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2018 World Series of Poker

Event #55: $1,000 Tag Team No-Limit Hold'em
Dias: 3
Event Info

2018 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
M?o Vencedora
Event Info
Informa??es do Nível
80,000 / 160,000

Team Gangloff Gone

Nível 22 : 6,000/12,000, 2,000 ante

Team Gangloff shoved all in for their last 30,000 or so from the under-the-gun position and action folded all the way to Team Clarke in the big blind who asked how much it was for. Before the dealer could even count Team Gangloff's stack, Team Clarke already made the call.

Team Gangloff: {A-Clubs}{7-Spades}
Team Clarke: {K-Diamonds}{10-Hearts}

The board ran out {k-Spades}{2-Clubs}{j-Spades}{6-Clubs}{j-Hearts} to give Team Clarke a pair of kings on the flop and improve to two pair on the river to eliminate Team Gangloff in 23rd place.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Andre Clarke - Michael Corson
Andre Clarke - Michael Corson
Profile photo of Thomas Gangloff - Bryan Boser
Thomas Gangloff - Bryan Boser

Team Koo Gets Team Sluzinski to Fold

Nível 22 : 6,000/12,000, 2,000 ante

Team Sluzinski opened the action with a raise to 30,000 and both the small blind and Team Koo in the big blind called. The action was checked to the initial raiser on the {a-Spades}{2-Diamonds}{q-Hearts} flop and he continued for 38,000. The small blind folded and Team Koo called.

Team Koo checked once more on the {8-Clubs} turn and Team Sluzinski bet 120,000. Team Koo called and on the {k-Clubs} river, they led with a 175,000 bet. Team Sluzinski needed a couple of minutes to think and recheck their hand before ultimately folding, giving start-of-day chip leaders Team Koo the pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Bon Koo - Bienvenido Caballero
Bon Koo - Bienvenido Caballero
Day 2 Chip Leader
Profile photo of Jeff Sluzinski - Stephen Graner
Jeff Sluzinski - Stephen Graner

Nível: 22

Blinds: 6,000/12,000

Ante: 2,000

Team Halfa Takes From Team Reymond

Nível 21 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante

Team Reymond raised to 20,000 from the under-the-gun position and was called by Team Halfa in early position and Team Gagnon in the big blind.

The flop came {7-Spades}{7-Hearts}{2-Spades}. It checked to Team Reymond who continuation bet 28,000, Team Halfa called, and Team Gagnon folded.

The turn brought the {3-Clubs}, and this time Team Reymond checked. Team Halfa bet 62,000 and Team Reymond considered it for a while but then folded.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of William Reymond - Ami Alibay
William Reymond - Ami Alibay
Profile photo of Shalev Halfa - Oshri Lahmani
Shalev Halfa - Oshri Lahmani
Profile photo of Samuel Gagnon - Sammy Lafleur
Samuel Gagnon - Sammy Lafleur

Team Simpson Doubles Through Team Levy

Nível 21 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante

Team Lamphere opened the action with a raise to 22,000 from under the gun, and Team Levy called in the small blind. In the big blind, Team Simpson decided to three-bet. Team Lamphere folded, and Team Levy went all in and was called.

Team Levy: {a-Spades}{k-Hearts}
Team Simpson: {j-Clubs}{j-Diamonds}

Board: {7-Hearts}{2-Spades}{7-Clubs}{4-Hearts}{5-Spades}

"No! Quads!" exclaimed Team Lamphere, who seemingly folded pocket sevens preflop.

But it was Team Simpson that held to win the pot with pocket jacks and moved up to 520,000.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Sean Simpson - Jaime Baez
Sean Simpson - Jaime Baez
Profile photo of Salah Levy - Frank Mariani - Cord Garcia
Salah Levy - Frank Mariani - Cord Garcia

Team Gardner Eliminated, Team Lamphere Above One Million

Nível 21 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante

The flop read {9-Hearts}{j-Hearts}{7-Clubs} and Team Gardner was all in and at risk from early position as they had been called by Team Lamphere in the big blind.

Team Gardner: {9-Clubs}{9-Spades}
Team Lamphere: {J-Spades}{J-Diamonds}

They had both flopped a set with Team Lamphere holding the higher set with the jacks.

The rest of the board was completed with the {8-Spades} on the turn and the {6-Diamonds} on the river to complete the board but not provide any help to Team Gardner, and they were eliminated in 24th place.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Adam Lamphere - Ao Chen - Yijie Zhang
Adam Lamphere - Ao Chen - Yijie Zhang
Profile photo of Robert Gardner - Jarred Gabin Mark Hughes - Shaundle Pruitt
Robert Gardner - Jarred Gabin Mark Hughes - Shaundle Pruitt

Team Zeligman Eliminated

Nível 21 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante

Team Zeligman has been eliminated after losing two all-in hands back-to-back.

First, Team Moore moved all in from early position for 137,000 and Team Zeligman called from the next seat. The rest of the table folded and the hands were turned on their backs.

Team Zeligman: {q-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}
Team Moore: {a-Diamonds}{j-Spades}

Board: {9-Hearts}{9-Diamonds}{a-Clubs}{4-Clubs}{8-Spades}

Team Moore spiked an ace to win the pot and moved up to 280,000, as Team Zeligman was left with just 31,000.

In the very next hand, Team Zeligman raised all in and the player on the button three-bet to 46,000. Team Sluzinski four-bet to around 130,000 and the button folded.

Team Zeligman: {k-Diamonds}{j-Clubs}
Team Sluzinski: {a-Clubs}{4-Diamonds}

Board: {8-Hearts}{q-Clubs}{q-Spades}{6-Hearts}{2-Clubs}

Team Sluzinski held to score a knockout as Team Zeligman was sent to the cashout desk.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Jeff Sluzinski - Stephen Graner
Jeff Sluzinski - Stephen Graner
Profile photo of Thomas Moore - Norman Straughn
Thomas Moore - Norman Straughn
Profile photo of Alexander Zeligman - Jonathan Roux - Daniel James
Alexander Zeligman - Jonathan Roux - Daniel James

Team Mandel Loses to Team Halfa

Nível 21 : 5,000/10,000, 1,000 ante

Team Reymond raised to 20,000 from the hijack and was called by Team Halfa in the cutoff. Team Mandel, on the button, shoved for the 90,000 they had left after having had to pay Team Pantaleo a double up for 269,000. Team Reymond considered it for a bit but then folded. Team Halfa called.

Team Mandel: {10-Spades}{10-Hearts}
Team Halfa: {A-Spades}{Q-Clubs}

The board ran out {A-Clubs}{j-Clubs}{8-Hearts}{2-Clubs}{2-Hearts} to give Team Halfa a pair of aces to eliminate team Mandel from the tournament in 27th place.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Shalev Halfa - Oshri Lahmani
Shalev Halfa - Oshri Lahmani
Profile photo of Zev Mandel - Blake Vita
Zev Mandel - Blake Vita