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2015 EPT Season 12 Barcelona

€5,300 Main Event
Dias: 6
Event Info

2015 EPT Season 12 Barcelona

Resultados Finais
M?o Vencedora
Event Info
Informa??es do Nível
300,000 / 600,000

Hands 135-138: Shafikov's Slipping

Nível 35 : 150,000/300,000, 50,000 ante

Hand #135: With Denys Shafikov still missing (and so a big blind up for grabs this hand), Steve Warburton opened under the gun for 600,000 with just the {10-Clubs} showing. Juanda and Jensen quickly released and the pot went to Warburton.

Hand #136: Shafikov returned in the small blind and he made it 750,000 with {9-Clubs}{7-Spades}. Steve Warburton in the big blind folded his {6-Hearts}{3-Diamonds} and Shafikov made back some money.

Hand #137: Shafikov on the button with {A-Clubs}{Q-Hearts} opened for 600,000. His min raise got called by John Juanda in the big blind who had {Q-Spades}{10-Diamonds}. The flop came {6-Diamonds}{K-Diamonds}{10-Spades} favoriting Juanda. Juanda checked, and called Shafikov's 700,000 bet.

The {10-Clubs} fell on the turn, improving Juanda to trips. Juanda lead out for 1.25 million into the 2,950,000 pot. Shafikov tanked for a bit before folding.

Hand #138: Shafikov opened under the gun and Jensen called from the big blind with {K-}{4-}. The flop of {6-Clubs}{K-Diamonds}{A-Spades} saw both players check. Shafikov checked behind from under the gun. The turn came the {4-Spades} and Jensen checked again. Shafikov made a bet and Jensen check shoved all in. Shafikov had just the {5-Spades} showing, and tanked for quite some time before folding.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Steve Warburton gb
Steve Warburton
Profile photo of John Juanda id
John Juanda
Poker Hall of Famer
EPT 1X Winner
Profile photo of Frederik Jensen dk
Frederik Jensen
EPT 1X Winner
Profile photo of Denys Shafikov ua
Denys Shafikov

Tags: Denys ShafikovFrederik Jensen

Hands 129-134: Shafikov Loses More

Nível 35 : 150,000/300,000, 50,000 ante

Hand #129: Denys Shafikov raised to 600,000 with {Q-Hearts}{2-Hearts} and John Juanda called from the big blind with {9-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}. The flop brought out {2-Clubs}{8-Spades}{4-Diamonds} and Juanda check-folded to a bet of 700,000.

Hand #130: Frederik Jensen won the hand after unknown action.

Hand #131: John Juanda raised on the button to 600,000 with {A-Diamonds}{K-Diamonds} and Denys Shafikov three-bet to 1,700,000 from the big blind with {A-Clubs}{9-Clubs}. Juanda moved all in when the action got back to him, and Shafikov went into the tank. Eventually Shafikov folded and Juanda won the pot.

Hand #132: John Juanda raised under the gun with {A-Diamonds}{X-} to 600,000 and he won the pot.

Hand #133: Steve Warburton raised to 750,000 from the small blind with {7-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds} and he took down the pot.

Hand #134: John Juanda limped from the small blind and Frederik Jensen checked in the big blind. The flop brought out {K-Clubs}{4-Spades}{5-Spades} and Juanda check-called 400,000 with unknown cards. Jensen had {Q-Spades}{J-Spades} and the turn was the {2-Diamonds}. Jensen bet another 1.1 million on the turn, and that was enough to take down the pot.

Tags: Denys ShafikovFrederik JensenJohn JuandaSteve Warburton

Nível: 35

Blinds: 150,000/300,000

Ante: 50,000

Hands 127-128: Frederik Jensen Doubles With Tens Through Aces

Nível 34 : 125,000/250,000, 25,000 ante
Frederik Jensen
Frederik Jensen

Hand #127: Frederik Jensen picked up {A-Spades}{J-Diamonds} in the small blind and moved in. He was thrown the all in triangle but got no action from Shafikov.

Hand #128: Jensen on the button made it 500,000 with {10-Spades}{10-Clubs}. Denys Shafikov in the small blind three bet with {A-Hearts}{A-Clubs} and Steve Warburton folded pocket fours from the big blind. Jensen instantly moved all in and Shafikov called just as quick.

The flop came {6-Diamonds}{J-Hearts}{7-Clubs} and Jensen saw his equity diminish to 11%. The {K-Diamonds} hit the turn and now Jensen really needed just a ten.

He got exactly that with the {10-Diamonds} on the river and he doubled up!

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Frederik Jensen dk
Frederik Jensen
EPT 1X Winner
Profile photo of Denys Shafikov ua
Denys Shafikov

Tags: Denys ShafikovFrederik Jensen

Hands 122-126: Juanda and Shafikov Tied for Second

Nível 34 : 125,000/250,000, 25,000 ante

Hand #122: Denys Shafikov raised to 500,000 with {Q-Clubs}{5-Hearts} from the button and John Juanda called from the big blind with {A-Diamonds}{5-Spades}. The flop brought out {3-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}{K-Hearts} and both players checked. On the turn the {A-Clubs} hit and Shafikov bet 650,000, Juanda called.

On the river the {5-Clubs} hit and Juanda checked again, after which Shafikov did the same. Juanda took down the pot and he and Shafikov are now tied for second.

Hand #123: Denys Shafikov raised under the gun to 500,000 with {9-Diamonds}{9-Clubs} and he won the pot.

Hand #124: Steve Warburton raised under the gun to 500,000 with {K-Hearts}{9-Diamonds} and John Juanda looked down on {A-Clubs}{Q-Diamonds} on the button. Juanda three-bet to 1,250,000 and he won the pot.

Hand #125: Steve Warburton received a walk in the big blind with pocket queens.

