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2016 PokerStars EPT Season 13 Prague

€50,000 Super High Roller
Dias: 3
Event Info

2016 PokerStars EPT Season 13 Prague

Resultados Finais
M?o Vencedora
Event Info
Informa??es do Nível
60,000 / 120,000

Nível: 21

Blinds: 50,000/100,000

Ante: 10,000

Hands #56-59: A Lot of Folds

Nível 20 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante

Hand 56: From the small blind, Viacheslav Buldygin pushed all in with {A-Diamonds}{6-Spades}. Juha Helppi folded {5-Hearts}{4-Hearts} in the big blind.

Hand 57: Leon Tsoukernik received a walk in the big blind with {Q-Hearts}{8-Hearts}.

Hand 58: Leon Tsoukernik limped in with {7-Diamonds}{8-Spades} from the small blind. Charlie Carrel, with the {Q-Clubs}{J-Spades} and 1.57 million in the big blind, asked Tsoukernik if he was trapping.

"I might have to got with it," Carrel said before he eventually decided to check anyway.

The flop came {A-Hearts}{8-Hearts}{6-Hearts} and Tsoukernik bet 200,000, doubling the pot. Carrel folded.

Hand 59: Juha Helppi moved all in for 920,000 with {A-Clubs}{9-Diamonds} and took down the blinds and antes.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Leon Tsoukernik cz
Leon Tsoukernik
Profile photo of Viacheslav Buldygin ru
Viacheslav Buldygin
Profile photo of Charlie Carrel gb
Charlie Carrel
Profile photo of Juha Helppi fi
Juha Helppi

Tags: Charlie CarrelJuha HelppiLeon TsoukernikViacheslav Buldygin

Hands #51-55: Buldygin Takes from Tsoukernik

Nível 20 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante

Hand 51: Charlie Carrel moved all in for 1,505,000 with the {A-Hearts}{J-Clubs} from the small blind and Viacheslav Buldygin folded in the big blind.

Hand 52: First to act, Leon Tsoukernik raised 500,000 with {K-Spades}{Q-Hearts} and Juha Helppi gave it some thought in the big blind with {Q-Clubs}{J-Clubs}, but ultimately folded.

Hand 53: In the small blind, Helppi shoved for 920,000 with the {A-Diamonds}{10-Hearts} and Tsoukernik folded {8-Spades}{2-Clubs} in the big blind. "If you win this one, you have to take the picture with seven-deuce," Carrel added in table chat.

Hand 54: Carrel received a walk in the big blind with {Q-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}.

Hand 55: Tsoukernik limped in from the button with {8-Spades}{7-Clubs} and Carrel with {8-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds} in the small blind, filled up the extra 40,000. Viacheslav Buldygin had the {J-Spades}{9-Clubs} in the big blind and checked his option.

The flop fell {J-Clubs}{5-Hearts}{3-Clubs} and Carrel checked, as did Buldygin with top pair. Tsoukernik only had eight-high and bet 225,000, Carrel folded and Buldygin called.

The {6-Clubs} appeared on the turn and Buldygin checked again. Tsoukernik fired a second bet worth 275,000 and Buldygin called. The {10-Hearts} river saw a third check by the Russian and Tsoukernik checked behind, then said "I needed the nine," while a surprised Buldygin raked in the pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Leon Tsoukernik cz
Leon Tsoukernik
Profile photo of Viacheslav Buldygin ru
Viacheslav Buldygin
Profile photo of Charlie Carrel gb
Charlie Carrel
Profile photo of Juha Helppi fi
Juha Helppi

Tags: Charlie CarrelJuha HelppiLeon TsoukernikViacheslav Buldygin

Hands #46-50: Small Pots Galore

Nível 20 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante

Hand 46: Leon Tsoukernik pushed from the small blind with just the {K-Hearts} showing. Charlie Carrel folded his {Q-Spades}{2-Hearts} in the big blind.

Hand 47: Small blind Charlie Carrel announced all in with {A-Clubs}{6-Hearts} for 1,345,000. Viacheslav Buldygin with {K-Hearts}{J-Clubs} in the big blind asked for a count.

"Ace? King?" Buldygin asked just before folding.

Hand 48: From first-position, Leon Tsoukernik raised {J-Spades}{J-Hearts} to 300,000. Viacheslav Buldygin (king-ten) and Helppi ({J-Clubs}{2-Clubs}) folded their blinds and left the pot to Tsoukernik.

Hand 49: From the small blind, Juha Helppi pushed for 980,000 with {K-Hearts}{6-Hearts}. Leon Tsoukernik folded {5-Spades}{2-Diamonds} in the big blind.

Hand 50: Charlie Carrel received a walk in the big blind.

Tags: Charlie CarrelJuha HelppiLeon TsoukernikViacheslav Buldygin

Hands #45: Helppi Doubles Through Buldygin

Nível 20 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante

Hand 45: "How much are you playing Juha? Like 500?" Charlie Carrel asked and then elected to fold first to act. Viacheslav Buldygin on the button raised to 175,000 and Helppi moved all in for 490,000 in the small blind.

Leon Tsoukernik asked for a count on the shove and the raise, then folded the {9-Clubs}{6-Diamonds} in the big blind. Buldygin called and the cards were tabled.

