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2019 World Series of Poker

Event #15: $10,000 Heads-Up No-Limit Hold'em Championship
Dias: 3
Event Info

2019 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
M?o Vencedora
Event Info
Informa??es do Nível
125,000 / 250,000

Hands #76-80: Swingruber Wins Four out of Five

Nível 78 : 40,000/80,000, 0 ante

Hand #76: Sean Swingruber raised to 190,000 on the button and Ben Yu folded his big blind.

Hand #77: Yu opened to 200,000 and Swingruber three-bet to 580,000 which got a snap-fold from Yu.

Hand #78: Swingruber limped in on the button and Yu checked his option. The flop came {k-Diamonds}{q-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} and both players checked to the {2-Hearts} on the turn. Yu led out for 80,000 and Swingruber quickly folded.

Hand #79: Yu folded his button and Swingruber received a walk.

The blinds increased to 50,000/100,000

Hand #80: Swingruber made it 225,000 on the button and Yu defended from the big blind. The flop came {10-Spades}{10-Diamonds}{5-Clubs} and Yu check-folded to a bet of 150,000 from Swingruber.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Ben Yu us
Ben Yu
WSOP 4X Winner
Profile photo of Sean Swingruber us
Sean Swingruber
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Ben YuSean Swingruber

Hands #71-75: Swingruber Wins a Race to Double

Nível 78 : 40,000/80,000, 0 ante
Sean Swingruber
Sean Swingruber

Hand #71: Sean Swingruber raised to 190,000 from the button, Ben Yu reraised to effectively 1,530,000-ish from the big blind and after a few moments, Swingruber called all in with {3-Hearts}{3-Diamonds}. Yu showed {q-Diamonds}{j-Spades}.

The board ran out {a-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}{7-Spades}{7-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}, safe for Swingruber to double up with sevens and treys.

Hand #72: (The button was not moved) Sean Swingruber raised to 190,000 from the button and Ben Yu called from the big blind.

The flop was {a-Spades}{k-Spades}{10-Hearts} and Yu check-folded to Swingruber's continuation bet of 120,000.

Hand #73: Ben Yu raised to 200,000 from the button and Sean Swingruber called from the big blind.

The flop was {a-Hearts}{j-Hearts}{10-Clubs} and Swingruber check-folded to Yu's continuation bet of 125,000.

Hand #74: Sean Swingruber raised to 190,000 from the button and Ben Yu called from the big blind.

The flop came down {a-Hearts}{8-Spades}{2-Diamonds}, Yu checked and Swingruber bet 125,000. Yu check-raised to 325,000, resulting in a fold from Swingruber.

Hand #75: Ben Yu limped his button and Sean Swingruber checked his option.

The flop came down {a-Clubs}{j-Spades}{7-Clubs} and Swingruber check-folded to a bet of 80,000 from Yu.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Ben Yu us
Ben Yu
WSOP 4X Winner
Profile photo of Sean Swingruber us
Sean Swingruber
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Ben YuSean Swingruber

Hands #66-70: Swingruber Under 20 Big Blinds

Nível 78 : 40,000/80,000, 0 ante

Hand #66: Ben Yu limped in on the button and Sean Swingruber checked his big blind. The flop came {q-Spades}{10-Hearts}{6-Spades} and Swingruber checked to Yu who bet 80,000. Swingruber called and the {7-Spades} landed on the turn.

Both players checked and the {6-Clubs} paired the board on the river. Swingruber checked again and Yu tossed in a bet of 150,000. Swingruber called and Yu tabled {q-Clubs}{3-Clubs} for two pair to claim the pot.

Hand #67: Swingruber opened to 190,000 and Yu defended from the big blind. The flop fell {k-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}{3-Spades} and both players checked to the {q-Clubs} on the turn and the {9-Spades} on the river. Yu finally tossed in a bet of 200,000 and Swingruber laid his hand down.

Hand #68: Yu just called on the button again and Swingruber was fine with seeing a flop. The flop came {a-Clubs}{k-Hearts}{2-Diamonds} and Swingruber check-folded to a bet of 80,000 from Yu.

Hand #69: Swingruber folded his button and Yu received a walk.

Hand #70: Yu returned the favor by folding his button and Swingruber picked up the walk.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Ben Yu us
Ben Yu
WSOP 4X Winner
Profile photo of Sean Swingruber us
Sean Swingruber
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Ben YuSean Swingruber

Nível: 78

Blinds: 40,000/80,000

Ante: 0

Hands #61-65: Some for Swingruber

Nível 77 : 30,000/60,000, 0 ante
Sean Swingruber
Sean Swingruber

Hand #61: Sean Swingruber raised to 130,000 from the button and Ben Yu called from the big blind.

They checked to the turn of a {j-Hearts}{6-Diamonds}{a-Hearts}{3-Diamonds} board where Swingruber bet 130,000. Yu folded.

Hand #62: Ben Yu limped his button and Sean Swingruber checked his option.

The flop fell {q-Diamonds}{q-Spades}{4-Hearts}, Swingruber checked, Yu bet 60,000 and Swingruber called.

The turn was the {9-Spades}, both checked, the river was the {8-Hearts} and Swingruber check-called 125,000 from Yu, who mucked his hand. Swingruber collected the pot.

Hand #63: Sean Swingruber raised to 125,000 from the button and Ben Yu folded.

