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2019 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo?Casino EPT

€25,000 EPT High Roller
Dias: 3
Event Info

2019 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo?Casino EPT

Resultados Finais
M?o Vencedora
Event Info
Informa??es do Nível
80,000 / 160,000

€25,000 EPT High Roller

Dia 3 Terminado

Benjamin Pollak Wins 2019 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo?Casino EPT €25,000 High Roller for €705,840

Nível 30 : 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante
EPT High Roller Champion Benjamin Pollak
EPT High Roller Champion Benjamin Pollak

Benjamin Pollak has taken down the 2019 PokerStars and Monte-Carlo?Casino EPT €25,000 High Roller after defeating German Koray Aldemir heads up. After an exciting final day's play, and over two hours of heads-up, the pair agreed to a deal splitting the remaining prize money and guaranteeing themselves €655,840 with €50,000 additional reserved for the winner.

Pollak won all three all-ins whilst heads-up, once to get back into contention, the second to wrestle the chip lead away from Aldemir - who had sensationally grabbed it earlier from Laszlo Bujtas - with Pollak's third all-in seeing him secure the title and €50,000 extra in prize money.

"You're a tough one to play against," Pollak said to Aldemir shortly after his victory. "You gave me a headache for two hours."

Final Table Results

PlaceNameCountryPayout (EUR)Payout (USD)
1Benjamin PollakFrance€ 705,840$787,012
2Koray AldemirGermany€ 655,840$731,262
3Marton CzuczorHungary€ 364,460$406,373
4Laszlo BujtasHungary€ 300,340$334,879
5Michael AddamoAustralia€ 241,290$269,038
6Sergio AidoSpain€ 188,980$210,713
7Laurynas LevinskasLithuania€ 141,730$158,029
8Daniel DvoressCanada€ 104,610$116,640
9Joao VieieraPortugal€ 80,990$90,304

Final Day Recap

Joao Vieira was the first elimination of the day within the first level. Coming into the day as the shortest stack, he got ace-four in against the ace-jack of Sergio Aido to hit the rail.

Less than twenty minutes later, Daniel Dvoress followed him in dramatic fashion. Getting eight-nine in against the pocket jacks of Laszlo Bujtas he made a straight by the turn, but the river improved Bujtas to a full house and Dvoress was eliminated.

By this point, Bujtas was pulling away as Benjamin Pollak and Marton Czuczor both doubled behind him.

Lithuanian Laurynas Levinskas went next in seventh place. After flopping top pair with ace-king, he looked set to double before Koray Aldemir rivered a set with pocket jacks and was eliminated.

This strengthened Aldemir's position and he moved into the lead before the second break of the day.

Sergio Aido
Sergio Aido

Three players returned from that break with 15 big blinds or less, and Super High Roller Champion Aido was next to be eliminated. He was in good shape with pocket aces, but they were cracked by the queen-nine of Bujtas who flopped two pair to regain his chip lead.

One elimination became two in quick succession as Michael Addamo ran ace-six into the ace-ten of Pollak after failing to recover from Czuczor's earlier double.

Aldemir with the Hero Call

What had been a fairly ordinary final table thus far changed completely with an extraordinary herocall from Aldemir.

Blind on blind, Aldemir limped and called a raise from Bujtas. The German check-called all three streets against Bujtas, with the Hungarian turning over Doyle Brunson's hand: ten-deuce. Aldemir had flopped top pair and soared into the chip lead with over half the chips in play four-handed.

Bujtas failed to recover and was eliminated in brutal fashion shortly thereafter as compatriot Czuczor went runner-runner to make a straight.

Three-handed Aldemir remained in the lead up until the tournament went on dinner break. On resumption, Czuczor's river call with top pair went wrong when Aldemir turned over a full house, and the second Hungarian at the final table was eliminated.

Heads Up
Heads Up

Aldemir built an early lead and was one card away from sealing victory. However, Pollak made his flush draw on the river to double back into the match.

And although Aldemir opened up a gap once more, Pollak's second heads-up double saw him take over the chip lead after his aces held against the jacks of his opponent.

The pair then agreed to a deal, securing each player €655,840 with the winner receiving an extra €50,000. By the third, all in Pollak's run good was on full display. He got it in with middle pair and a flush draw against the top pair of Aldemir and rivered a set to secure the second EPT High Roller title of his career after winning the €50,000 High Roller at EPT Barcelona last August.

