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2015 Super High Roller Series

$500,000 Super High Roller Bowl
Dias: 3
Event Info

2015 Super High Roller Series

Resultados Finais
M?o Vencedora
Event Info
Informa??es do Nível
80,000 / 160,000

Back-to-Back Shoves by Drinan

Nível 18 : 30,000/60,000, 10,000 ante

Hand #40: Scott Seiver raised to 150,000 from the hijack and took down the blinds and antes.

Hand #41: David Peters raised to 145,000 and Brian Rast called from the big blind to see a flop of {2-Clubs}{q-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}. Rast checked, Peters bet 160,000, and Rast called. When the {8-Clubs} appeared on the turn, Rast checked for a second time and Peters bet 440,000. Rast released.

Hand #42: Rast raised to 210,000 from the small blind, Seiver called from the big, and the flop fell {8-Spades}{8-Diamonds}{6-Spades}. Rast continued for 235,000, Seiver called, and the {4-Clubs} appeared on the turn. Rast kept the pressure on with a bet of 450,000, but he couldn't shake Seiver, who made the call. The {3-Clubs} river saw Rast slow down with a check, and Seiver did the same. Rast tabled the {k-Clubs}{6-Clubs} and it was good enough to win the pot.

Hand #43: Rast opened for 150,000 from the button and Connor Drinan responded by moving all in for 1.08 million from the big blind. Rast folded.

Hand #44: Rast raised to 155,000 from the cutoff and once again Drinan shipped on him. Like before, Rast released.

Tags: Brian RastScott SeiverConnor Drinan