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2017 PokerStars Championship Macau

Main Event
Dias: 6
Event Info

2017 PokerStars Championship Macau

Resultados Finais
M?o Vencedora
2,877,500 HKD
Event Info
42,400 HKD
20,796,800 HKD
Informa??es do N��vel
150,000 / 300,000

Hands #241-247: The Grind Continues

N��vel 32 : 100,000/200,000, 25,000 ante

Hand #241: Tianyuan Tang limped and Elliot Smith raised to 600,000, winning the pot.

Hand #242: Smith raised to 400,000 and won the pot.

Hand #243: Tang limped and Smith checked, going to a flop of {4-Clubs}{k-Spades}{7-Hearts}. Smith check-folded to Tang's bet of 200,000.

Hand #244: Smith and Tang went to a flop of {4-Spades}{q-Spades}{a-Diamonds} for the minimum. They both checked to the {2-Hearts} turn and the {q-Hearts} river. Tang check-folded to Smith's bet of 200,000.

Hand #245: Smith was given a walk.

Hand #246: Smith raised to 400,000 and it seems that as soon as he saw Tang reach for raising chips, he tossed his cards away.

Hand #247: Smith was given a walk.

Tags: Elliot SmithTianyuan Tang

Hands #236-240: A Four-Bet?

N��vel 32 : 100,000/200,000, 25,000 ante

Hand #236: Elliot Smith opened to 400,000 and Tianyuan Tang made the call. The flop came {7-Hearts}{4-Hearts}{8-Clubs} and Smith continued for 400,000. Tang Folded.

Hand #237: Tang limped and folded when Smith raised to 600,000.

Hand # 238: Smith opened to 400,000 and Tang called, seeing a {7-Clubs}{q-Diamonds}{k-Diamonds} flop. Tang led out with a bet of 325,000 and Smith folded.

Hand #239: Tang made it 400,00 to go and Smith obliged. A {4-Clubs}{6-Spades}{j-Clubs} flop was laid in front of them and both checked. Smith tossed out a bet when the {6-Clubs} came on the turn and Tang folded.

Hand #240: Smith opened to 400,000, Tang three-bet to 900,000 and folded when Smith four-bet to 2,000,000.

Tags: Tianyuan TangElliot Smith

Hands #231-235: Tang Swings Back On Top

N��vel 32 : 100,000/200,000, 25,000 ante
Tianyuan Tang
Tianyuan Tang

Hand #231: Tianyuan Tang raised to 400,000 and got a call. He won the pot on the {2-Spades}{k-Diamonds}{j-Clubs} flop when he put out another bet and Elliot Smith instantly folded.

Hand #232: Smith raised to 400,000 and Tang called. Smith bet 275,000 on the {a-Hearts}{5-Spades}{k-Spades} flop and won the chips.

Hand #233: Tang limped in and Smith raised to 600,000. Tang called and the flop came {k-Spades}{5-Spades}{q-Hearts}. Smith continued with a bet of 600,000 and Tang called.

The turn was the {j-Spades} and Smith checked. Tang pushed all in for about 6,000,000 and Smith thought for most of a minute before folding.

Hand #234: Smith raised to 400,000, got called, and saw a flop of {5-Spades}{a-Diamonds}{q-Hearts}. They both checked to the {5-Clubs} turn and Tang won the pot when he placed chips forward and Smith quickly folded.

Hand #235: Tang raised to 400,000 and won the pot uncontested.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Tianyuan Tang cn
Tianyuan Tang
Profile photo of Elliot Smith ca
Elliot Smith

Tags: Elliot SmithTianyuan Tang

Hands #224-230: Tang Within Shoving Range

N��vel 32 : 100,000/200,000, 25,000 ante

Hand #224: Elliot Smith bet 200,000 on a {2-Clubs}{j-Spades}{10-Spades} flop and Tianyuan Tang called. The {7-Spades} came on the turn and both players checked. They checked again on the river {a-Hearts} and Tang showed {3-Spades}{6-Spades} for a flush.

Hand #225: Tang opened to 400,000 and Smith called. They checked to the turn on a {8-Clubs}{7-Spades}{10-Spades}{4-Diamonds} board and Smith won the pot with a bet of 275,000.

Hand #226: Smith opened to 400,000 and Tang folded.

Hand #227: Tang opened to 400,000 and Smith folded.

Hand #228: Tang took down the pot with a bet on the turn of a {9-Clubs}{8-Hearts}{k-Clubs}{2-Clubs} board.