Hand #126: Denys Shafikov raised to 500,000 with {J-Diamonds}{8-Hearts} from the button and John Juanda called from the big blind with {9-Diamonds}{X-}. The flop came down {4-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds}{6-Clubs} and Shafikov bet 550,000 after Juanda checked t him. Juanda folded and Shafikov regained some chips.

Tags: Denys ShafikovJohn JuandaSteve Warburton

Hand 121: Warburton Extends his Lead, Jensen in Trouble

Nível 34 : 125,000/250,000, 25,000 ante

Hand #121: Frederik Jensen raised to 500,000 with {K-Clubs}{10-Hearts} and Steve Warburton called from the big blind. The flop brought out {A-Diamonds}{J-Hearts}{6-Clubs} Warburton check-called 500,000.

On the turn brought the {6-Diamonds} and both players checked. The river was the {A-Hearts} and Warburton lead out for 1,075,000. Jensen had two pair with the king kicker, while Warburton had made a full house. Jensen eventually called and Warburton showed his full house to take down the pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Steve Warburton gb
Steve Warburton
Profile photo of Denys Shafikov ua
Denys Shafikov
Profile photo of John Juanda id
John Juanda
Poker Hall of Famer
EPT 1X Winner
Profile photo of Frederik Jensen dk
Frederik Jensen
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Frederik JensenSteve Warburton

Hands 116-120: Jensen Loses 2, Wins 2

Nível 34 : 125,000/250,000, 25,000 ante

Hand #116: Juanda with {8-Spades}{8-Clubs} on the button made it 500,000. Jensen in the small blind with {K-Diamonds}{Q-Diamonds} called. The flop came {4-Diamonds}{9-Spades}{9-Clubs} and Jensen checked. Juanda made a 500,000 continuation bet and Jensen instantly folded.

Hand #117: Jensen made it 500,000 from the button with {A-Clubs}{10-Diamonds} and Shafikov three bet to 1,450,000 from the small blind with {A-Hearts}{6-Hearts}. Jensen thought about it for a bit but folded the best hand.

Hand #118: Steve Warburton in the small blind with {Q-Hearts}{10-Hearts} limped in and John Juanda checked {A-Clubs}{6-Hearts}. The flop came {8-Hearts}{J-Hearts}{7-Diamonds} making Warburton the favorite. Warburton bet 325,000 into 600,000 and Juanda instantly folded.

Hand #119: Shafikov made it 500,000 under the gun with {A-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}. Jensen in the big blind with {A-Hearts}{Q-Spades} moved in for 5,775,000 and Shafikov folded.

Hand #120: Juanda made it 500,000 to go from the button with {10-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}. Frederik Jensen in the small blind thought about it for a bit with {K-Clubs}{5-Diamonds} before three betting to 1,425,000 with {K-Clubs}{5-Diamonds}. TShafikov and Juanda both folded and Jensen was back at around 7 million.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Denys Shafikov ua
Denys Shafikov
Profile photo of Steve Warburton gb
Steve Warburton
Profile photo of John Juanda id
John Juanda
Poker Hall of Famer
EPT 1X Winner
Profile photo of Frederik Jensen dk
Frederik Jensen
EPT 1X Winner

Tags: Frederik JensenJohn JuandaSteve WarburtonDenys Shafikov

Hands 111-115: Warburton Establishes Dominance

Nível 34 : 125,000/250,000, 25,000 ante
Steve Warburton
Steve Warburton

Hand #111: Denys Shafikov raised to 500,000 from the button with {8-Diamonds}{8-Clubs} and John Juanda three-bet from the big blind to 1,500,000 with {A-Spades}{K-Clubs}. Shafikov went into the tank for a while before making the call.

The flop brought out {J-Clubs}{Q-Hearts}{9-Hearts} and both players checked, putting the {3-Hearts} on the turn. On the river the {A-Diamonds} hit after two more checks, and now Juanda reached for chips betting 1,500,000. Shafikov stared Juanda down but eventually he folded his cards.

Hand #112: Shafikov raised under the gun to 500,000 with {8-Spades}{7-Hearts} and Frederik Jensen called from the big blind with {6-Hearts}{5-Spades}. The flop bough out {A-Spades}{Q-Clubs}{10-Clubs} and Jensen check-folded to a bet of 500,000.

Hand #113: Steve Warburton raised to 500,000 under the gun with {Q-Spades}{10-Spades} and Jensen called from the big blind with {6-Spades}{6-Clubs}. The flop brought out {Q-Diamonds}{K-Hearts}{9-Hearts} and Jensen checked again, after which Warburton checked behind. The turn was the {4-Spades} and again the action was checked.

The river was the {J-Clubs} and Jensen checked a third time. Warburton bet 650,000 and Jensen eventually folded.

Hand #114: Jensen raised under the gun to 500,000 with {5-Spades}{3-Spades} and Denys Shafikov three-bet from the button to 1,450,000. That was enough to get Jensen to fold.

Hand #115: Denys Shafikov raised under the gun to 500,000 with {K-Diamonds}{8-Hearts} and both Warburton and Jensen called. The flop came down {10-Hearts}{3-Spades}{3-Clubs}.

Jensen had {J-Spades}{6-Spades} in the big blind, he checked, and Shafikov bet 675,000. Warburton called, holding the {10-Spades} and one unknown card, while Jensen folded.

The turn was the {5-Spades} and Shafikov bet 1,575,000 and Warburton made the call after quite a while. On the river the {2-Hearts} hit and Shafikov was first to act once more. Shafikov opted to check, and Warburton fired out a hefty bet of 5.5 million and Shafikov folded quickly.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Steve Warburton gb
Steve Warburton

Tags: Denys ShafikovFrederik JensenJohn JuandaSteve Warburton