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2019 World Series of Poker

Event #48: $2,500 No-Limit Hold'em
Dias: 3
Event Info

2019 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
M?o Vencedora
Event Info
Informa??es do Nível
50,000 / 100,000

Hands #31-34: Keeline Gets Value from Melogno

Nível 27 : 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante

Hand #31: David Baker shipped all in from the hijack and everyone folded.

Hand #32: Ari Engel raised to 135,000 from under the gun and Truyen Nguyen called from the big blind. The flop fell {10-Spades}{7-Clubs}{4-Hearts} and Nguyen check-called a bet of 110,000 from Engel. The turn was the {4-Clubs} and both players checked to the {2-Clubs} on the river. Two more checks and Nguyen tabled {j-Clubs}{10-Clubs} for a flush to take down the pot.

Hand #33: Pablo Melogno limped in on the button and Engel checked his big blind. The flop came {a-Hearts}{9-Clubs}{2-Clubs} and both players checked to the {k-Diamonds} on the turn. Engel checked and Melogno bet 60,000 which got Engel to fold.

Hand #34: Melogno limped in again and Keeline was his opponent in the big blind this time. Both players checked the {9-Diamonds}{8-Spades}{7-Diamonds} flop and the {2-Diamonds} landed on the turn. Keeline bet 85,000 and Melogno called to see the {10-Clubs} on the river.

Keeline slid out a bet of 350,000 and Melogno tanked for a couple of minutes before calling. Keeline tabled {j-Diamonds}{9-Clubs} for a straight and Melogno sent his cards to the muck.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Ben Keeline us
Ben Keeline
Profile photo of Pablo Melogno uy
Pablo Melogno

Tags: Ari EngelDavid BakerPablo MelognoTruyen Nguyen

Ryan Olisar Eliminated in 8th Place ($39,980)

Nível 27 : 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Ryan Olisar
Ryan Olisar

Hand #30: Ari Engel opened to 135,000 in middle position and Ryan Olisar shoved all in for 580,000 in the small blind. Engel asked for a count and thought for a minute before making the call.

Ari Engel: {k-Hearts}{10-Clubs}
Ryan Olisar: {9-Spades}{9-Clubs}

It turned out to be a coin flip and Olisar stayed in the lead with a flop of {8-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}{4-Hearts}. The {2-Spades} on the turn was also a safe card but the {k-Spades} on the river spelled an end to Olisar's tournament in eighth place.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Ari Engel ca
Ari Engel
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of Ryan Olisar us
Ryan Olisar

Tags: Ari EngelRyan Olisar

Hands #25-29: Hoffman Flops Trips, Melogno Calls Three Streets

Nível 27 : 30,000/60,000, 60,000 ante
Wilbern Hoffman
Wilbern Hoffman

Hand #25: Ben Keeline raised first to act to 95,000, called by big blind Ari Engel. Engel check-called a bet of 85,000 on the {j-Spades}{7-Hearts}{2-Clubs} flop, after which the flow of chips to pot stopped. They saw a free {10-Hearts}{5-Clubs} turn and river, Engel showed {8-Clubs}{7-Diamonds} for two pair and won the pot.

Hand #26: Wilbern Hoffman took the min-pot with a preflop raise to 135,000.

Hand #27: Hoffman limped in under the gun, Engel did the same on the button, as well as David Baker in the big blind for no further cost. They saw all five community cards for no further cost.

"I got it," said Baker, the board standing {6-Clubs}{j-Spades}{9-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}{j-Clubs} and his {q-Clubs}{8-Diamonds} did, in fact, have it. The others mucked.

Hand #28: Pablo Melogno raised in middle position to 130,000 and Hoffman defended his big blind. From then on, it was Melogno doing the calling as Hoffman led all three streets. He bet 200,000 on the {7-Diamonds}{9-Spades}{9-Hearts} flop, 350,000 on the {10-Spades} turn and 500,000 on the {3-Spades} river. Melogno called all bets, but mucked when Hoffman turned over {j-Clubs}{9-Clubs}.

Hand #29: James Hughes moved all in with no callers.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Wilbern Hoffman us
Wilbern Hoffman
Profile photo of Pablo Melogno uy
Pablo Melogno

Tags: Ari EngelBen KeelineDavid BakerJames HughesPablo MelognoWilbern Hoffman

Nível: 27

Blinds: 30,000/60,000

Ante: 60,000

Dinner Break

Nível 26 : 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante

The remaining eight players are heading on a 60-minute dinner break and will return to the blinds at 60,000/120,000 with a 120,000 big blind ante.