EPT High Roller Champion Benjamin Pollak
EPT High Roller Champion Benjamin Pollak

Tags: Benjamin PollakDaniel DvoressJoao VieiraKoray AldemirLaszlo BujtasLaurynas LevinskasMarton CzuczorMichael AddamoSergio Aido

Koray Aldemir Eliminated in 2nd Place (€655,840*)

Nível 30 : 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante
Koray Aldemir
Koray Aldemir

Koray Aldemir limped and Benjamin Pollak raised to 525,000. Aldemir called.

The flop came {k-Hearts}{6-Hearts}{4-Hearts} and Pollak continued for 450,000. Aldemir moved all in for 1,945,000.

Pollak asked for a count before saying "Gamble!" and throwing in a single chip to call.

Benjamin Pollak: {9-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}
Koray Aldemir: {k-Spades}{10-Clubs}

The turn was the {2-Clubs} but the river {9-Spades} improved Pollak to a set, beating the top pair of Aldemir sending the German to the rail. He wins €655,840 for his second place finish after the players' heads-up deal.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Benjamin Pollak fr
Benjamin Pollak
Profile photo of Koray Aldemir de
Koray Aldemir

Tags: Benjamin PollakKoray Aldemir

Nível: 30

Blinds: 80,000/160,000

Ante: 160,000

Aldemir Finds a Lucky Double

Nível 29 : 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante

Benjamin Pollak announced all in on the button and Koray Aldemir peeled one card at a time before nodding in approval. Aldemir stuck in the last of his 1,005,000 chips and the cards were tabled.

Koray Aldemir: {q-Diamonds}{j-Hearts}
Benjamin Pollak: {k-Diamonds}{q-Spades}

Despite being in a dominated position, Aldemir picked up some outs on the {10-Hearts}{8-Hearts}{7-Diamonds} flop. The {9-Diamonds} on the turn gave Aldemir a straight and the {8-Spades} on the river secured the double up.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Benjamin Pollak fr
Benjamin Pollak
Profile photo of Koray Aldemir de
Koray Aldemir

Tags: Koray AldemirBenjamin Pollak

Aldemir Down to 12 Big Blinds

Nível 29 : 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Koray Aldemir
Koray Aldemir

Benjamin Pollak opened to 285,000 and Koray Aldemir called. The flop was {j-Clubs}{4-Clubs}{9-Hearts} and Aldemir check-called 275,000. Both players checked the {q-Spades} turn and the river was the {k-Spades}.

Aldemir check-folded to a bet of 630,000 from Pollak.

A few hands later, on a {9-Spades}{2-Hearts}{5-Clubs} flop, Pollak checked to Aldemir who bet 120,000. Pollak check-raised to 305,000 and Aldemir folded.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Benjamin Pollak fr
Benjamin Pollak
Profile photo of Koray Aldemir de
Koray Aldemir

Tags: Benjamin PollakKoray Aldemir

Pollak Barrels Three Streets

Nível 29 : 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante

Koray Aldemir limped in on the button and Benjamin Pollak raised to 450,000. Aldemir called to see a flop of {k-Spades}{6-Clubs}{3-Hearts}. Pollak led out for 275,000 and Aldemir made the call.

The turn brought the {a-Spades} and Pollak slid in a bet of 575,000. Aldemir still called and the {3-Clubs} paired the board on the river. Pollak used a time bank before shoving all in for 1,975,000. Aldemir asked for a count and also used a time bank but elected to fold.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Benjamin Pollak fr
Benjamin Pollak
Profile photo of Koray Aldemir de
Koray Aldemir

Tags: Koray AldemirBenjamin Pollak

A Deal Has Been Made

Nível 29 : 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Deal Agreed
Deal Agreed

After a little more discussion and the chip stacks evening out, the two players have come to an agreement. They will each pocket €655,840 and continue to play for another €50,000 plus the trophy.

Pollak Moves Ahead

Nível 29 : 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante

On a {j-Hearts}{10-Spades}{8-Hearts} board, Benjamin Pollak check-called 120,000 from Koray Aldemir. The turn was the {3-Clubs}. Pollak check-called 470,000 from Aldemir.

The river was the {4-Diamonds}. Both players checked. Pollak showed {j-Diamonds}{2-Spades} which was good enough to take down the pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Benjamin Pollak fr
Benjamin Pollak
Profile photo of Koray Aldemir de
Koray Aldemir

Tags: Benjamin PollakKoray Aldemir

Nível: 29

Blinds: 60,000/120,000

Ante: 120,000