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2016 PokerStars EPT Season 13 Prague

€50,000 Super High Roller
Dias: 3
Event Info

2016 PokerStars EPT Season 13 Prague

Resultados Finais
M?o Vencedora
Event Info
Informa??es do Nível
60,000 / 120,000

Hands #6-7: Great Table Talk Gives Carrel the Lead

Nível 18 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante
Charlie Carrel
Charlie Carrel

Hand 6: Charlie Carrel was first to act and raised {K-Spades}{J-Diamonds} to 125,000. Over on the bubble, Juha Helppi with the {Q-Clubs}{10-Clubs} called. Leon Tsoukernik with {A-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds} called from the small blind, Paul Newey folded {7-Clubs}{4-Clubs} from the big blind.

The flop came {6-Hearts}{9-Spades}{Q-Hearts}, giving Helppi top pair. Tsoukernik checked, followed by a bet of 190,000 into the 455,000 pot by Carrel. Helppi called before Tsoukernik folded.

The {9-Hearts} hit the turn, a third heart and a card that paired the board. Carrel checked, and folded to Helppi's 125,000-bet.

Hand 7: In the cutoff, Juha Helppi raised {A-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds} to 125,000. His neighbor on the button, Leon Tsoukernik, found {A-Hearts}{9-Spades} and three-bet to 325,000.

Paul Newey folded his small blind right away but Charlie Carrel in the big blind wasn't following his example just like that. Carrel, with the {10-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}, called and Helppi tanked for a bit before he gave up.

The flop came {Q-Spades}{8-Spades}{4-Hearts} and Carrel checked. "Big pot or small pot, it's up to you. You're the one behind the wheel." Carrel said. Tsoukernik checked behind.

With still 830,000 in the pot, the {J-Spades} hit the turn. Carrel bet 275,000 and Tsoukernik, now with a straight flush draw, asked if Carrel wanted to be the sixth place finisher.

"I'll take a flip between first and sixth" Carrel replied.

"Take it easy now" Julian Thomas added to the conversation.

Tsoukernik called, growing the pot to 1,380,000. The {K-Spades} completed the board.

"I'm gonna be honest, I'm probably not gonna finish sixth anymore. This is a game changer!" Carrel said.

Some great table talk followed with Tsoukernik and Carrel going at it.

"With the risk of looking silly, I'm gonna bet 650,000. Please don't make me look silly." Carrel said before betting 650,000.

Tsoukernik cut out 650,000 to call but put it back not much later. Some more chatter followed and Tsoukernik took back the calling chips. After 6 minutes in the tank, the clock was called on Tsoukernik.

Down to just 20 seconds of time to act, Tsoukernik folded the best hand.

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Profile photo of Charlie Carrel gb
Charlie Carrel
Profile photo of Leon Tsoukernik cz
Leon Tsoukernik

Tags: Charlie CarrelLeon Tsoukernik