Hand #229: Smith opened to 600,000, Tang three-bet jammed, and Smith folded.

Hand #230: Smith tossed out a bet of 200,000 on a checked-down board of {4-Hearts}{5-Spades}{7-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds} board and Tang folded.

Tags: Tianyuan TangElliot Smith

Hands #218-223: Small Bets Make Small Pots

N��vel 32 : 100,000/200,000, 25,000 ante

Hand #218: Eliot Smith won the pot when he raised to 400,000 and found no resistance.

Hand #219: Tianyuan Tang raised to 400,000 and Smith called. The flop of {a-Spades}{10-Spades}{9-Clubs} saw Smith check-fold to Tang's 450,000 bet.

Hand #220: Smith won the pot with a raise to 400,000 preflop.

Hand #221: Smith got a walk.

Hand #222: Smith and Tang went to a flop for the minimum. The dealer swiped {k-Clubs}{k-Hearts}{6-Spades} on the table and Tang check-folded to Smith's bet of 200,000.

Hand #223: Tang raised to 400,000 and Smith called, going to a flop of {2-Spades}{4-Spades}{5-Diamonds}. They both checked and the turn was the {k-Hearts}. Smith checked and then folded when Tang bet 400,000.

Tags: Elliot SmithTianyuan Tang

Hands #215-217: Everyone Loves a Chop Pot, Not Really

N��vel 32 : 100,000/200,000, 25,000 ante

Hand #215: A lovely {k-Hearts}{q-Hearts}{j-Hearts} flop was seen between Tianyuan Tang and Elliot Smith. Tang bet 200,000 and Smith called. They checked down through the turn and river {3-Diamonds}{q-Clubs} and chopped the pot with a pair of jacks each.

Hand #216: Smith opened to 400,000 and Tang called. Smith fired again on the {10-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}{10-Spades} flop and Tang folded.

Hand #217: Tang limped and Smith checked, seeing a flop of {q-Clubs}{5-Clubs}{10-Hearts}. They both checked the rest of the way, passing up bets on the turn {8-Spades} and river {a-Spades}, with Smith taking it down with {8-Hearts}{4-Hearts}.

Tags: Elliot SmithTianyuan Tang

N��vel: 32

Blinds: 100,000/200,000

Ante: 25,000

Hands #213-214: Tang Wins a Big One

N��vel 31 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

Hand #213: Tianyuan Tang opened to 380,000 and Elliot Smith called. the dealer gave them a {4-Hearts}{5-Spades}{7-Hearts} flop and Tang continued for 350,000. Smith called.

The turn was the {7-Diamonds} and Smith took over the betting lead, sliding out 325,000. Tang raised to 700,000 and Smith called.

The river introduced the {q-Clubs} and Smith check-folded to a bet of 700,000 from Tang.

Hand #214: Smith limped and Tang checked to see a {k-Hearts}{j-Clubs}{3-Hearts} flop. Both players checked and the {3-Clubs} came on the turn. Tang bet 200,000 and Smith called. The {4-Clubs} completed the board and Smith bet 275,000. Tang called and mucked when Smith tabled {k-Clubs}{8-Hearts}.

Tags: Tianyuan TangElliot Smith

Hands #207-212: Smith Wins Them All

N��vel 31 : 80,000/160,000, 20,000 ante

Hand #207: Elliot Smith was given a walk.

Hand #208: Smith limped in and Tianyuan Tang checked. The flop came {2-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}{3-Hearts} and Tang check-raised Smith's bet of 160,000. Smith called and the turn was the {2-Hearts}. They both checked and the river was the {k-Diamonds}. The checked again and Tang showed {a-Hearts}{4-Hearts}, losing the pot to Smith's {6-Clubs}{3-Spades}.

Hand #209: Smith won the pot when he raised to 510,000 over Tang's limp.

Hand #210: Smith and Tang went all the way to showdown with a limp and checks on a board of {q-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}{6-Hearts}{9-Spades}. They chopped the pot as they each contributed a jack to the board as the kicker.

Hand #211: Tang raised to 380,000 and got a call out of Smith. They checked to the {5-Hearts} turn and Smith scooped up the pot after he bet 275,000.

Hand #212: The two players got to the turn for the minimum. Smith bet 175,000 on the board of {6-Spades}{7-Spades}{5-Spades}{10-Clubs} and won the pot.

Tags: Elliot SmithTianyuan Tang