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2017 WSOP International Circuit Marrakech

Main Event
Dias: 3
Event Info

2017 WSOP International Circuit Marrakech

Resultados Finais
M?o Vencedora
1,400,000 MAD
Event Info
1,350 MAD
6,668,500 MAD
Informa??es do Nível
50,000 / 100,000

Rodero Doubles Through Fletcher

Nível 29 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante
Pablo Rodero
Pablo Rodero

Pablo Rodero open-shoved 2,800,000 on the button and Arron Fletcher called.

Pablo Rodero: {7-Hearts}{3-Hearts}
Arron Fletcher: {A-Clubs}{9-Clubs}

Fletcher was in prime position to win the tournament outright, but Rodero hit his seven on {J-Hearts}{Q-Diamonds}{10-Diamonds}{7-Spades}{2-Diamonds} to double up.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Arron Fletcher gb
Arron Fletcher
Profile photo of Pablo Rodero es
Pablo Rodero

Tags: Arron FletcherPablo Rodero

Fernandez Eliminated in 3rd Place (635,000 MAD)

Nível 29 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante

With NBaba's shocking elimination, short stack Fernandez laddered up a place he didn't expect ten minutes ago. Having hovered around the ten big blind mark for the better part of two hours, Fernandez kept his stack afloat by getting numerous shoves through.

In the small blind, Fernandez shoved again, this time for 840,000. Pablo Rodero instantly called in the big blind.

Fernandez: {J-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}
Pablo Rodero: {10-Spades}{10-Diamonds}

Rodero flopped a set of tens on {Q-Hearts}{10-Clubs}{2-Clubs}, but Fernandez still had straight outs. He added flush outs as well after the {5-Clubs} on the turn, but the {Q-Diamonds} on the river was a brick. After being short for most of the final table, Fernandez held on until 3rd place and banked 635,000 MAD (€59,307).

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Fernandez es

Tags: Fernandez

Hamza NBaba Eliminated in 4th Place (465,000 MAD)

Nível 29 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante
Hamza NBaba
Hamza NBaba

In an unexpected shocker, Arron Fletcher has eliminated second in chips Hamza NBaba and claimed a monster chiplead. After Fletcher opened on the button, NBaba three-bet to 350,000 out of the small blind. Fletcher four-bet to 950,000, which brought the action back to NBaba.

"All-in", the Moroccan whispered.

"What did you say?", Fletcher wanted to make sure.

"All-in", NBaba said, this time a little louder.

Within a second, Fletcher reached for as many chips as he could muster and splashed them into the pot. With a loud bang, he slammed {A-Hearts}{A-Spades} open on the table. NBaba's face went aghast when he saw what he was up against.

Nbaba held {A-Diamonds}{K-Hearts}, but had run into the biggest cooler of his poker career. It was a pot of over 7 million in chips, half the chips in play, with NBaba looking for a miracle.

It didn't come; NBaba's fate was sealed after the turn on a {7-Clubs}{10-Hearts}{7-Spades}{9-Diamonds}{J-Clubs} board and he finished in fourth place. By eliminating the number two in chips, Fletcher suddenly holds over two-thirds of all the chips in play.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Arron Fletcher gb
Arron Fletcher
Profile photo of Hamza NBaba ma
Hamza NBaba

Tags: Aaron FletcherHamza NBaba

Mika Kakkonen Eliminated in 5th Place (355,000 MAD)

Nível 29 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante
Mika Kakkonen
Mika Kakkonen

In first position, Mika Kakkonen open-shoved for 1,200,000. Pablo Rodero reshoved all in and had Kakkonen covered by a wide margin.

Mika Kakkonen: {5-Diamonds}{5-Spades}
Pablo Rodero: {A-Hearts}{K-Hearts}

The flop {K-Spades}{3-Hearts}{3-Clubs} brought the king Rodero needed to take the lead. Kakkonen was looking for a five to survive, but didn't find it on the {10-Clubs} turn or {Q-Clubs} river. The young Finn's deep run ended in 5th place, worth 355,000 MAD (€33,156).

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Mika Kakkonen fi
Mika Kakkonen

Tags: Mika KakkonenPablo Rodero

Kakkonen Shoves

Nível 29 : 40,000/80,000, 10,000 ante

The tournament is in a quiet phase. The biggest hand in the past fifteen minutes was an open-shove from the small blind by Mika Kakkonen, where he picked up the big blind and antes.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Mika Kakkonen fi
Mika Kakkonen

Nível: 29

Blinds: 40,000/80,000

Ante: 10,000