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2014 EPT Season 11 London

£10,300 High Roller
Dias: 3
Event Info

2014 EPT Season 11 London

Resultados Finais
M?o Vencedora
Event Info
Informa??es do Nível
40,000 / 80,000

Sneaky One For McCorkell

Nível 24 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante

Fady Kamar opened on the button and small blind Leonid Markin and big blind Craig McCorkell made the call.

It was checked all the way down to the river of a board reading {4-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}{6-Hearts}{q-Spades}{4-Hearts} where Markin bet 100,000. McCorkell gave him a quick look and raised to 320,000.

Kamar quickly got out of the way and it was Markin’s turn to give his opponent a puzzled look. After some thought he made the call and McCorkell showed him the {8-Clubs}{4-Clubs}.

Markin showed him his {7-Spades}{7-Diamonds}.

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Profile photo of Leonid Markin ru
Leonid Markin
Profile photo of Craig McCorkell gb
Craig McCorkell

Tags: Craig McCorkellFady KamarLeonid Markin

Salman Behbehani Eliminated in 5th Place (£117,000)

Nível 24 : 20,000/40,000, 5,000 ante
Salman Behbehani
Salman Behbehani

Salman Behbehani moved all in from second position for around 300,000 and it was passed to Fady Kamar in the big blind who tanked for a moment then made the call.

"Do you have ace-six?" asked Behbehani, quite specifically.

Kamar: {K-Clubs}{J-Diamonds}
Behbehani: {K-Hearts}{Q-Spades}

The board came {3-Diamonds}{A-Clubs}{3-Hearts}{J-Clubs}{2-Spades} and Kamar spiked a jack on the turn to knock out Behbehani in fifth place. The latter will receive £117,000 as compensation.

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Profile photo of Fady Kamar lb
Fady Kamar
Profile photo of Salman Behbehani us
Salman Behbehani

Tags: Salman BehbehaniFady Kamar

Nível: 24

Blinds: 20,000/40,000

Ante: 5,000

Markin Stays Aggressive

Nível 23 : 15,000/30,000, 4,000 ante

There has been a fair amount of limping the small blind when it has been folded to them as things get a bit more cagey now, a bit small-ball poker.

Leonid Markin though seems happy to keep up the aggression and keep his opponents guessing. Fady Kamar called in the small blind but Markin put the pressure on with a raise. Kamar duly put out the call and they saw a flop of {8-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}{q-Clubs}.

Both players checked and on the turn card {j-Clubs} Kamar check-called a bet of 80,000. The river was the {k-Diamonds} and a check from Kamar saw Markin bet 225,000. Kamar thought it over but let him have it and Markin showed him the {5-Hearts}.

Tags: Leonid MarkinFady Kamar

Martin Quack Eliminated in 6th Place (£90,700)

Nível 23 : 15,000/30,000, 4,000 ante
Martin Quack
Martin Quack

Fady Kamar opened to 65,000 preflop and it was passed around to Martin Quack who shoved for 425,000. Kamar got a count and then made the call.

Kamar: {6-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}
Quack: {K-Hearts}{J-Hearts}

There was no help on the {9-Hearts}{3-Clubs}{A-Spades} flop for Quack but the {A-Hearts} turn gave him two overs, a flush draw and a counterfeit pair draw to hit. Somehow he missed all of these on the {7-Diamonds} river and was knocked out in 6th place.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Fady Kamar lb
Fady Kamar
Profile photo of Martin Quack gb
Martin Quack

Tags: Fady KamarMartin Quack

Chen Doubles Through Behbehani

Nível 23 : 15,000/30,000, 4,000 ante
Andrew Chen
Andrew Chen

Andrew Chen open-shoved for 588,000 in second position. It was passed to Salman Behbehani in the big blind who checked his cards, gave Chen's stack a resigned look and then reluctantly made the call.

Behbehani: {A-Hearts}{Q-Spades}
Chen: {8-Spades}{8-Hearts}

The board came {3-Clubs}{5-Spades}{7-Spades}{10-Hearts}{J-Hearts} and Chen doubled up to leave Behbehani the second shortest stack remaining.

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Profile photo of Andrew Chen ca
Andrew Chen
Profile photo of Salman Behbehani us
Salman Behbehani

Quack On Track

Nível 23 : 15,000/30,000, 4,000 ante

He’s done it again. This time Martin Quack shoved from the button and Leonid Markin called from the big blind.

Quack had {j-Diamonds}{10-Clubs} and Markin held {5-Hearts}{5-Spades}. Markin stood up ready to see the cards came out as Quack calmly stayed in his seat.

The cards fell {4-Clubs}{k-Clubs}{10-Hearts}{q-Spades}{2-Hearts} and Quack continued his recovery.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Leonid Markin ru
Leonid Markin
Profile photo of Martin Quack gb
Martin Quack

Tags: Leonid MarkinMartin Quack

Chen Doubles; Quack Crippled

Nível 23 : 15,000/30,000, 4,000 ante

Andrew Chen opened from the button for 60,000 and Martin Quack moved all in for a similar stack size to Chen. Kamao folded his big blind and Chen quickly called.

Chen showed {a-Hearts}{k-Hearts} and Quack the {a-Spades}{2-Clubs}. The board ran out {4-Hearts}{9-Clubs}{6-Spades}{j-Clubs}{7-Hearts} and Chen doubled his stack but left quack with just over one big blind.

On the next hand Quack was all in on the button with {5-Spades}{5-Clubs} and got called by small blind Kamar and big blind Leonid Markin. Markin would push Kamar out on the river of a final board of {7-Spades}{j-Clubs}{8-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds}{j-Spades} but his {k-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} lost out to Quack who tripled up to stay in the game for now.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Andrew Chen ca
Andrew Chen
Profile photo of Martin Quack gb
Martin Quack

Tags: Andrew ChenMartin Quack