Andrzej Siemieniak Eliminated on the Bubble

N��vel 16
: 2,500/5,000, 500 ante

Action folded to Andrzej Siemieniak in the small blind and he raised. Big blind Konstantin Farber raised and Siemieniak called. Siemieniak checked on and Farber bet. Siemieniak raised and Farber shoved. Siemieniak called for over 200,000.
Andrzej Siemieniak:
Konstantin Farber:
Farber, the big stack, had nothing but a gutshot against the set of Siemieniak. But wouldn't you know it, the hit the turn. The
completed the board and Siemieniak was eliminated.
As he busted in the same hand as Mihai Manole, the two split the �8,700 reserved for place 127. Both Manole and Siemieniak get �4,350.