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2016 Monte-Carlo One Drop Extravaganza

€1,000,000 Big One For One Drop
Dias: 3
Event Info

2016 Monte-Carlo One Drop Extravaganza

Resultados Finais
M?o Vencedora
Event Info
Informa??es do Nível
800,000 / 1,600,000

Hands #167-170: Two for Tsang, One for Gurtovoy and Salomon

Nível 20 : 500,000,000/1,000,000, 150,000 ante

Hand #167: Elton Tsang got a walk.

Hand #168: Anatoly Gurtovoy moved all in from the button and got no action.

Hand #169: Elton Tsang raised to 2,200,000 from the button. Rick Salomon called from the small blind and Anatoly Gurtovoy called from the big blind.

The flop came {q-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{2-Hearts} and it was checked to Tsang. He continued for 3,000,000 and won the pot.

Hand #170: Rick Salomon moved all in from the button and got no action.

Tags: Anatoly GurtovoyElton TsangRick Salomon

Hands #161-166: All Ins But No Calls

Nível 20 : 500,000,000/1,000,000, 150,000 ante

Hand #161: From the small blind, Anatoly Gurtovoy raised to 2 million and Elton Tsang folded.

Hand #162: Tsang raised to 2.5 million from the small blind and Rick Salomon folded.

Hand #163: Rick Salomon shoved from the small blind and Anatoly Gurtovoy folded.

Hand #164: From the button Rick Salomon shoved and both blinds folded.

Hand #165: From the small blind Elton Tsang raised to 2.5 million but he folded to Rick Salomon's shove.

Hand #166: From the small blind Rick Salomon shoved and Anatoly Gurtovoy folded.

Tags: Anatoly GurtovoyElton TsangRick Salomon

Hands #154-160: No Flops

Nível 20 : 500,000,000/1,000,000, 150,000 ante

Hand #154: Elton Tsang raised to 2,200,000 from the button and got no action.

Hand #155: Elton Tsang got a walk.

Hand #156: Anatoly Gurtovoy raised to 2,000,000 form the button and Rick Salomon moved all in from the big blind for 13,500,000. Gurtovoy thought for a minute, then folded.

Hand #157: Anatoly Gurtovoy got a walk.

Hand #158: Anatoly Gurtovoy raised to 3,000,000 from the small blind and Elton Tsang folded his big blind.

Hand #159: Elton Tsang raised to 2,500,000 from the small blind and Rick Salomon folded his big blind.

Hand #160: Elton Tsang raised to 2,200,000 from the button and got no action.

Tags: Anatoly GurtovoyElton TsangRick Salomon

Hands #148-153: Salomon in the Danger Zone

Nível 20 : 500,000,000/1,000,000, 150,000 ante

Hand #148: Anatoly Gurtovoy received a walk

Hand #149: It was Elton Tsang's turn to get a walk.

Hand #150: Anatoly Gurtovoy raised to 2,000,000 on the button and Elton Tsang called from the small blind. On the {2-Spades}{J-Spades}{2-Hearts} flop Gurtovoy bet 2,500,000, Tsang check-raised to 5,500,000 and Gurtovoy instantly shoved for about 15,000,000. Almost as quickly Tsang released his cards.

Hand #151: Elton Tsang raised to 2,200,000 and he took the pot.

Hand 152: Another walk for Elton Tsang.

Hand #153: Elton Tsang raised to 2,500,000 from the small blind and Rick Salomon called from the big blind. The {5-Clubs}{6-Hearts}{6-Spades} flop was checked through and the {5-Spades} hit the turn. Tsang bet 2,500,000 and Salomon called. On the {K-Clubs} river Tsang fired again, this time, 3,500,000 was the bet and Salomon folded. He's down to around 15 big blinds now and the blinds come around fast in three-handed play.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Rick Salomon us
Rick Salomon

Nível: 20

Blinds: 500,000,000/1,000,000

Ante: 150,000

Hands #142-147: Salomon Making a Comeback

Nível 19 : 400,000/800,000, 100,000 ante

Hand #142: From the small blind Rick Salomon raised to 2.2 million and he took down the pot uncontested.

