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2020 PokerStars Stadium Series

Stadium Series Freezeout Weekly Final - High: $2,100 NLHE [8-Max], $1.5M Gtd
Dias: 3
Event Info

2020 PokerStars Stadium Series

Resultados Finais
Parker "tonkaaaa" Talbot
M?o Vencedora
Event Info
Informa??es do Nível
200,000 / 400,000
Informa??es do Jogador - Dia 3
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Stadium Series Freezeout Weekly Final - High: $2,100 NLHE [8-Max], $1.5M Gtd

Dia 3 Terminado

Parker Talbot Scores Biggest Online Cash by Taking Down the PokerStars Stadium Series Freezeout Weekly Final for $261,489

Nível 38 : 200,000/400,000, 50,000 ante
Parker Talbot
Parker "tonkaaaa" Talbot wins the tournament for $261,489

It would take almost four hours before Parker "tonkaaaa" Talbot took the tournament win in the 2020 PokerStars Stadium Series Freezeout Weekly Final - High: $2,100 for $261,489 by defeating the Day 2 chip leader "VladTheSlaye" heads-up[/b]. The tournament attracted 768 players to the event which originally had a prize pool guarantee of $1,500,000 but ended tallying to $1,536,000 in total.

Talbot has over $4 million in cashes and even chopped a Sunday Million back in 2019 for $124.114 and finished in second place but can now add an online PokerStars title to his already impressive resumé by claiming his biggest cash here today.

PokerNews spoke to Talbot after his win: "Yessss I got this. As all poker players say, I was very due!"

When the public found out that Talbot had made the final table, they wondered if he would make a return to Twitch to stream but he didn't.

But you read it here first as Talbot said: 'I will stream this week. On Friday."

So make sure to go and check that out when he turns the stream back on for at least one day and who knows, he might consider sticking with it again.

The final table featured many winners though. "VladTheSlaye" ran deep in SCOOP events, Philip "Grindation" McAllister won a WCOOP in 2017, Alexandru "alexxt7" Farcasanu, 2014 EPT Barcelona champion Andre "D?nig" Lettau, two-time Sunday Million winner "thx4urm0n3y", 2010 EPT Copenhagen champion Anton "Bomber&Granater" Wigg, "LeslieGroves", and Sunday Million winner "losero88".

2020 PokerStars Stadium Series Freezeout Weekly Final - High: $2,100 Final Table Results

1Parker "tonkaaaa" TalbotCanada$261,489
3Philip "Grindation" McAllisterUnited Kingdom$140,232
4Alexandru "alexxt7" FarcasanuRomania$102,693
5Andre "D?nig" LettauGermany$75,203
7Anton "Bomber&Granater" WiggSweden$40,330
9"losero88"United Kingdom$23,615

From Nine to Four Players

"losero88" started the day as the short stack and even though they managed to triple up at the start of the day, about an hour later, they busted in ninth place as they were outkicked by Farcasanu. Things then started speeding up. Only a few hands later, "LeslieGroves" lost all their chips to Talbot who flopped a set of queens. Wigg was next to go when he got all his chips in with ace-ten against the nines of "VladTheSlaye".

"thx4urm0n3y" then fell in sixth place to "VladTheSlaye" with the lower kicker. Five handed play would last 40 minutes before Lettau was let go when he got it all in with king-ten against the ace-nine of McAllister. "VladTheSlaye" continued to build their chip lead and closed in on 50 million in chips when they bluffed Talbot with ace-jack on the nine-five-trey-queen-queen board. Talbot folded king-nine when "VladTheSlaye" put him all-in.

Andre Lettau - PokerStars EPT Barcelona Main Event Winner 2014
Andre "D?nig" Lettau finished in fifth place for $75,203

The Race to Heads-Up

Farcasanu left the final table in fourth place when he ran his eights into the queens of Talbot but the latter remained the shortest stack going into three-handed play. But a straight over straight for Talbot got him closer to "VladTheSlaye" and even took the chip lead for a while. McAllister bowed out in third place when he called the four-bet shove of Talbot with ace-jack. The ace-king of Talbot found another king on the flop to connect with to get the tournament to the heads-up stage.

