blinds and antes.

Hand #89: Jeff Rossiter raised to 210,000 under the gun with {k-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds} and collected the blinds and antes.

Hand #90: Tobias Hausen raised to 250,000 under the gun with {a-Spades}{7-Diamonds} and Shurane Vijayaram called from the small blind with {q-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}. The flop landed {6-Hearts}{j-Diamonds}{2-Hearts} and both players checked to the {6-Diamonds} turn.

Hausen let it go and Vijayaram raked the pot.

Tags: Jeff RossiterShurane VijayaramTobias Hausen

Hands #81-85: Vijayaram and Hausen Share the Spoils

Nível 29 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #81: Jeff Rossiter raised to 210,000 from under the gun and was called by Shurane Vijayaram in the big blind.

The flop came {a-Hearts}{3-Spades}{5-Hearts} and Vijayaram checked. Rossiter then threw out a continuation bet totalling 130,000. Vijayaram looked like he would raise after cutting out some chips before opting to call.

The turn brought the {8-Hearts} and both players checked before the same followed after the {7-Spades} completed the board.

Rossiter showed {j-Spades}{9-Hearts} for jack-high before Vijayaram turned over {j-Hearts}{6-Hearts} for a flush and the winning hand.

Hand #82: Tobias Hausen raised to 250,000 from under the gun and was called by Ben Heath on the button as well as Jeff Rossiter in the big blind.

The flop fell {3-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}{3-Hearts} and Rossiter checked over to Hausen who bet out another 325,000. Both his opponents instantly mucked their hands and Hausen took down the pot.

Hand #83: Shurane Vijayaram raised to 250,000 from the button and took down the pot after both blinds mucked their hands.

Hand #84: The action folded around to Tobias Hausen in the small blind who raised to 300,000. The bet was too much for Ben Heath in the big blind who tossed his cards into the muck.

Hand #85: Jeff Rossiter raised to 210,000 from under the gun but was met with a three-bet to 825,000 from Shurane Vijayaram in the big blind. Rossiter snap-mucked his hand and Vijayaram raked in the pot.

Tags: Ben HeathJeff RossiterShurane VijayaramTobias Hausen

Hands #76-80: Hausen Hurts Rossiter

Nível 29 : 50,000/100,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #76: Shurane Vijayaram raised to 225,000 under the gun holding {q-Spades}{j-Diamonds}, Jeff Rossiter called on the button with {q-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} and Tobias Hausen three-bet to 800,000 from the small blind. Vijayaram flat-called and Rossiter folded before a flop of {5-Clubs}{a-Spades}{7-Spades}.

Hausen checked it over to Vijayaram who took a stab at it for 775,000. Hausen called and the {q-Hearts} arrived on the turn. Another check from Hausen saw Vijayaram check behind and the {2-Spades} fell on the river. Both players checked it on the end and Vijayaram collected the pot.

Hand #77: Ben Heath raised to 240,000 from the small blind with {j-Clubs}{7-Hearts} and Shurane Vijayaram three-bet from the big blind to 725,000 with {a-Hearts}{8-Hearts}. That was enough to take it down and Vijayaram added those chips to his stack.

Hand #78: Tobias Hausen raised to 250,000 under the gun with {q-Diamonds}{j-Clubs} and Shurane Vijayaram called from the small blind with {a-Spades}{4-Spades}. The flop landed {4-Hearts}{10-Clubs}{a-Diamonds} and both players checked to the {8-Hearts} turn.

Both players checked again and after the {2-Spades} river, Vijayaram bet 400,000. Hausen folded and the pot went to Vijayaram.

Hand #79: Jeff Rossiter limped in the small blind with {q-Diamonds}{5-Spades} and Tobias Hausen checked in the big blind with {9-Spades}{8-Spades} before a flop of {7-Spades}{q-Spades}{4-Hearts}. Rossiter checked it over to Hausen who fired for 130,000.

Rossiter called and the {2-Spades} fell on the turn. Rossiter checked again and Hausen continued for 325,000. Rossiter made the call drawing dead and the {j-Clubs} completed the board.

Rossiter checked a final time and Hausen made it 850,000. After tanking for a couple of minutes Rossiter made the call to see he was beat.

Hand #80: Shurane Vijayaram raised to 225,000 under the gun with {j-Clubs}{10-Spades} and Ben Heath defended his big blind holding {k-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}. The flop came down {8-Spades}{10-Hearts}{3-Clubs} and Heath checked it over to Vijayaram whose continuation bet was enough to rake the pot.

Tags: Ben HeathJeff RossiterShurane VijayaramTobias Hausen

Nível: 29

Blinds: 50,000/100,000

Ante: 10,000

Hand #68-75: Heath Pressures Rossiter

Nível 28 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #68: Jeff Rossiter raised to 200,000 from the button and was called by Ben Heath in the big blind.

The flop came {8-Clubs}{2-Hearts}{q-Clubs} and both players checked.

The turn brought the {4-Diamonds} and Heath fired out 185,000. Rossiter called.

The {6-Diamonds} completed the board and Heath reached for his chips and slid out 635,000. Rossiter went into the tank for a minute before opting to fold.

Hand #69: Jeff Rossiter raised to 175,000 from under the gun and was called by Tobias Hausen on the button as well as Shurane Vijayaram in the big blind.

The flop fell {7-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}{7-Spades} and the action checked around to Hausen who bet out 275,000. Vijayaram and Rossiter quickly folded and Hausen was awarded the pot.

Hand #70: Tobias Hausen opened with a raise to 200,000 from under the gun and found no callers.

Hand #71: Shurane Vijayaram raised to 200,000 from the button and took down the pot after the blinds mucked their hands.

Hand #72: Jeff Rossiter raised to 200,000 from the button and was called by Ben Heath in the big blind.