Hand #143: Elton Tsang received a walk in the big blind.

Hand #144: Elton Tsang limped from the small blind and Rick Salomon checked the big blind. Tsang bet 800,000 on the {7-Clubs}{J-Hearts}{Q-Diamonds} flop and Salomon called. Both checked the {4-Hearts} on the turn and the {4-Clubs} completed the board. Tsang checked again, and called Salomon's 800,000-bet. Salomon showed {A-Spades}{7-Hearts} and Tsang mucked.

Hand #145: From the button, Elton Tsang raised to 1.8 million and Anatoly Gurtovoy called from the big blind. They checked down the board of {7-Clubs}{3-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}{Q-Hearts} and Gurtovoy showed {A-Clubs}{6-Spades}. Elton Tsang took it down with {A-Spades}{K-Clubs}.

Hand #146: Rick Salomon raised his button to 2.2 million but folded to Anatoly Gurtovoy's 5.2 million small blind three-bet.

Hand #147: Anatoly Gurtovoy raised his button to 2 million and Elton Tsang three-bet to 5.4 from the small blind. Salomon folded, Gurtovoy called. The two of them checked the {3-Clubs}{10-Diamonds}{6-Spades}-flop and {3-Diamonds}-turn before Tsang pushed all in on the {Q-Clubs} river. Gurtovoy had a little under 20 million behind and tanked for several minutes before he folded.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Elton Tsang hk
Elton Tsang
Profile photo of Rick Salomon us
Rick Salomon
Profile photo of Anatoly Gurtovoy ru
Anatoly Gurtovoy

Tags: Rick SalomonElton TsangAnatoly Gurtovoy

Hands #137-141: Rick Salomon Picks up Some Chips

Nível 19 : 400,000/800,000, 100,000 ante

Hand #137: Elton Tsang got a walk.

Hand #138: Anatoly Gurtovoy raised to 2,000,0000 from the button and won the blinds and antes.

Hand #139: Elton Tsand raised to 1,800,000 from the button and Rick Salomon three-bet all in and Tsang folded.

Hand #140: Rick Salomon moved all in for 16,300,000 from the button and everyone else folded.

Hand #141: Elton Tsang raised to 2,100,000 from the small blind Rick Salomon called from the big blind. The flop fell {k-Clubs}{10-Clubs}{5-Hearts} and Tsang continued for 2,200,000. Salomon called. The turn was the {q-Spades} and Tsang checked. Salomon bet 4,000,000, and Tsang mucked his cards.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Rick Salomon us
Rick Salomon

Tags: Anatoly GurtovoyElton TsangRick Salomon

Hands #131-136: Tsang Closing in on 100 Million Chips

Nível 19 : 400,000/800,000, 100,000 ante

Hand #131: Elton Tsang received a walk.

Hand #132: Elton Tsang completed from the small blind and Rick Salomon checked his option. On the {Q-Clubs}{6-Clubs}{5-Diamonds} flop Tsang check-folded to a bet of 1,000,000.

Hand #133: Elton Tsang raised to 1,800,000 from the button and Anatoly Gurtovoy called from the big blind. On the {4-Diamonds}{4-Clubs}{Q-Spades} flop Tsang bet 1,600,000 and he took the pot.

Hand #134: Another walk for Elton Tsang.

Hand #135: Elton Tsang raised to 2,400,000 from the small blind and won the pot.

Hand #136: The button was with Elton Tsang and he raised it up to 1,800,000. Call from Anatoly Gurtovoy. The flop fell {9-Clubs}{3-Spades}{J-Spades}, Tsang bet 2,000,000 and Gurtovoy folded.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Elton Tsang hk
Elton Tsang
Profile photo of Anatoly Gurtovoy ru
Anatoly Gurtovoy

Tags: Anatoly GurtovoyElton TsangRick Salomon