Phillip McAllister
Philip "Grindation" McAllister finished in third place for $140,232

The Heads-Up Battle

Even though "VladTheSlaye" had an almost 2:1 chip lead, Talbot turned trips to get the stacks back to even, then got paid with the overpair of kings to leave "VladTheSlaye" behind with just over 30 big blinds. It was a downwards spiral for the Ukrainian player who eventually three-bet shoved his last 15 big blinds in with king-queen. Talbot held nines and flopped a set. "VladTheSlaye" picked up a straight draw but bricked the turn and river for the tournament to end with a Canadian win.

This concludes the PokerNews coverage of this Weekly Final but we'll be back on Sunday, August 2 with live coverage of the Stadium Series Freezeout Grand Final - Medium: $530 NLHE [8-Max], $2M Gtd and Stadium Series Freezeout Grand Final - High: $5,200 NLHE [8-Max], $5M Gtd from 7:05 p.m. CEST so see you then!

Tags: Alexandru "alexxt7" FarcasanuAndre "D?nig" LettauAnton "Bomber&Granater" WiggLeslieGroveslosero88Parker "tonkaaaa" TalbotPhilip "Grindation" McAllisterthx4urm0n3yVladTheSlaye

"VladTheSlaye" Eliminated in 2nd Place ($191,491)

Nível 38 : 200,000/400,000, 50,000 ante
Talbot Wins the Weekly Final
Talbot Wins the Weekly Final

"VladTheSlaye" was down to just under 6,000,000 on the button and opted to completed. Parker "tonkaaaa" Talbot raised it up 1,112,157 for "VladTheSlaye" to shove for 5,888,632 in total which was called by Talbot.

"VladTheSlaye": {k-Hearts}{q-Clubs}
Parker "tonkaaaa" Talbot: {9-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}

The flop came {9-Clubs}{j-Spades}{a-Spades} to keep Talbot ahead with the set of nines but for "VladTheSlaye" to pick up the straight draw.

The turn was the {7-Hearts} which didn't change things and neither did the {4-Spades} on the river as Talbot claims the win in this Weekly Final for $261,489 while "VladTheSlaye" was eliminated in second place for $191,491.

The recap of today's action is to follow.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Parker "tonkaaaa" Talbot
Parker "tonkaaaa" Talbot
Profile photo of VladTheSlaye ua
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: Parker "tonkaaaa" TalbotVladTheSlaye

Talbot Had the Overpair for a Big Chip Lead

Nível 38 : 200,000/400,000, 50,000 ante
Talbot vs VladTheSlaye
Talbot vs VladTheSlaye

Parker "tonkaaaa" Talbot raised to 920,000 from the button and was called by "VladTheSlaye".

Talbot continued with a bet of 582,000 which "VladTheSlaye" check-called on the {9-Diamonds}{4-Spades}{8-Hearts} flop.

The turn was the {2-Hearts}, "VladTheSlaye" checked again and Talbot continued with a bet of 4,345,600 which was called.

The river completed the board with the {3-Spades}, "VladTheSlaye" checked for the last time. Talbot bet 14,845,700 for "VladTheSlaye" to call. Talbot tabled {k-Spades}{k-Diamonds} for the overpair to scoop the pot and leave "VladTheSlaye" behind with just under 13 million.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Parker "tonkaaaa" Talbot
Parker "tonkaaaa" Talbot
Profile photo of VladTheSlaye ua
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: Parker "tonkaaaa" TalbotVladTheSlaye

The Stacks Even Out

Nível 38 : 200,000/400,000, 50,000 ante
Talbot vs VladTheSlaye
Talbot vs VladTheSlaye

Parker "tonkaaaa" Talbot raised to 920,000 from the button and "VladTheSlaye" made the call.

The flop came {a-Spades}{5-Spades}{4-Diamonds}, "VladTheSlaye" check-called the 970,000 bet of Talbot.

The turn brought them the {4-Spades} and "VladTheSlaye" took over the initiative and led out for 1,280,400 for Talbot to raise it up to 4,184,457 which was called.

The river completed the board with the {10-Hearts} and Talbot bet 6,542,840 after "VladTheSlaye" checked. The latter called with {q-Spades}{5-Diamonds} for Talbot to claim the pot with {4-Hearts}{2-Clubs} for the turned trip fours.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Parker "tonkaaaa" Talbot
Parker "tonkaaaa" Talbot
Profile photo of VladTheSlaye ua
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: Parker "tonkaaaa" TalbotVladTheSlaye

Philip "Grindation" McAllister Eliminated in 3rd Place ($140,232)

Nível 38 : 200,000/400,000, 50,000 ante
McAllister vs Talbot
McAllister vs Talbot

Parker "tonkaaaa" Talbot raised to 1,280,000 from the small blind and Philip "Grindation" McAllister three-bet to 3,600,000 from the big blind. Talbot responded with a four-bet shove for McAllister to make the call for the 12,522,742 he had behind.

