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The 2012 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo? Casino EPT Grand Final

Main Event
Dias: 5
Event Info

The 2012 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo? Casino EPT Grand Final

Resultados Finais
M?o Vencedora
Event Info
Informa??es do Nível
100,000 / 200,000

Mohsin Charania Stack Sensibly

Mohsin Charania is not learning! He has once again stacked his chips into ridiculous towers. He took 250,000 of them off the top and raised with pocket sevens on the button and he won the blinds and antes. Let's hope they fall once more! Twenties Charania! Twenties!

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Sergio Castelluccio it
Sergio Castelluccio
Profile photo of Lucille Cailly fr
Lucille Cailly
Profile photo of Mohsin Charania us
Mohsin Charania
EPT 1X Winner
Profile photo of Bernard Guigon fr
Bernard Guigon
Profile photo of Rodrigo Caprioli br
Rodrigo Caprioli
Profile photo of Michael Dietrich ca
Michael Dietrich
Profile photo of Clayton Mozdzen ca
Clayton Mozdzen

Tags: Mohsin Charania

What Planet Are You On?

Nível 31 : 60,000/120,000, 10,000 ante

Bernard Guigon limped on the button holding {K-Clubs} {J-Clubs} and Sergio Castelluccio checked in the big blind holding {10-Diamonds} {4-Diamonds}. The flop was {7-Diamonds} {7-Clubs} {2-Hearts} and Guigon bet 150,000 to win the pot once checked to.

"I assume this guy limped on the button because he was going to move all-in over a shove," said Coren in the booth.

"What planet are you on?" Said James Hartigan.

Tags: Bernard GuigonSergio Castelluccio

Castelluccio Steps Up a Gear and Charania's Stack Crumbles (literally)

Nível 31 : 60,000/120,000, 10,000 ante

Rodrigo Caprioli moved all-in from under the gun and {A-} {Q-} and everyone folded.


Sergio Castelluccio widens his range with a raise holding {9-Hearts} {7-Spades} and he took down the blinds and antes.


Sergio Castelluccio raised to 240,000 in the hijack seat holding {10-Hearts} {8-Hearts} and once again took down the blinds and antes. Victoria Coren has just nearly fainted when Bernard Guigon folded {A-} {3-} in the blinds and the James Hartigan had to give her a quick run through of the tightness of the first level.


Sergio Castelluccio raised to 240,000 holding {J-Clubs} {9-Clubs} under the gun, Rodrigo Caprioli folded {A-} {10-} on the button but the news of the hand was Mohsin Charania's towers of chips crumbling to the felt. Serves you right Mr Charania - stack them in twenties!

Tags: Sergio CastelluccioMohsin Charania

Raincoats & Thinner and Blonder Blondes

Nível 31 : 60,000/120,000, 10,000 ante

Rodrigo Caprioli moved all-in holding {10-} {9-} in the hijack seat and every player folded.


Team PokerStars Pro Victoria Coren has just joined the commentary booth and said Lucille Cailly is very much like her - except "She is thinner and blonder then me."


Mohsin Charania moved all-in from the small blind holding {A-} {J-} and Clayton Mozdzen folded in the big blind.


Since we started play (35 hands) the statistics show that Bernard Guigon has not wona single hand since this final table started.


Coren wants the leak fixed above Mohsin Charania's head because she thinks it is unfair that he has to play wearing a raincoat.

Tags: Mohsin CharaniaRodrigo Caprioli

Nível: 31

Blinds: 60,000/120,000

Ante: 10,000

Daniel Gomez Eliminated in 8th Place (€130,000)

Daniel Gomez eliminated in 8th place
Daniel Gomez eliminated in 8th place

Sergio Castelluccio raised to 200,000 holding {K-Clubs} {K-Diamonds} in early position, Daniel Gomez moved all-in for 1,255,000 holding {A-Spades} {Q-Hearts} in the hijack seat and, incredibly, Rodrigo Caprioli looked down to see {J-Clubs} {J-Diamonds} in the small blind and just called. Back to Castelluccio and he also called, leaving himself 360,000 behind, and we have gone from shallow promises to a three-way blockbuster of a hand to finish off the first level of play.

Flop: {Q-Diamonds} {4-Spades} {4-Clubs}

Caprioli put Castelluccio all-in and he made the call.

Turn: {10-Diamonds}

Nothing changed

River: {K-Hearts}

Castelluccio tripled up and became our chip leader while Daniel Gomez became the first player eliminated at the EPT Grand Final - Final Table.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Sergio Castelluccio it
Sergio Castelluccio
Profile photo of Rodrigo Caprioli br
Rodrigo Caprioli
Profile photo of Daniel Gomez
Daniel Gomez

Tags: Daniel GomezSergio CastelluccioRodrigo Caprioli