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2015 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo? Casino EPT Grand Final

�100,000 Super High Roller
Dias: 3
Event Info

2015 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo? Casino EPT Grand Final

Resultados Finais
M?o Vencedora
Event Info
Informa??es do N��vel
150,000 / 300,000

Closing the Gap

N��vel 23 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

Hand #158: Seidel opened for 350,000 with {K-Hearts}{10-Spades} and Urbanovich made the call holding {A-Clubs}{6-Clubs}. The flop came {7-Clubs}{K-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds} putting Seidel well in front. Urbanovich checked, and he raised Seidel's 400,000 bet to 925,000. Seidel wasn't parting with his flopped top pair and called.

With the pot now at 2,590,000, the {7-Spades} fell on the turn. Urbanovich checked and Seidel checked behind. The {J-Clubs} completed the board and Urbanovich bet 1,130,000 and Seidel called, winning the big hand with his pair of kings.

10,725,000 for Urbanovich and 7,090,000 for Seidel, the gap getting smaller.

Hand #159: Urbanovich with {8-Spades}{3-Diamonds} limped in, Seidel checked his {8-Clubs}{7-Spades}. The flop came {8-Clubs}{6-Clubs}{6-Hearts} and Seidel checked. Urbanovich bet 180,000 and Seidel check-raised to 560,000 with his open-ended. Urbanovich folded his 8%-hand.

Hand #160: Seidel folded {5-Clubs}{3-Hearts} on the button.

Hand #161: Urbanovich limped in with {10-Clubs}{9-Diamonds} and Seidel checked, showing just the {2-Clubs}. {9-Hearts}{7-Spades}{Q-Diamonds} on the flop and Seidel check-folded to Urbanovich's 185,000 bet.

Tags: Dzmitry UrbanovichErik Seidel

Urbanovich's Set Takes a Big One

N��vel 23 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

Hand #153: Dzmitry Urbanovich raised to 350,000 with a hand containing {9-Clubs}, and Erik Seidel made it 825,000 with the {7-Hearts}{3-Diamonds}. Urbanovich mucked.

Hand #154: The two saw a {4-Spades}{k-Spades}{8-Diamonds} flop for the minimum, and they checked to see a {j-Diamonds} turn. Urbanovich bet 265,000 with the {10-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}, and Seidel called with {a-Clubs}{5-Diamonds}. The river paired the board with the {4-Hearts}, and Seidel took it down after both checked.

Hand #155: Urbanovich opened to 385,000 with the {6-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}, and Seidel defended with {q-Spades}{9-Clubs}. Both hit the flop hard as {9-Spades}{6-Spades}{5-Diamonds} flopped, and Urbanovich bet 415,000. Seidel called, and the {3-Diamonds} arrived. He faced a bigger bet of 885,000 but again made the called. The {4-Spades} completed every draw, so it went check-check and Urbanovich took the hefty pot.

Hand #156: Seidel raised to 350,000 with the {10-Diamonds}{9-Spades}, and Urbanovich called with {7-Spades}{5-Diamonds} after some double-fisted shuffling. Seidel called a 285,000 lead on the {9-Hearts}{2-Clubs}{q-Diamonds}, and both checked the {2-Diamonds}, seeing a {q-Spades} river. Urbanovich fired out a 385,000 bluff, and Seidel quickly called and won.

Hand #157: Urbanovich bet 190,000 on a {4-Spades}{3-Diamonds}{k-Clubs} flop, and Seidel called with the {a-Spades} and an unknown card. He checked the {6-Diamonds}, and Urbanovich, who held {8-Clubs}{7-Hearts}, continued firing with 735,000. That was enough to convince Seidel to muck.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Dzmitry Urbanovich pl
Dzmitry Urbanovich
EPT 1X Winner
Profile photo of Erik Seidel us
Erik Seidel
Poker Hall of Famer

Tags: Dzmitry UrbanovichErik Seidel

Beginning of a Comeback for Seidel

N��vel 23 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

Hand #147: Urbanovich limped in from the button with {10-Diamonds}{4-Spades}, Seidel checked with again no cards shown on the screen. {A-Clubs}{2-Spades}{A-Diamonds} on the flop and Seidel check folded to Urbanovich's bet.

Hand #148: Seidel limped in with a {J-Diamonds} showing and Urbanovich raised it up to 325,000 with {K-Hearts}{J-Spades}. Seidel folded.

Hand #149: Urbanovich with {10-Hearts}{3-Clubs} limped in, Seidel found {K-Spades}{10-Diamonds} and bumped it up to 485,000. Urbanovich folded.

Hand #150: Seidel raised his button to 350,000 with {A-Clubs}{3-Hearts}. Urbanovich called with {6-Clubs}{4-Diamonds}. The {6-Diamonds}{K-Hearts}{Q-Diamonds} flop made Urbanovich check call Seidel's 400,000 bet. The {5-Diamonds} hit the turn and Urbanovich checked again, with now a small flush draw to accompany his pair. Seidel pondered for a bit, and checked behind. The {A-Spades} hit the river and Urbanovich bet 585,000 into the 1,540,000 pot. Seidel made the call, and won the pot with his rivered ace.

