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2014 World Series of Poker

Event #11: $1,500 Six-Handed No-Limit Hold'em
Dias: 3
Event Info

2014 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
M?o Vencedora
Event Info
Informa??es do Nível
15,000 / 30,000

Hands #37-40

Nível 23 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante

Hand #37: Niel Mittelman opened for 45,000 and everybody folded to him.

Hand #38: It was Mike Sowers’ turn to open for 45,000 and win the blinds and antes.

Hand #39: Daniel Strelitz got a walk.

Hand #40: Justin Bonomo opened for 47,000. He took it down.

Hands #31-36

Nível 23 : 10,000/20,000, 3,000 ante

Hand #31: Niel Mittelman raised to 43,000 and swallowed up the blinds.

Hand#32: Daniel Strelitz made it 46,000 and Lance Harris defended his big blind. Harris checked the {2-Spades}{10-Diamonds}{10-Hearts} flop and Strelitz took it down with a 58,000 bet.

Hand #33: Mike Sowers opened for 45,000 and took down the blinds.

Hand #34: Sowers opened for 45,000 and took down the blinds again.

Hand #35: Strelitz opened for 55,000 in the small blind to take down Sowers’ big blind.

Hand #36: Mike Sowers called from the small blind and Justin Bonomo checked his option. It was heads-up to the {2-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}{2-Clubs} flop and Sowers checked. Bonomo bet 30,000 and Sowers called. The turn was the {J-Clubs} and Sowers checked again. Bonomo bet 75,000 and Sowers called. The river brought the {8-Diamonds} and a check from Sowers. Bonomo checked as well and the pot was chopped after Sowers showed {10-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds} and Bonomo {10-Hearts}{3-Clubs}.

Nível: 23

Blinds: 10,000/20,000

Ante: 3,000

Hands #25-30

Nível 22 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante

Hand #25: Niel Mittelman opened for 35,000 on the button and saw no resistance.

Hand #26: Daniel Strelitz opened for 35,000 and Justin Bonomo called in the big blind. The flop was {10-Diamonds}{q-Spades}{j-Spades} and a check from Bonomo saw Strelitz bet 42,000. Bonomo called and they saw a turn card {q-Diamonds}. Bonomo now check-called a bet of 114,000 to see a river card {10-Hearts}. They both checked and the {a-Hearts}{10-Spades} full house of Bonomo was good.

Hand #27: Lance Harris got a walk in the big blind.

Hand #28: Bonomo opened for 38,000 and took the blinds and antes.

Hand #29: Strelitz got a walk in the big blind.

Hand #30: Mittelman opened for 35,000 and took it down.

Hands #21-24

Nível 22 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante

Hand #21: Mike Sowers completed from the small blind and Justin Bonomo raised to 50,000 from the big blind to take it down.

Hand #22: Justin Bonomo called from the small and Lance Harris checked his option. The flop came {K-Hearts}{J-Diamonds}{8-Spades} and both players checked. The {7-Clubs} turn was also checked by both and after the {5-Diamonds} river, Harris showed {8-Hearts}{2-Hearts} for a pair of eights to win the pot.

Hand #23: Daniel Strelitz took down the blinds with a 36,000 bet.

Hand #24: Justin Bonomo led out for 38,000, Niel Mittelman made it 124,000 and Bonomo made the call. They both checked the {A-Hearts}{9-Clubs}{3-Spades} flop, but Bonomo took it down with a 115,000 bet on the {10-Spades} turn.

Hands #18-20

Nível 22 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante

Hand #18: Niel Mittelman opened and took it down.

Hand #19: Lance Harris opened for 36,000 and Niel Mittelman called in the small blind. The flop was {3-Clubs}{4-Diamonds}{10-Spades}. Mittleman checked, Harris bet 41,000 and Mittelman called. The turn was the {q-Clubs}. There was another check from Mittelman and Harris bet 86,000. Mittelman called and the river was the {4-Clubs}. The two players checked and the {a-Clubs}{10-Hearts} of Mittelman was good with his pair.

Hand #20: Mike Sowers got a walk in the big blind.

Hands #16-17

Nível 22 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante

Hand #16: Daniel Strelitz made it 36,000, Mike Sowers three-bet to 113,000 and Strelitz gave it up.

Hand #17: Justin Bonomo raised to 45,000 in the small blind and Lance Harris defended his big blind. The {A-Diamonds}{J-Spades}{Q-Hearts} flop was checked down. The {5-Diamonds} turn was checked by Bonomo, but Harris made it 66,000. Bonomo called and then checked the {6-Clubs} river only to fold when Harris made it 130,000.

Hands #13-15

Nível 22 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante

Hand #13: Justin Bonomo opened for 38,000 and Lance Harris called in the small blind to see a flop of {2-Spades}{5-Hearts}{6-Hearts}. Harris checked, Bonomo bet 60,000 and Harris called. The {3-Clubs} on the turn was checked by both, then the river was the {j-} which was also checked down. Harris showed {a-}{q-}, but Bonomo won with {k-}{2-}.

Hand #14: Strelitz called in the big blind after an open from Bonomo. The flop was {6-Hearts}{7-Hearts}{5-Hearts} and a bet of 60,000 from Bonomo took it down.

Hand #15: Mike Sowers got a walk in the big blind.

Hands #10-12

Nível 22 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante

Hand #10: Just one big blind this hand and Daniel Strelitz made it 40,000 from the button. Mike Sowers bumped it to 115,000 from the big blind and Strelitz called. The flop fell {9-Spades}{4-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds}, Sowers bet 125,000 and took it down.

Hand #11: Niel Mittelman made it 35,000 and Justin Bonomo defended his big blind with a call, but folded after checking and seeing Mittelman make it 40,000 on the {A-Spades}{8-}{4-Diamonds} flop.

Hand #12: Strelitz made it 36,000, Lance Harris fired back bumping it to 91,000 from the big blind and Strelitz called. The flop {K-Hearts}{9-Hearts}{2-Spades} and after Harris bet 80,000, Strelitz folded.

Taylor Paur Eliminated in 6th Place ($55,703)

Nível 22 : 8,000/16,000, 2,000 ante
Taylor Paur - 6th Place
Taylor Paur - 6th Place

Hand #9: Justin Bonomo opened for 38,000, and from the button Niel Mittelman called. Daniel Strelitz raised to 132,000 from the small blind. Taylor Paur then made it 238,000 from the big blind. Bonomo folded as did Mittelman. Strelitz thought about it a while and moved all in and Paur called. Paur was at risk all in for 1,830,000

Strelitz showed {a-Hearts}{k-Spades} against the {q-Diamonds}{q-Clubs} of Paur.

The cards ran out {8-Hearts}{10-Hearts}{10-Spades}{5-Clubs}{k-Clubs}, that river king giving Strelitz the better pair. With Paur's elimination, they are down to five players.

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Taylor Paur
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Taylor Paur