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2022 World Series of Poker

Event #21: $1,500 Monster Stack No-Limit Hold'em
Dias: 4
Event Info

2022 World Series of Poker

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1,500,000 / 3,000,000
Informa??es do Jogador - Dia 4
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Event #21: $1,500 Monster Stack No-Limit Hold'em

Dia 4 Terminado

Mike Jukich Wins First Bracelet in Event #21: $1,500 Monster Stack No-Limit Hold'em ($966,577)

Nível 42 : 1,500,000/3,000,000, 3,000,000 ante
Mike Jukich
Mike Jukich

Mike Jukich defeated a massive field of 6,051 players to win his first bracelet in Event #21: $1,500 Monster Stack No-Limit Hold'em at the 2022 World Series of Poker at Bally's and Paris Las Vegas.

After 14 hours of play on Day 4, he triumphed at a final table featuring former bracelet winners Anthony Spinella and Joao Simao, before defeating Mateusz Moolhuizen heads-up to take home $966,577.

Event #21: $1,500 Monster Stack Final Table Results

PlaceNameCountryPrize (USD)
1Mike JukichUnited States$966,577
2Mateusz MoolhuizenNetherlands$597,362
3Francis AndersonUnited States$449,912
4Joao SimaoBrazil$341,095
5Anthony SpinellaUnited States$260,315
6David ZarrinUnited States$199,995
7Yoshiya AgataJapan$154,688
8Jessica TeuslAustria$120,455
9Ricardo CaridadePortugal$94,439

Winner's Reaction

Mike Jukich
Mike Jukich

Before today, Jukich’s biggest result was winning a WSOP ring event in Baltimore for $165,438 in 2018. After the win, the Virginia native was asked by PokerNews how he felt about winning his first-ever bracelet.

“Insane, first off I want to say hi to my fiancé Ashley Myers who's back home, and my son Ryker. I wish they could be here. It just didn’t work out with how the scheduling was, I was short to start the day. I had like 14 bigs. I started off with a double and just kinda ran it from there. It's just been a wild roller coaster.”

The last couple of hands were as wild as they could get.

“I mean, it was a big set-up on the turn deuce. I thought for a while about just calling but decided to just stick it in. It happened so quick, I heard his rail saying it's over, it’s over, and I was like, it’s not really over yet. The king hit from outer space, I don’t even know how to describe that."

Jukich mentioned his family back home. What does it mean to win this for them?

“My fiancé, like I said, we’re not married yet, but I promise we will be soon. She’s been my rock she’s been supportive through lots of ups and downs and lots of stupid decision-making with money, now hopefully I can just hang on to it and give her and my son a good life”.

Day 2 Recap

Mateusz Moolhuizen
Mateusz Moolhuizen would eventually suffer a horrible bad beat

The final table play started with Ricardo Caridade’s ace-queen falling to Spinella’s ace-king to send him out in ninth place. Jessica Teusl was next to go, losing with ace-six to Jukich’s pocket sixes and exiting in eighth place.

Jukich scored another knockout when he busted Yoshiya Agata in seventh. The back and forth battle went on for a while until David Zarrin got it in against Simao but fell short and was eliminated in sixth.

Spinella, the chip leader for much of the final day, exited in fifth after he was all in with jack-ten against Francis Anderson's pocket-eights and could not win the flip.

Simao hit the rail in fourth when his pocket tens could not improve against the rockets of Moolhuizen. Soon after, Moolhuizen eliminated Anderson in third after getting it all-in and flipping with jacks against Anderson’s ace-king.

A cruel hand went Jukich's way, a hand that altered the course of the tournament. Jukich moved all-in on the turn holding two pair only to discover Moolhuizen had turned full-house with his six-deuce. However, Jukich spiked a two-outer king on the river to completely turn the tables on Moolhuizen. Dutch star Moolhuizen was eliminated on the very next hand.

Congratulations to Mike Jukich, winner of Event #21: $1,500 Monster Stack No-Limit Hold'em.

That concludes events from today's WSOP. We will be back tomorrow with all the updates from Bally's and Paris for the latest events. Stay here at PokerNews for all the action.

Mateusz Moolhuizen Eliminated in 2nd Place ($597,362)

Nível 42 : 1,500,000/3,000,000, 3,000,000 ante
Mateusz Moolhuizen
Mateusz Moolhuizen

On the very next hand after Mike Jukich's unbelievable river hit, Mateusz Moolhuizen called from the button with {k-Clubs}{q-Clubs}.

Jukich went all-in with {a-Hearts}{8-Clubs} and was snap-called.

The flop came {j-Spades}{10-Hearts}{5-Spades} to give Moolhuizen an open-ended straight draw and a 51% chance to win the hand.

However, the {3-Diamonds} on the turn made Jukich a 70% favorite to win his first bracelet.