Juha Helppi: {A-Hearts}{2-Spades}
Viacheslav Buldygin: {A-Clubs}{Q-Hearts}

"I think I folded deuces," Carrel joked. The flop came {K-Hearts}{9-Hearts}{2-Diamonds} and Helppi improved to a pair of deuces. On the {2-Hearts} turn, the Finn locked up the double to make the {3-Diamonds} river meaningless

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Leon Tsoukernik cz
Leon Tsoukernik
Profile photo of Viacheslav Buldygin ru
Viacheslav Buldygin
Profile photo of Charlie Carrel gb
Charlie Carrel
Profile photo of Juha Helppi fi
Juha Helppi

Tags: Charlie CarrelJuha HelppiLeon TsoukernikViacheslav Buldygin

Hands #40-44: Helppi Getting Real Short

Nível 20 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante

Hand 40: Leon Tsoukernik, under the gun with {A-Hearts}{3-Hearts}, counted out his chips for everyone to hear. "One million, two million,...", prompting a big smile by Carrel. He then raised to 310,000 and took down the blinds of antes.

Hand 41: Tsoukernik received a walk in the big blind with {J-Spades}{10-Spades}.

Hand 42: Juha Helppi woke up with a real hand on the button, and raised {A-Hearts}{K-Hearts} all-in for 940,000. Both blinds folded.

Hand 43: Juha Helppi, this time under the gun with {Q-Clubs}{J-Spades}, folded. Leon Tsoukernik with the {A-Spades}{10-Spades} wasn't following suit and raised to 325,000. Charlie Carrel called with {K-Clubs}{Q-Spades} in the small blind. Viacheslav Buldygin folded {5-Spades}{3-Spades}.

"How much money do you have?" Tsoukernik asked.

"That's a very personal question," Carrel said with a big smile.

"In front of you..." Tsoukernik clarified.

The flop came {2-Spades}{9-Spades}{10-Diamonds} and Carrel check-folded to Tsoukernik's 325,000-bet.

"Good fold" Tsoukernik said while taking a bite from his banana, showing his cards not much later.

Hand 44: Under the gun, Tsoukernik limped in with the {A-Diamonds}{K-Diamonds}. Big blind Juha Helppi with {J-Spades}{7-Hearts} took a free flop of {3-Diamonds}{Q-Hearts}{Q-Clubs}. Helppi checked and then raised Tsoukernik's 250,000-bet to 500,000.

"How much do you have?" Tsoukernik asked before moving all-in. Helppi folded instantly.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Leon Tsoukernik cz
Leon Tsoukernik
Profile photo of Juha Helppi fi
Juha Helppi

Tags: Charlie CarrelJuha HelppiLeon TsoukernikViacheslav Buldygin

Hand #39: Tsoukernik Takes a Huge Pot Off Carrel with Seven Deuce

Nível 20 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante
Leon Tsoukernik
Leon Tsoukernik

Hand 39: Leon Tsoukernik raised to 200,000 with the {7-Clubs}{2-Clubs} from the button and Charlie Carrel called in the small blind with {A-Clubs}{4-Clubs}. Viacheslav Buldygin also came along with the {Q-Spades}{6-Diamonds} in the big blind and the flop fell {A-Hearts}{9-Clubs}{5-Spades}.

All three players checked and the {4-Hearts} appeared on the turn. Carrel bet 325,000 and Buldygin folded, Tsoukernik called. The {3-Spades} came on the river and Carrel started some table talk already.

Carrel bet 620,000 and then said "this could be the biggest pot of the tournament" to Tsoukernik, who slid forward a big raise without saying a word. Tsoukernik's raise was to 1,700,000 in total and Carrel said "talk to me Leon, tell me what is going on," then apologized in advance for potentially taking a lot of time on this hand.

"I love poker, it is such a good game," Carrel added and stared at the board and Tsoukernik, who gave away nothing at all behind his sunglasses. "Could be ICM suicide," Carrel then said and moved around his seat to get any information.

"This is not a forward motion, I am just picking them up and put them here," Carrel said and put together the chips for the call, still trying to get any kind of reaction from Tsoukernik.

After almost seven minutes, Carrel eventually mentioned "guess I have to" and took some more consideration before taking another 90 seconds and asking for a clock on himself. With less than 10 seconds to go, Carrel called and Tsoukernik turned over his straight.

The Czech, all smiles, then walked over to his rail to high-five and raked in the biggest pot of the tournament so far.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Leon Tsoukernik cz
Leon Tsoukernik
Profile photo of Viacheslav Buldygin ru
Viacheslav Buldygin
Profile photo of Charlie Carrel gb
Charlie Carrel
Profile photo of Juha Helppi fi
Juha Helppi

Tags: Charlie CarrelLeon TsoukernikViacheslav Buldygin

Paul Newey Eliminated in 5th Place (€200,000)

Nível 20 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante
Paul Newey
Paul Newey

Hand 38: With {8-Spades}{8-Hearts} under the gun, Viacheslav Buldygin raised to 165,000. Juha Helppi folded from the cutoff but Tsoukernik with the {8-Clubs}{4-Clubs} on the button, did call.

In the small blind, Paul Newey announced all in for 445,000 with {10-Spades}{10-Hearts}. Charlie Carrel folded his big blind and Buldygin reshoved. Tsoukernik folded.

Buldygin had just a single direct out, but gained some cards he could hit on the {6-Spades}{7-Spades}{10-Clubs}-flop. The {Q-Hearts} on the turn was effectively a blank but the {9-Hearts} on the river sure wasn't as it made Buldygin a straight.

After finishing this event in second place back in 2014, now a fifth place finish for Paul Newey worth €200,000. The remaining four players are guaranteed €258,800 from here on out.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Leon Tsoukernik cz
Leon Tsoukernik
Profile photo of Charlie Carrel gb
Charlie Carrel
Profile photo of Viacheslav Buldygin ru
Viacheslav Buldygin
Profile photo of Juha Helppi fi
Juha Helppi
Profile photo of Paul Newey gb
Paul Newey

Tags: Charlie CarrelJuha HelppiLeon TsoukernikPaul NeweyViacheslav Buldygin

Nível: 20

Blinds: 40,000/80,000

Ante: 10,000