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2014 World Series of Poker

Event #51: $1,500 No-Limit Hold'em Monster Stack
Dias: 5
Event Info

2014 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
M?o Vencedora
Event Info
Informa??es do Nível
1,000,000 / 2,000,000

Claas Segebrecht Eliminated in 4th Place ($468,594)

Nível 40 : 500,000/1,000,000, 150,000 ante
Claas Segebrecht
Claas Segebrecht

Hand #92: Joseph McKeehen raised to 2 million in the cutoff and Claas Segebrecht three-bet all in for 16.75 million on the button. After the blinds folded, McKeehen asked for a count before he called.

Segebrecht: {K-Spades}{Q-Hearts}
McKeehen: {A-Spades}{10-Clubs}

The board ran out {J-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}{6-Spades}{5-Spades}{3-Clubs}, ending Segebrecht's run in fourth place.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Claas Segebrecht de
Claas Segebrecht

Tags: Claas SegebrechtJoseph McKeehen

Hands #89-91: Segebrecht Shoving

Nível 40 : 500,000/1,000,000, 150,000 ante

Hand #89: Sean Drake raised to 2.4 million on the button and collected the blinds and antes.

Hand #90: Joe McKeehen shoved from the small blind for 14.3 million effective and Claas Segebrecht folded his big blind.

Hand #91: Hugo Pingray raised to 2.15 million in the cutoff and Claas Segebrecht reraised all in from the small blind for 13.15 million. Pingray gave it some thought, but opted to fold.

Hands #81-88: Bit of Back-and-Forth

Nível 40 : 500,000/1,000,000, 150,000 ante

Hand #81: Sean Drake raised the button to 2.5 million and collected the blinds and antes.

Hand #82: Hugo Pingray opened to 2 million from the button and Claas Segebrecht made the call to see a {10-Spades}{6-Hearts}{10-Hearts} flop fall. Segebrecht checked and Pingray bet out 1.8 million to force a fold from Segebrecht.

Hand #83: Hugo Pingray raised to 2 million from the cutoff and Sean Drake called from the big blind to see a {8-Spades}{Q-Hearts}{Q-Diamonds} flop fall.

Both players checked as the {A-Hearts} landed on the turn and again both players checked as the {6-Spades} landed on the river.

Drake led out for 1.8 million and Pingray quickly folded.

Hand #84: Joseph McKeehen opened the pot to 2 million only to have Sean Drake three-bet to 5.2 million from the small blind. McKeehen kicked his cards to the muck and Drake was pushed the pot.

Hand #85: Hugo Pingray raised to 2.1 million from the small blind and won the big blind and antes.

Hand #86: Hugo Pingray raised to 2 million and won the blinds and antes.

Hand #87: From the button, Joseph McKeehen moved all in for 15.9 million and won the blinds and antes.

Hand #88: Joseph McKeehen raised to 2 million and Hugo Pingray called from the big blind to see a {9-Spades}{A-Clubs}{3-Diamonds} and Pingray checked. McKeehen bet out 1.25 million and Pingray quickly folded.

Tags: Claas SegebrechtHugo PingrayJoseph McKeehenSean Drake

Hands #76-80: Drake Back Above 30 Million

Nível 40 : 500,000/1,000,000, 150,000 ante

Hand #76: Claas Segebrecht raised to 2 million on the button and Hugo Pingray three=bet to 5.2 million from the big blind. Segebrecht folded and Pingray took down the pot.

Hand #77: Hugo Pingray raised to 2.5 million in the small blind and won the pot.

Hand #78: Hugo Pingray raised to 2 million on the button and Joseph McKeehen reraised all in for 16.55 million from the small blind. Pingray folded and McKeehen took the pot.

Hand #79: Jospeh McKeehen raised to 2 million on the button and received no action.

Hand #80: Sean Drake raised to 2.7 million in the small blind and Hugo Pingray three-bet to 6.5 million. Drake reraised all in for 24 million and Pingray folded.

Nível: 40

Blinds: 500,000/1,000,000

Ante: 150,000