The river {5-Clubs} had Jukich jump on the table and hug the dealer as Moolhuizen had to settle for second place and just under $600,000.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Mike Jukich us
Mike Jukich
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Mateusz Moolhuizen nl
Mateusz Moolhuizen

Tags: Mateusz MoolhuizenMike Jukich

Jukich Hits Two-Outer All-In on the River to Take Commanding Chip Lead

Nível 42 : 1,500,000/3,000,000, 3,000,000 ante
Mike Jukich
Mike Jukich

Mike Jukich opened to 8,000,000 with {k-Spades}{q-Hearts} and Mateusz Moolhuizen called from the big blind with {6-Clubs}{2-Clubs}.

The {2-Diamonds}{k-Clubs}{6-Diamonds} gave Moolhuizen two pair while Jukich flopped top pair, setting up the action. Jukich continued for 6,000,000 and Moolhuizen raised to 19,000,000. Jukich called.

With the pot at 58,000,000, the {2-Hearts} turn gave Moolhuizen the full house, and he continued for 20,000,000 more. Jukich would go in the tank and eventually shove. Moolhuizen snap-called and needed to fade two outs for his first bracelet.

The river brought the {k-Hearts} to stun the entire crowd and give Jukich a commanding chip lead.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Mike Jukich us
Mike Jukich
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Mateusz Moolhuizen nl
Mateusz Moolhuizen

Tags: Mateusz MoolhuizenMike Jukich

Francis Anderson Eliminated in 3rd Place ($449,912)

Nível 40 : 1,000,000/2,000,000, 2,000,000 ante
Francis Anderson
Francis Anderson

Mateusz Moolhuizen opened to 6,000,000 and Francis Anderson three-bet to 20,000,000. Moolhuizen shoved and Anderson snap-called.

Francis Anderson: {a-Hearts}{k-Clubs}
Mateusz Moolhuizen: {j-Spades}{j-Diamonds}

The flop came {10-Diamonds}{10-Spades}{9-Hearts}. The turn was a {3-Clubs}, meaning Anderson was only drawing to six outs.

None of those outs would surface as the {7-Diamonds} graced the river, which sets up a heads-up match between Moolhuizen and Mike Jukich.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Mateusz Moolhuizen nl
Mateusz Moolhuizen
Profile photo of Mike Jukich us
Mike Jukich
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Francis Anderson us
Francis Anderson
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Francis AndersonMateusz MoolhuizenMike Jukich

Anderson Gets Bluff Through to Re-Take Chip Lead

Nível 40 : 1,000,000/2,000,000, 2,000,000 ante
Francis Anderson
Francis Anderson

Mateusz Moolhuizen opened from the button for 6,000,000 with {a-Spades}{j-Clubs} and Francis Anderson three-bet to 20,000,000 from the big blind. Moolhuizen opted to just call.

The flop came {8-Diamonds}{k-Spades}{5-Diamonds} and Anderson continued for 12,000,000. Moolhuizen called.

The turn came the {6-Diamonds} and with a little less than pot, Anderson moved all-in and Moolhuizen folded.

Anderson emphatically turned the {3-Clubs} face up as he took the chip lead.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Francis Anderson us
Francis Anderson
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Mateusz Moolhuizen nl
Mateusz Moolhuizen

Tags: Francis AndersonMateusz Moolhuizen

Jukich Flops Monster, Settles for Chop

Nível 40 : 1,000,000/2,000,000, 2,000,000 ante

Mike Jukich opened from the button for 6,000,000 with {10-Spades}{6-Spades} and Mateusz Moolhuizen called from the big blind with {6-Diamonds}{4-Spades}.

The flop came {9-Spades}{8-Spades}{10-Diamonds}, giving Jukich top pair with a straight flush draw, while Moolhuizen had a straight draw himself. The two players checked.

The turn came the {7-Diamonds}, giving both players the straight, though Jukich had the redraw. Jukich bet 6,000,000 and Moolhuizen called.

The {7-Clubs} river had Moolhuizen min-bet lead for 3,000,000 into 28,500,000. Jukich called and had to settle for a chop.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Mateusz Moolhuizen nl
Mateusz Moolhuizen
Profile photo of Mike Jukich us
Mike Jukich
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Mateusz MoolhuizenMike Jukich

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Nível 40 : 1,000,000/2,000,000, 2,000,000 ante
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Joao Simao Eliminated in 4th Place ($341,095)

Nível 40 : 1,000,000/2,000,000, 2,000,000 ante
Joao Simao
Joao Simao

Joao Simao opened to 6,000,000 from the button and Mateusz Moolhuizen three-bet to 16,000,000 from the small blind.

Following nearly five minutes and after Anderson called the clock, Simao shoved for 55,000,000 total. Moolhuizen snap-called and the Brazilian knew what he was up against.

Joao Simao: {10-Hearts}{10-Spades}
Mateusz Moolhuizen: {a-Hearts}{a-Diamonds}

The flop came {j-Hearts}{8-Diamonds}{a-Spades}, meaning only running straight cards could save Simao. The {4-Spades} sealed his fate and the {2-Diamonds} completed the board.

The bustout means that there will be a first-time WSOP bracelet winner.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Mateusz Moolhuizen nl
Mateusz Moolhuizen
Profile photo of Joao Simao br
Joao Simao
WSOP 2X Winner

Tags: Joao SimaoMateusz Moolhuizen