Hand #151: Urbanovich opened with {9-Diamonds}{7-Clubs} for 350,000, Seidel called with {8-Hearts}{5-Clubs}. 740,000 in the pot going to {Q-Clubs}{J-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}. Seidel checked and Urbanovich bet out 185,000. Seidel tanked for quite some time, but folded in the end.

Hand #152: Seidel opened for 350,000 in with {K-Clubs}{8-Diamonds} and Urbanovich called with {9-Hearts}{7-Hearts}. Both players checked the {8-Clubs}{A-Spades}{9-Spades} flop and they checked as well on the {6-Clubs} on the turn. The {4-Spades} hit the river and Urbanovich bet 425,000. Seidel called with king-high, but had to muck after he saw Urbanovich's pair of nines upon showdown.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Dzmitry Urbanovich pl
Dzmitry Urbanovich
EPT 1X Winner
Profile photo of Erik Seidel us
Erik Seidel
Poker Hall of Famer

Tags: Dzmitry UrbanovichErik Seidel

Seidel Gets Paid Big on River

N��vel 23 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

Hand #144: Erik Seidel raised to 325,000 with {8-Hearts}{6-Hearts}, and Dzmitry Urbanovich made it 755,000 with the {a-Diamonds} and an unknown second card. Seidel decided to see the flop, which came {k-Clubs}{k-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}. Urbanovich bet 325,000 and took the pot.

Hand #145: Urbanovich raised to 350,000 with {3-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}, and Seidel called with {a-Hearts}. Both checked the {8-Clubs}{10-Spades}{k-Hearts}, and Seidel check-called 250,000 on the {a-Diamonds}. Check-check on the {9-Hearts}, and Urbanovich won against {a-Hearts}{5-Hearts}.

Hand #146: After unknown preflop action, the {6-Spades}{7-Clubs}{7-Diamonds} flopped. Seidel appeared to call a bet of 160,000, leading to a {4-Diamonds} turn. Urbanovich checked, and Seidel bet 300,000 with a hand containing the {3-Spades}. We now saw Urbanovich with the {6-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}, and he called. The river brought a {q-Spades}, and Urbanovich bet 340,000. Seidel pushed forward two towers and some extra chips, 1.3 million. Urbanovich removed his sunglasses and frowned, then flipped in a chip to call.

Seidel showed {5-Hearts}{3-Spades} and took the pot with his straight.

Tags: Dzmitry UrbanovichErik Seidel

Seidel Three-Bets Urbanovich

N��vel 23 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

Hand #139: Dzmitry Urbanovich took down the pot with a raise with {a-}{10-} on the button.

Hand #140: Urbanovich got a walk.

Hand #141: Urbanovich raised to 350,000 with {7-Diamonds}{5-Clubs} and took the pot.

Hand #142: Erik Seidel raised with a hand containing the {q-Spades} and took it down preflop.

Hand #143: Urbanovich raised to 350,000 with {4-Hearts}{2-Hearts}. Seidel had a better hand, containing the {a-Spades}, but it was unknown how much better since his other card was obscured. He made it 900,000, and Urbanovich folded.

Tags: Dzmitry UrbanovichErik Seidel

N��vel: 23

Blinds: 80,000/160,000

Ante: 20,000

Seidel Shoves All In

N��vel 22 : 60,000/120,000, 20,000 ante

Hand #134: Seidel opened his button and Urbanovich found {5-Hearts}{5-Spades} and called. The flop came {J-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}{Q-Spades} and both players checked. The {K-Diamonds} hit the turn and Urbanovich checked again. Seidel bet 300,000 and Urbanovich called.

The {A-Spades} fell on the river and Urbanovich bet out 630,000. Seidel tanked for a bit and folded the better hand.

Hand #135: Urbanovich with {J-Diamonds}{9-Clubs} limped in, Seidel checked with {J-Spades}{10-Hearts}. The flop came {9-Diamonds}{K-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds} and Seidel checked. Urbanovich checked behind. The {5-Clubs} hit the turn and Seidel check folded to Urbanovich's 150,000 bet.

Hand #136: Seidel with the {6-Clubs}{2-Clubs} limped in from the small blind/button. Urbanovich raised it up to 305,000 with {9-Hearts}{9-Diamonds} and Seidel three-bet to 800,000.

"No more blacks?" Urbanovich asked, "No, about three million" Seidel said. Urbanovich announced all in and Seidel folded after a little bit of Hollywooding.

Hand #137: {8-Spades}{3-Clubs} on the button for Urbanovich and he limped in. Seidel had just the {10-Diamonds} showing and raised it up to 375,000. Urbanovich didn't do anything fancy and just folded.

Hand #138: Seidel with {K-Spades}{8-Spades} on the button raised it up from the button to 275,000. Urbanovich holding {7-Spades}{7-Clubs} three-bet to 585,000. Seidel counted out his chips, and made the call.

1,410,000 in the pot and {4-Diamonds}{J-Hearts}{Q-Spades} on the flop. Both players checked and the {10-Spades} hit the turn, giving Seidel a ton of outs. Urbanovich bet 675,000 and Seidel, with 45% equity, announced all in. It was 2,345,000 to Urbanovich and he almost instantly folded.

Tags: Erik SeidelDzmitry Urbanovich