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2014 World Series of Poker

Event #40: $10,000 Heads-Up No-Limit Hold'em Championship
Dias: 3
Event Info

2014 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
M?o Vencedora
Event Info
Informa??es do Nível
30,000 / 60,000

Hands #24-27: There's No Stopping Suriano

Nível 3 : 25,000/50,000, 0 ante
Davide Suriano
Davide Suriano

Hand #24: Davide Suriano raised to 125,000 and Sam Stein called from the big blind. The flop brought out {7-Clubs}{6-Diamonds}{3-Clubs} and Stein checked to Suriano who bet 150,000. Stein called and on the turn the {8-Hearts} popped up. Stein checked and Suriano grabbed more chips, as he bet 600,000. Stein folded and Suriano picked up this pot.

Hand #25: Sam Stein raised to 125,000 from the button and Davide Suriano called. The flop brought {K-Hearts}{6-Spades}{6-Hearts} and Suriano checked to Stein who bet 125,000. Suriano called and on the turn the {A-Hearts} popped up. Suriano checked again and this time Stein checked behind. The {5-Hearts} fell on the river and both players checked. Suriano showed {7-Diamonds}{7-Clubs} and raked in another pot.

Hand #26: Davide Suriano called from the button and Sam Stein checked. The flop brought {A-Hearts}{8-Hearts}{4-Hearts} on which both players checked. The turn was the {2-Hearts} and both players checked again. Stein bet 50,000 on the {3-Spades} river and Suriano called showing {10-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}, which was enough to take down this pot.

Hand #27: Sam Stein raised to 125,000 from the button and Davide Suriano called. The flop brought {7-Hearts}{10-Spades}{3-Clubs} and Suriano checked to Stein who bet 150,000. Suriano called and on the turn the {Q-Spades} hit. Suriano checked again and Stein bet 425,000 this time around. Suriano called and the river completed the board with the {K-Diamonds}. Suriano checked and Stein checked behind. Suriano showed {A-Spades}{10-Diamonds} and Stein mucked his cards once again.

Tags: Davide SurianoSam Stein