Philip "Grindation" McAllister: {a-Clubs}{j-Hearts}
Parker "tonkaaaa" Talbot: {a-Spades}{k-Diamonds}

The board ran out {5-Clubs}{k-Hearts}{2-Diamonds}{9-Hearts}{10-Spades} for Talbot to flop top pair to eliminate McAllister in third place for $140,232.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of VladTheSlaye ua
Day 2 Chip Leader
Profile photo of Parker "tonkaaaa" Talbot
Parker "tonkaaaa" Talbot
Profile photo of Philip "Grindation" McAllister gb
Philip "Grindation" McAllister

Tags: Parker "tonkaaaa" TalbotPhilip "Grindation" McAllister

Nível: 38

Blinds: 200,000/400,000

Ante: 50,000

Chip Lead Goes Back to "VladTheSlaye"

Nível 37 : 175,000/350,000, 45,000 ante

Parker "tonkaaaa" Talbot raised to 770,000 from the button with {q-Clubs}{8-Clubs} and was called by both Philip "Grindation" McAllister ({q-Spades}{10-Hearts}) and "VladTheSlaye" ({4-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}) in the blinds.

They all checked through the {k-Clubs}{3-Hearts}{q-Hearts} to the {4-Spades} on the turn. It was checked to "VladTheSlaye" who bet 1,694,000 with the set of fours which only Talbot called.

The river completed the board with the {3-Clubs} and this time "VladTheSlaye" bet 7,350,00. Talbot made the call to see the pot awarded to "VladTheSlaye" for the full house.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of VladTheSlaye ua
Day 2 Chip Leader
Profile photo of Parker "tonkaaaa" Talbot
Parker "tonkaaaa" Talbot
Profile photo of Philip "Grindation" McAllister gb
Philip "Grindation" McAllister

Tags: Parker "tonkaaaa" TalbotPhilip "Grindation" McAllisterVladTheSlaye

Talbot Takes Over the Chip Lead

Nível 37 : 175,000/350,000, 45,000 ante

"VladTheSlaye" raised to 742,000 from the button with {k-Hearts}{3-Diamonds} and was called by both Parker "tonkaaaa" Talbot ({k-Clubs}{j-Diamonds}) and Philip "Grindation" McAllister ({k-Diamonds}{9-Spades}) in the blinds.

They all checked through the {j-Hearts}{8-Clubs}{7-Hearts} flop to the {k-Spades} on the turn. Talbot bet 1,626,470 which only McAllister called.

The river completed the board with the {4-Hearts} and Talbot bet 4,968,700 for McAllister to fold to.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Parker "tonkaaaa" Talbot
Parker "tonkaaaa" Talbot
Profile photo of VladTheSlaye ua
Day 2 Chip Leader
Profile photo of Philip "Grindation" McAllister gb
Philip "Grindation" McAllister

Tags: "VladTheSlaye"Parker "tonkaaaa" TalbotPhilip "Grindation" McAllister

Talbot Rivers the Higher Straight

Nível 37 : 175,000/350,000, 45,000 ante
Talbot vs VladTheSlaye
Talbot vs VladTheSlaye

"VladTheSlaye" raised to 1,225,000 from the small blind and Parker "tonkaaaa" Talbot defended his big blind.

The flop came {4-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}{7-Clubs}, "VladTheSlaye" continued with a bet of 853,050 which Talbot called.

The turn brought them the {10-Hearts} and "VladTheSlaye" bet 2,789,215 and Talbot called again.

The river completed the board with the {9-Spades} and "VladTheSlaye" shoved for Talbot to make the call for the 8,526,992 he had behind. "VladTheSlaye" tabled {6-Spades}{3-Spades} for the straight and for Talbot to double up with {j-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds} for the nut-straight.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of VladTheSlaye ua
Day 2 Chip Leader
Profile photo of Parker "tonkaaaa" Talbot
Parker "tonkaaaa" Talbot
Profile photo of Philip "Grindation" McAllister gb
Philip "Grindation" McAllister

Tags: Parker "tonkaaaa" TalbotVladTheSlaye