Hand #64: Ben Yu limped his button and Sean Swingruber checked his option.

The flop was {a-Spades}{k-Spades}{9-Clubs} and Swingruber check-called 60,000 from Yu. The {9-Diamonds} turn was checked by both, the {5-Hearts} river completed the board and Swingruber bet 180,000. Yu called.

Swingruber showed {6-Spades}{4-Spades}, but Yu took it down with {a-Diamonds}{3-Spades} for aces and nines.

Hand #65: Sean Swingruber raised to 125,000 from the button and Ben Yu called from the big blind.

The flop came down {9-Diamonds}{8-Hearts}{3-Spades} and Yu check-called 150,000 from Swingruber.

The turn was the {7-Diamonds}, Yu checked, Swingruber bet 265,000 and Yu folded.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Ben Yu us
Ben Yu
WSOP 4X Winner
Profile photo of Sean Swingruber us
Sean Swingruber
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Sean SwingruberBen Yu

Hands #56-60: Yu Climbs to 6 Million

Nível 77 : 30,000/60,000, 0 ante

Hand #56: Ben Yu raised to 150,000 on the button and Sean Swingruber folded his big blind.

Hand #57: Swingruber limped in on the button and Yu made it 200,000 to go. Swingruber folded and Yu took down the pot.

Hand #58: Yu just called on the button this time and Swingruber checked his option. The flop came {k-Diamonds}{9-Spades}{6-Diamonds} and Swingruber check-folded to a bet of 60,000 from Yu.

Hand #59: Swingruber opened to 150,000 and Yu defended from the big blind. The flop fell {k-Clubs}{j-Hearts}{5-Spades} and Yu checked to Swingruber who bet 125,000. Yu called and the {6-Clubs} landed on the turn. Both players checked and the {q-Hearts} completed the board. Yu led out for 300,000 and Swingruber instantly folded.

Hand #60: Yu limped in from the button and Swingruber opted to see a flop. The flop came {q-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds} and both players checked to the {j-Hearts} on the turn.

Swingruber led out for 75,000 and Yu stuck around for the {j-Clubs} on the river. Swingruber tossed in another bet of 250,000 and Yu called. Swingruber tabled {q-Diamonds}{5-Spades} for two pair but Yu rivered trips with {j-Spades}{8-Hearts}.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Ben Yu us
Ben Yu
WSOP 4X Winner
Profile photo of Sean Swingruber us
Sean Swingruber
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Ben YuSean Swingruber

Nível: 77

Blinds: 30,000/60,000

Ante: 0

Hands #51-55: Yu's River Check-Raise Fails

Nível 76 : 25,000/50,000, 0 ante

Hand #51: Sean Swingruber raised to 125,000 from the button and Ben Yu folded.

Hand #52: Ben Yu raised to 135,000 from the button and Sean Swingruber called from the big blind.

The flop was {j-Hearts}{9-Spades}{3-Spades}, Swingruber checked, Yu continued for 90,000 and Swingruber folded.

Hand #53: Ben Yu received a walk.

Hand #54: Ben Yu raised to 135,000 from the button, Sean Swingruber three-bet to 335,000 from the big blind and Yu folded.

Hand #55: Sean Swingruber limped his button and Ben Yu checked his option.

The flop came down {7-Spades}{6-Clubs}{2-Hearts} and Yu led out for 50,000. Swingruber bumped it to 150,000, Yu called and the {5-Hearts} fell on the turn. Both checked, the {j-Spades} river completed the board, and Yu checked. Swingruber bet 150,000, Yu check-raised to 450,000 and Swingruber tanked for about two minutes before he called.

Yu showed {k-Diamonds}{2-Spades} for a pair of deuces, but Swingruber turned over {q-Hearts}{7-Clubs} for a pair of sevens to win the pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Ben Yu us
Ben Yu
WSOP 4X Winner
Profile photo of Sean Swingruber us
Sean Swingruber
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Ben YuSean Swingruber

Hands #46-50: A Wheel for Yu

Nível 76 : 25,000/50,000, 0 ante
Ben Yu
Ben Yu

Hand #46: Ben Yu raised to 135,000 on the button and Sean Swingruber folded his big blind.

Hand #47: Swingruber opened to 125,000 and Yu defended from the big blind. The flop came {10-Spades}{6-Hearts}{2-Clubs} and the action checked through to the {4-Hearts} on the turn and the {k-Clubs} on the river. Two more checks and Yu tabled {5-Spades}{4-Spades} for the best hand.

Hand #48: Yu raised to 135,000 and Swingruber folded again.

Hand #49: Swingruber limped in on the button and Yu checked his option. The flop came {4-Spades}{4-Diamonds}{2-Spades} and both players checked to the {7-Hearts} on the turn. Yu checked again and Swingruber fired out a bet of 75,000. Yu called and the {5-Clubs} completed the board.

Yu checked once more and Swingruber bet another 200,000. Yu check-raised to 600,000 which put a look of agony on Swingruber's face. After a two minute tank, Swingruber called and Yu tabled {a-Clubs}{3-Diamonds} for a straight to earn the pot.

Hand #50: Yu folded his button and Swingruber received a walk.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Ben Yu us
Ben Yu
WSOP 4X Winner
Profile photo of Sean Swingruber us
Sean Swingruber
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Ben YuSean Swingruber

Nível: 76

Blinds: 25,000/50,000

Ante: 0