Hands #21-24: Hoffman Pushes the Action

Nível 26 : 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante

Hand #21: David Baker shipped all in on the button and the blinds quickly folded.

Hand #22: Ben Keeline opened to 100,000 from the hijack and Wilbern Hoffman called on the button. The flop came {8-Spades}{4-Spades}{3-Spades} and Keeline continued for 70,000. Hoffman called and the {6-Hearts} landed on the turn. Keeline checked this time and Hoffman fired out a bet of 200,000 which got Keeline to fold.

Hand #23: Hoffman raised to 125,000 in the cutoff and Pablo Melogno defended from the big blind. The flop fell {a-Clubs}{8-Spades}{2-Diamonds} and Melogno check-folded to a bet of 225,000 after the clock was called.

Hand #24: Hoffman made it 130,000 in the hijack and Truyen Nguyen called. The flop came {7-Spades}{7-Diamonds}{4-Hearts} and Nguyen check-folded to a bet of 210,000 from Hoffman.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Pablo Melogno uy
Pablo Melogno
Profile photo of Wilbern Hoffman us
Wilbern Hoffman
Profile photo of Ari Engel ca
Ari Engel
WSOP 2X Winner
Profile photo of Ben Keeline us
Ben Keeline
Profile photo of Truyen Nguyen us
Truyen Nguyen
Profile photo of David "Bakes" Baker us
David "Bakes" Baker
WSOP 3X Winner
Profile photo of Ryan Olisar us
Ryan Olisar
Profile photo of James Hughes us
James Hughes

Tags: Ben KeelineDavid BakerPablo MelognoTruyen NguyenWilbern Hoffman

Josh Arieh Eliminated in 9th Place ($30,643)

Nível 26 : 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante
Josh Arieh
Josh Arieh

Hand #20: Josh Arieh moved all in preflop in an open spot for around 800,000. A full count was not requested by speedy button caller Ben Keeline.

Arieh: {a-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}
Keeline: {k-Hearts}{k-Diamonds}

The board: {9-Clubs}{6-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}{q-Spades}{5-Diamonds}. Arieh quietly stood and exited from the feature stage, watched by a crowd that has grown steadily in the hour this final table has been running on it.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Ben Keeline us
Ben Keeline
Profile photo of Josh Arieh us
Josh Arieh
Team Lucky
WSOP 6X Winner

Tags: Ben KeelineJosh Arieh

Hands #17-19: Melogno Wins One More from Hoffman

Nível 26 : 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante

Hand #17: Wilbern Hoffman raised to 115,000 in early position, called by button Pablo Melogno. Both players checked the {3-Hearts}{q-Diamonds}{9-Hearts} flop. Hoffman led out for 215,000 on the {k-Spades} turn and Melogno called. Action returned to check-check on the {k-Clubs} river. Hoffman announced, "Two pair," and showed {5-Clubs}{5-Spades} but Melogno's two pair with {a-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds} was better.

Hand #18: James Hughes open-jammed for 585,000 and got no callers.

Hand #19: Truyen Nguyen raised to 110,000 in the cut-off and picked up the blinds and ante.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Pablo Melogno uy
Pablo Melogno
Profile photo of Wilbern Hoffman us
Wilbern Hoffman

Tags: James HughesPablo MelognoTruyen NguyenWilbern Hoffman

Hands #12-16: Olisar the Most Active

Nível 26 : 25,000/50,000, 50,000 ante

Hand #12: Pablo Melogno opened to 115,000 in middle position and Ryan Olisar shipped all in for 375,000 from the big blind. Melogno still took a minute before making the call to put Olisar at risk.

Olisar turned over {4-Spades}{4-Clubs} and was flipping against the {q-Spades}{9-Hearts} of Melogno. The board ran out {k-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}{k-Spades} and Olisar held on to earn a double up.

Hand #13: The action folded to Olisar in the small blind and he shoved all in. James Hughes was down to around 500,000 in the big blind and he folded.

Hand #14: Olisar moved all in again on the button this time and both of the blinds folded.

Hand #15: James Hughes pushed all in on the button for 460,000 and picked up the pot.

Hand #16: Ari Engel raised to 115,000 from under the gun and Olisar called from the hijack. The flop came {j-Hearts}{7-Spades}{3-Diamonds} and Engel check-called a bet of 110,000 from Olisar. Both players checked the {10-Hearts} on the turn and Engel led out for 130,000 on the {6-Spades} river. Olisar folded and Engel raked in the pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Ryan Olisar us
Ryan Olisar
Profile photo of James Hughes us
James Hughes

Tags: Ari EngelJames HughesPablo MelognoRyan Olisar