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2014 World Series of Poker

Event #6: $1,500 No-Limit Hold'em Shootout
Dias: 3
Event Info

2014 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
M?o Vencedora
Event Info
Informa??es do Nível
12,000 / 24,000

Hand #38-42: Danchev and Arieh Butt Heads

Nível 3 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante

Hand #38: Josh Arieh raised to 25,000 out of the small blind, Dimitar Danchev called, and the flop fell {5-Spades}{6-Clubs}{6-Hearts}. Arieh bet out, and won the pot.

Hand #39: Steve Loube raised from first position, winning the blinds and antes.

Hand #40: Arieh raised to 24,000 from the cutoff, Loube defended his big blind, and the flop came {3-Spades}{j-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}. Loube check-folded to a bet of 33,000.

Hand #41: Loube raised to 30,000 from the small blind, and Alex Bolotin folded from the big blind.

Hand #42: Danchev raised to 20,000 from under the gun, Loube called on the button, and Arieh defended his big blind. The flop fell {a-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}, the trio all checked, and the turn was the {5-Diamonds}. Arieh led out for 43,000, Danchev called, and Loube folded.

The {7-Spades} completed the board, the two players checked, and Arieh showed {4-Clubs}{4-Hearts} for a pair of fours. Danchev had that beat with {a-Clubs}{2-Spades} for a pair of aces.

Tags: Alex BolotinDimitar DanchevJosh AriehSteven Loube

Hand #37: Broadway Double for Lane

Nível 3 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante

Hand #37: Jon Lane opened top 27,000 and Steven Loube called from the button to see a {K-Diamonds}{Q-Spades}{4-Clubs} flop. Lane checked and Loube bet out 27,000 with Lane making the call.

The turn fell the {J-Hearts} and once Lane checked, Loube fired out 55,000. Lane then check-raised all in for his last 265,000 and Loube called.

Loube: {K-Spades}{J-Spades}
Lane: {A-Spades}{10-Clubs}

The river landed the {2-Clubs} and Lane doubled through to just under 700,000 in chips.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Jon Lane us
Jon Lane

Tags: Jon LaneSteven Loube

Douglas Foster Eliminated in 6th Place ($40,314)

Nível 3 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante
Douglas Foster - 6th Place
Douglas Foster - 6th Place

Hand #34: Josh Arieh raised to 24,000 in the cutoff, Jon Lane defended from the big blind, and the flop was all spades; {7-Spades}{3-Spades}{5-Spades}. Both players checked. The turn was the {k-Diamonds}, both players knuckled again and the river was the {2-Clubs}. The two checked again, and Arieh tabled {a-Hearts}{3-Diamonds} for a pair of threes, winning the pot.

Hand #35: Alex Bolotin raised to 20,000 from under the gun, Arieh three-bet to 58,000 on his direct left, and the action folded back to Bolotin, who folded as well.

Hand #36: Arieh raised from under the gun, Douglas Foster called in the cutoff, and the flop came all spades once again; {6-Spades}{7-Spades}{3-Spades}. Arieh checked, Foster fired out 35,000, and Arieh called. The turn was the {a-Spades}, Arieh checked, and Foster moved all in. Arieh snap-called.

Foster: {k-Diamonds}{j-Spades}
Arieh: {k-Clubs}{q-Spades}

The river was a meaningless {3-Diamonds}, and Foster was eliminated.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Josh Arieh us
Josh Arieh
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner
Profile photo of Douglas Foster us
Douglas Foster

Tags: Alex BolotinDouglas FosterJon LaneJosh Arieh

Hands #29-33: Arieh Picks Up Chips from Foster

Nível 3 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante

Hand #29: Dimitar Danchev raised to 20,000 and Douglas Foster called next to act along with Steven Loube in the big.

The fop fell {J-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}{6-Spades} and Danchev continued for 26,000 with Foster raising to 76,000. Loube folded, as did Danchev, and Foster was pushed the pot.

Hand #30: Josh Arieh entered the pot for 24,000 and he collected the blinds and antes.

Hand #31: Dimitar Danchev raised to 20,000 from under the gun and he collected the blinds and antes.

Hand #32: From the small blind, Josh Arieh opened to 27,000 to collect the big blind and antes.

Hand #33: From the button, Josh Arieh raised to 24,000 and both Dimitar Danchev and Douglas Foster called from the blinds.

The flop fell {Q-Clubs}{2-Clubs}{8-Hearts} and Arieh continued for 43,000 with only Foster calling as the {5-Diamonds} fell on the turn. Foster checked and Arieh bet 95,000 with Foster making the call as the {2-Spades} completed the board on the river.

Foster checked and Arieh bet out 164,000 to force a quick fold from Foster.

Tags: Dimitar DanchevDouglas FosterJosh AriehSteven Loube

Hand #24-28: Loube Chips Up

Nível 3 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante

Hand #24: Josh Arieh raised to 24,000 in middle position, Dimitar Danchev three-bet to 62,000 in the hijack seat, and Steven Loube moved all in for 528,000 from the small blind. Arieh quickly folded, and Danchev tanked for 30 seconds or so before pitching his cards into the muck as well.

