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2011 World Series of Poker

Event #58: $10,000 Main Event
Dias: 10
Event Info

2011 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
M?o Vencedora
Event Info
Informa??es do Nível
1,200,000 / 2,400,000

Hand #200: King High for Staszko

Nível 41 : 800,000/1,600,000, 200,000 ante
Martin Staszko
Martin Staszko

The button was with Pius Heinz to start this hand and he raised to 3.3 million. Martin Staszko called the raise and the flop came down {Q-Hearts}{Q-Clubs}{9-Hearts}. Both players checked.

The turn was the {3-Hearts} and Staszko checked again. This time, Heinz didn't check behind and bet 3.7 million. Staszko called to see the river.

The {9-Clubs} completed the board and Staszko checked. Heinz checked behind. Staszko showed the {K-Hearts}{8-Clubs} and Heinz mucked.

Tags: Martin StaszkoPius Heinz

Nível: 41

Blinds: 800,000/1,600,000

Ante: 200,000

Hand #199: Martin Staszko

Nível 40 : 600,000/1,200,000, 200,000 ante

Martin Staszko had the button, and he raised to 2.85 million. Change it up. Pius Heinz called, and the flop came {A-Clubs} {2-Clubs} {Q-Spades}. "Boooooom," someone in the audience cheered, obviously a fan of the all-black flop. The action went check-check, though, and the {10-Hearts} landed on the turn. Heinz checked again, and now Staszko made his late continuation bet of 3.85 million. It ended the hand with a quick Heinz fold.

Tags: Pius HeinzMartin Staszko

Hand #197: Martin Staszko

Nível 40 : 600,000/1,200,000, 200,000 ante

Martin Staszko had the button, and he made his standard open to 2.7 million. Pius Heinz defended his big blind, and the flop came {K-Hearts} {K-Spades} {8-Spades}. Staszko continued out with another 2.5 million, and Heinz check-called.

The {K-Clubs} put trips on board on fourth street, and Heinz checked again. Staszko kept the heat on with another 7.2 million, and that did it. Heinz made the fold, and the pot goes to Staszko.

Tags: Pius HeinzMartin Staszko