The flop came {q-Hearts}{10-Hearts}{5-Spades} and a continuaiton bet totalling 230,000 was enough to take down the pot for Rossiter after Heath checked.

Hand #73: Shurane Vijayaram welcomed a walk in the big blind.

Hand #74: The action folded around to Shurane Vijayaram in the small blind who raised it up to 200,000. Jeff Rossiter mucked his big blind and Vijayaram took down the pot.

Hand #75: Shurane Vijayaram raised to 200,000 from the button and was called by Tobias Hausen in the big blind.

The flop came {j-Spades}{8-Clubs}{7-Clubs} and Hausen checked. Vijayaram reached for his chips and fired out 225,000. Hausen went into the tank for over a minute before finally releasing his hand to the muck.

Tags: Ben HeathJeff RossiterShurane VijayaramTobias Hausen

Hands #63-67: Heath Doubles Through Rossiter

Nível 28 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #63: Ben Heath raised to 180,000 under the gun with {a-Diamonds}{j-Spades} and collected the blinds and antes.

Hand #64: Shurane Vijayaram raised to 180,000 under the gun with {4-Hearts}{4-Spades} and Ben Heath defended his big blind holding {9-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}. The flop landed {q-Hearts}{7-Clubs}{8-Spades} and Heath checked it over to Vijayaram who bet 250,000.

Heath called and the {4-Clubs} arrived on the turn. After another check from Heath, Vijayaram continued for 275,000. Heath called again before the {j-Spades} river. After a final check from Heath, Vijayaram made it 600,000 and Heath instantly folded.

Hand #65: Jeff Rossiter picked up {a-Spades}{a-Diamonds} under the gun and raised to 175,000. The rest of the table folded and he picked up the blinds and antes.

Hand #66: Ben Heath raised to 180,000 with {9-Spades}{9-Clubs} on the button and Jeff Rossiter moved all in from the big blind with {a-Clubs}{10-Hearts} for enough to cover Heath’s 1.5 million. Heath called it off and was flipping for his tournament life.

Heath faded danger on the {4-Hearts}{4-Clubs}{2-Hearts}{5-Spades}{8-Hearts} run out and secured the double up.

Hand #67: Ben Heath raised to 180,000 under the gun with {a-Clubs}{k-Diamonds} and collected the blinds and antes.

Tags: Ben HeathJeff RossiterShurane Vijayaram

Hands #58-62: Rossiter Takes Down a Few, Vijayaram Joins in on the Action

Nível 28 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #58: Tobias Hausen raised to 200,000 from under the gun and was called by Jeff Rossiter in the big blind.

The flop came {6-Spades}{8-Diamonds}{5-Hearts} and both players checked.

The same would happen as the {10-Spades} dropped on the turn before the {3-Hearts} completed the board.

Rossiter then slid out a bet totalling 335,000 which would send Hausen into the tank. A few minutes passed before Hausen opted to muck his hand.

Hand #59: Jeff Rossiter limped in from the small blind and Tobias Hausen checked from the big blind.

The flop came {3-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds}{3-Clubs} and a quick bet of 80,000 from Rossiter would see him take down the pot after a snap-fold from Hausen.

Hand #60: Jeff Rossiter raised to 200,000 from the button and took down the pot after both his opponents in the blinds folded.

Hand #61: Jeff Rossiter raised to 175,000 from under the gun and was called by Shurane Vijayaram in the big blind.

The flop fell {7-Spades}{6-Clubs}{3-Spades} and both players checked.

The turn brought the {4-Clubs} and Vijayaram bet out 295,000. Rossiter snap-folded and Vijayaram took down the pot.

Hand #62: Shurane Vijayaram limped in from the small blind and Jeff Rossiter checked from the big blind before both players watched the flop come {9-Clubs}{3-Spades}{k-Diamonds}.

Vijayaram checked over to Rossiter who tossed out 100,000. Vijayaram called

The turn brought the {5-Hearts} and Vijayaram check-called another bet worth 275,000.

The {8-Hearts} completed the board and for a third time, Vijayaram checked. Rossiter sat motionless for a minute before pushing out a bet of 625,000. Vijayaram almost snap-called and watched as Rossiter turned over {k-Spades}{2-Diamonds} for a pair of kings. Vijayaram then flipped over {k-Clubs}{6-Clubs} for a pair of kings but would take down the pot with a superior kicker.

Tags: Jeff RossiterShurane VijayaramTobias Hausen

Hands #53-57: Rossiter and Heath Tangle

Nível 28 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #53: Ben Heath raised on the button to take down the blinds and antes.

Hand #54: Ben Heath raised to 180,000 with {8-Hearts}{8-Clubs} in the cutoff and his tablemates all folded.

Hand #55: Ben Heath raised under the gun to 180,000 with {a-Spades}{7-Diamonds} and Shurane Vijayaram three-bet to 680,000. That was enough to take it down and Vijayaram was awarded the pot.

Hand #56: Jeff Rossiter raised to 175,000 on the button with {a-Clubs}{10-Hearts} and Ben Heath called in the big blind holding {8-Hearts}{6-Spades}. The flop landed {5-Diamonds}{4-Spades}{7-Clubs} and both players checked.

The {6-Hearts} arrived on the turn and both players checked again to see the {8-Spades} river. Heath checked again and Rossiter moved all in with enough to cover Heath’s 1.9 million. Heath folded and Rossiter scooped the pot.

Hand #57: Jeff Rossiter raised to 175,000 under the gun with {a-Hearts}{10-Spades} before Ben Heath moved all in over the top for 1.93 million with {a-Spades}{10-Diamonds}. Rossiter deliberated for a few minutes before finally letting it go.

Tags: Ben HeathJeff RossiterShurane Vijayaram