Hand #25: Douglas Foster raised to 25,000, Loube called on the button, and both blinds released. The flop came {10-Clubs}{j-Hearts}{2-Spades}, and Foster check-folded to a bet of 32,000.

Hand #26: Jon Lane raised to 26,000 from early position, Danchev three-bet to 80,000 from the big blind, and Lane folded.

Hand #27: Loube took the pot down with a preflop raise from early position.

Hand #28: Alex Bolotin raised to 20,000 in the hijack, Arieh called on his direct left, and the rest of the action folded through. The dealer fanned {3-Spades}{10-Spades}{8-Clubs}, Bolotin bet 22,000, Arieh called, and the turn brought a third spade - the {j-Spades}. Bolotin checked, Arieh knuckled behind, and the river was the {10-Diamonds}. Bolotin fired out 46,000, Arieh called, and Bolotin won the pot with {10-Clubs}{9-Clubs} for trip tens.

Tags: Alex BolotinDimitar DanchevDouglas FosterJon LaneJosh AriehSteven Loube

Hand #23: Danchev Takes Chip Lead with Top Two

Nível 3 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante
Dimitar Danchev
Dimitar Danchev

Hand #23: Josh Arieh opened to 24,000 and Dimitar Danchev made the call from the cutoff along with Steven Loube from the big blind.

The flop fell {3-Diamonds}{4-Clubs}{Q-Spades} and Arieh continued for 42,000 following a check from Loube. Danchev made the call next to act before Loube folded and the turn landed the {J-Spades}.

The action was checked through to see the {K-Spades} fall and Arieh bet out 78,000. Danchev called and tabled his {K-Hearts}{Q-Clubs} to better Arieh's {A-Diamonds}{K-Clubs}.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Dimitar Danchev bg
Dimitar Danchev
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Josh Arieh us
Josh Arieh
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner

Tags: Dimitar DanchevJosh AriehSteven Loube

Hand #21-22: Danchev Puts Foster to the Test

Nível 3 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante
Dimitar Danchev
Dimitar Danchev

Hand #21: Steven Loube raised to 30,000 from the hijack seat, winning the blinds and antes.

Hand #22: Josh Arieh raised to 24,000 in the cutoff, Dimitar Danchev called on the button, Douglas Foster called out of the small blind, and the flop fell {a-Spades}{q-Hearts}{j-Diamonds}. Foster checked, Arieh continued for 41,000, and Danchev called. Foster check-raised to 125,000, Arieh quickly folded, and Danchev tanked for a bit before pushing out a stack of green T25,000 chips, moving all in for effectively 525,000 or so.

Foster sat back in his chair, mulling the decision over for two minutes or so before folding.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Dimitar Danchev bg
Dimitar Danchev
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Douglas Foster us
Douglas Foster

Tags: Dimitar DanchevDouglas FosterJosh Arieh

Hands #16-20: Three-Bet from Arieh

Nível 3 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante

Hand #16: Josh Arieh opened to 24,000 and Dimitar Danchev called on the button to see a {A-Clubs}{J-Diamonds}{10-Spades} flop fall. Both players checked as the {4-Spades} rolled off on the turn and Arieh checked again along with Danchev.

The river landed the {K-Clubs} and both players checked with Arieh tabling his {8-Clubs}{8-Spades}, but it would be Danchev's {J-Hearts}{9-Hearts} that would see him pushed the pot.

Hand #17: Steven Loube received a walk in the big blind.

Hand #18: Josh Arieh opened from under the gun to 24,000 and won the blinds and antes.

Hand #19: Steven Loube opened his button to 30,000 and Josh Arieh three-bet to 82,000 from the big blind with Loube calling.

The flop fell {2-Clubs}{3-Diamonds}{4-Spades} and Arieh led for 105,000 to prompt a fold from Loube.

Hand #20: Jon Lane opened to 27,000 from the hijack and Dimitar Danchev defended his big blind to see a {5-Hearts}{8-Spades}{10-Diamonds}. Danchev checked and Lane bet out 32,000 which prompt a fold from Danchev.

Tags: Dimitar DanchevJon LaneJosh AriehSteven Loube

Hands #12-15: More for Danchev

Nível 3 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante

Hand #12: Douglas Foster raised to 25,000 in the cutoff, Steven Loube called out of the small blind, and Loube check-folded to a bet of 42,000 on a flop of {a-Hearts}{j-Hearts}{8-Spades}.

Hand #13: Alex Bolotin raised to 27,000 out of the small blind, and Josh Arieh folded in the big blind.

Hand #14: Bolotin raised to 20,000 on the button, winning the blinds and antes.

Hand #15: Loube raised to 24,000 in the hijack seat, Danchev called out of the small blind, and the flop fell {3-Diamonds}{5-Clubs}{a-Diamonds}. Danchev checked, Loube continued for 35,000, and Danchev called. The turn was the {j-Spades}, both players checked, and the river was the {8-Spades}. Danchev led out for 54,000, and Loube folded.

Tags: Alex BolotinDimitar DanchevDouglas FosterSteven LoubeJosh Arieh