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2014 World Series of Poker

Event #26: $1,500 No-Limit Hold'em
Dias: 3
Event Info

2014 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
M?o Vencedora
Event Info
Informa??es do Nível
50,000 / 100,000

Hands #113-116

Nível 27 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante

Hand #113: Michael Katz raised to 100,000 and Tony Gargano three-bet to 250,000 from the small blind and both opponents folded.

Hand #114: Andrew Rennhack opened to 125,000 from the small blind and Michael Katz reraised to 285,000 and Rennhack folded.

Hand #115: Andrew Rennhack raised to 100,000 and both opponents folded.

Hand #116: Tony Gargano opened to 125,000 from the small blind and Andrew Rennhack called from the big blind. The flop was the {2-Spades}{6-Spades}{2-Clubs}, Gargano bet 150,000 and Rennhack folded.

Tags: Andrew RennhackMichael KatzTony Gargano

Hands #111-112: Katz Pressures Rennhack

Nível 27 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante

Hand #110: Michael Katz opened and Andrew Rennhack called in the big blind. The flop was {6-Hearts}{q-Spades}{10-Clubs} was it was checked to see a turn {3-Diamonds}. Rennhack led for 140,000 and won the pot.

Hand #111: On a flop of {10-Hearts}{k-Spades}{5-Clubs} Gargano bet 100,000 into Rennhack and took it down.

Hand #112: Rennhack opened for 110,000 and Katz in the small blind made it 260,000. Gargano folded the big blind and Rennhack called. The flop was {3-Clubs}{7-Clubs}{k-Clubs}. Katz checked as did Rennhack. The turn card {k-Diamonds} saw two checks and the river was the {j-Clubs}. Katz bet 285,000 and Rennhack did a fair amount of thinking and chip riffling again before folding.

Tags: Andrew RennhackMichael KatzTony Gargano

Hands #105-109

Nível 27 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante

Hand #105: Tony Gargano raised to 100,000 and both opponents folded.

Hand #106: Michael Katz called from the small blind and Tony Gargano raised to 125,000 from the big blind. Katz called and the flop was {4-Spades}{7-Diamonds}{a-Hearts}. Both players checked and the turn was the {3-Hearts}. Katz bet 150,000 and Gargano folded.

Hand #107: Tony Gargano opened to 125,000 from the small blind and Rennhack folded.

Hand #108: Tony Gargano raised to 100,000 and Michael Katz called from the big blind. The flop was the {10-Clubs}{a-Clubs}{5-Spades} and Katz checked. Gargano bet 150,000 and Katz made the call. The turn was the {9-Hearts} and both players checked. The river was the {3-Diamonds} and Katz led for 605,000 and Gargano folded.

Hand #109: Tony Gargano received a walk.

Tags: Andrew RennhackMichael KatzTony Gargano

Hands #102-104: Katz Rivers Straight

Nível 27 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante
Michael Katz
Michael Katz

Hand #102: Tony Gargano made it 100,000 and Michael Katz made the call. Two players saw a flop of {9-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} checked and {6-Clubs} on the turn saw Katz check and Gargano bet 125,000 to win the pot.

Hand #103: Katz limped from the small blind and called a 125,000 raise from Gargano. The flop was {5-Diamonds}{2-Clubs}{4-Hearts} both checked to see the {8-Spades} turn card. Katz bet 150,000 and was called. The river was the {6-Spades}. Katz made it 345,000 and Gargano raised to 850,000. Katz made the call. Gargano had {k-Clubs}{9-Clubs} but lost to the straight {8-Diamonds}{7-Diamonds} of Katz.

Hand #104: Katz and Rennhack were in a limped pot and the flop was {5-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds}{q-Clubs}. Katz bet 55,000. Rennhack called to see a turn card {7-Hearts}. They both checked to see the river {q-Spades}. Rennhack showed {3-Clubs}{3-Hearts} which beat the {2-}{2-} of Katz.

Tags: Andrew RennhackMichael KatzTony Gargano

Hands #97-101

Nível 27 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante

Hand #97: Andrew Rennhack raised to 100,000 and Tony Gargano three-bet to 250,000. Rennhack called and the flop was {4-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}{j-Hearts}. Gargano bet 200,000 and Rennhack called. The turn was the {7-Hearts} and Gargano checked. Rennhack moved all in and Gargano folded.

Hand #98: Michael Katz raised to 100,000 and Anthony Rennhack called from the big blind. The flop was th {6-Clubs}{j-Spades}{2-Hearts} and Rennhack checked. Katz bet 65,000 and Rennhack called. The turn was the {3-Diamonds} and Rennhack checked. Katz bet 150,000 and Rennhack folded.

Hand #99: Andrew Rennhack opened to 130,000 from the small blind and Katz folded.

Hand #100: Andrew Rennhack raised to 100,000, Michael Katz three-bet to 245,000 and Rennhack folded.

Hand #101: Michael Katz raised to 100,000 and Tony Gargano reraised to 250,000 from the small blind. Katz four-bet to 445,000 and Gargano folded.

Tags: Andrew RennhackMichael KatzTony Gargano

Hands #93-96: Gargano Puts Katz to the Test

Nível 27 : 25,000/50,000, 5,000 ante

Hand #93: Michael Katz opened for 100,000 and Tony Gargano and Andrew Rennhack called.The flop was {q-Hearts}{q-Clubs}{3-Clubs} and Katz bet 115,000, Gargano raised to 310,000 and he won the pot.

Hand #94: Gargano opened to 100,000 on the button and Katz called. A flop of {2-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}{7-Hearts} and Gargano bet 100,000. Katz raised to 260,000 and Gargano folded.

Hand #95: Rennhack made 100,000 and Katz called. It was checked to the turn of a board reading and {7-Spades}{q-Clubs}{a-Spades}{a-Clubs} when Katz made it 185,000. Rennhack folded.

Hand #96: Gargano opened for 100,000 and Katz called to see the flop come {8-Clubs}{10-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}. Gargano bet 150,000 and Katz called in the big blind. The turn {5-Diamonds} saw Gargano bet 285,000 and Katz called. The {k-Clubs} on the river saw Katz check again and Gargano bet 750,000. Katz thought for some time, riffling his chips, before mucking his hand.

Tags: Andrew RennhackMichael KatzTony Gargano

Nível: 27

Blinds: 25,000/50,000

Ante: 5,000