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2023 World Series of Poker

Event #30: $1,500 Limit 2-7 Triple Draw
Dias: 3
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

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Leonard Doubles Through Damm

Nível 30

John Monnette bet from the cutoff, Patrick Leonard called from the button and Josh Damm made it three bets from the big blind, receiving a call from both opponents. Damm drew one, Monette drew two and Leonard drew two.

After the first draw Damm bet, Monnette called, Leonard raised to two bets, Damm raised to three bets, Monnette folded and Leonard called off with the last of his chips, putting himself at risk.

Leonard stood pat for both draws and Damm drew one for both draws.

Patrick Leonard: 7x6x5x4x2x
Josh Damm: 9x6x4x3x2x

Leonard had made number four on the first draw which Damm could not beat, resulting in Leonard scooping a major pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Josh Damm us
Josh Damm
Profile photo of Patrick Leonard gb
Patrick Leonard
WSOP 1X Winner
Run It Once
Profile photo of John Monnette us
John Monnette
WSOP 5X Winner

Tags: John MonnetteJosh DammPatrick Leonard

Ryan Hughes Eliminated in 6th Place ($21,342)

Nível 30
Ryan Hughes
Ryan Hughes

Ryan Hughes bet from under the gun and received a call from James Williams in the hijack. Both players drew two.

Hughes check-called a bet from Williams after the first draw to put himself all in and at risk. Once again both players drew two.

For the final draw Hughes drew one while Williams stood pat.

Ryan Hughes: 8x6x4x2x/Xx
James Williams: 9x7x6x3x2x.

Hughes needed to catch a three, five or seven to preserve his tournament life. He caught a nine for his last draw giving him 9x8x6x4x2x which was not enough to overcome Williams' Nine-Seven, resulting in Hughes' deep run coming to an end.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of James Williams (AR) us
James Williams (AR)
Profile photo of Ryan Hughes us
Ryan Hughes
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: James WilliamsRyan Hughes

More Poultry for Williams

Nível 30
James Williams
James Williams

John Monnette raised in the cutoff and got called by James Williams in the big blind. Williams drew one, while Monnette needed two cards.

Williams bet out and got a call from Monnette, and the players each drew one and two again respectively.

Williams appeared to slow down with a check, which drew a bet from Monnette, but Williams came back with a check-raise, which gave Monnette some pause.

He opted to continue on with a call, patting behind after Williams stood pat.

Williams quickly fired out a final bet which Monnette called, and he now got to hear the magic words from the Arkansas native, "the chicken", said Williams as he rolled over his 7x5x4x3x2x for another number one.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of James Williams (AR) us
James Williams (AR)
Profile photo of John Monnette us
John Monnette
WSOP 5X Winner

Tags: James WilliamsJohn Monnette

Hughes Denied a Double by Perfect Final Draw

Nível 30

John Monnette raised on the button and Ryan Hughes committed the last of his roughly 200,000 remaining chips from the big blind with a three-bet that Monnette called.

Hughes drew one while Monnette took two. On the second draw, Hughes now stood pat, while Monnette drew one.

The numbers remained the same for the final draw as Monnette still needed against Hughes pat hand, which he revealed to be 8x7x5x3x2x.

Monnette showed his 8x7x5x2x, needing to pull a three to chop the pot. The dealer indeed had tossed him a 3x, denying Hughes a much-needed double-up.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of John Monnette us
John Monnette
WSOP 5X Winner
Profile photo of Ryan Hughes us
Ryan Hughes
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: John HughesJohn Monnette

Williams Makes "The Chicken"

Nível 30

Ryan Hughes bet from the cutoff and received a call from James Williams on the button. Hughes stood pat while Williams drew two.

Hughes bet after the first draw and Williams raised it to two bets. Hughes called and both players stood pat for the second draw.

Hughes check-called a bet from Williams, stood pat and check-called another bet from Williams after the final draw.

"Chicken" Williams said, tabling 7x5x4x3x2x for a wheel (also known as the chicken, according to Williams) to take down a large pot, leaving Hughes short-stacked.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of James Williams (AR) us
James Williams (AR)
Profile photo of Ryan Hughes us
Ryan Hughes
WSOP 3X Winner

Tags: James Williams (AR)Ryan Hughes

Nível: 30

Blinds: 40,000/80,000
Limits: 80,000/160,000

Williams Wins a Big One Before Break

Nível 29

Patrick Leonard raised in the cutoff and got calls from Ryan Hughes on the button and James Williams in the small blind.

Williams drew one card, while his opponents each drew two and then led right out with a bet, which Leonard called and Hughes raised. Williams then made it three bets to go and after a bit of thought, the short-stacked Leonard opted to fold.

Hughes however called, and then he and Williams both patted their hands.

Williams check-called a bet from Hughes and then patted again, as did Hughes.

After that final drawing round, Williams now led out with a bet, and after not too long, Hughes elected to fold his hand.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of James Williams (AR) us
James Williams (AR)
Profile photo of Ryan Hughes us
Ryan Hughes
WSOP 3X Winner
Profile photo of Patrick Leonard gb
Patrick Leonard
WSOP 1X Winner
Run It Once

Tags: James WilliamsPatrick LeonardRyan Hughes

Michael Rodrigues Eliminated in 7th Place ($15,722)

Nível 29
Michael Rodrigues
Michael Rodrigues

Michael Rodrigues bet from middle position and got a call from Ryan Hughes in the big blind. Hughes drew two and Rodrigues drew one.

Both players checked after the first draw and drew one. Hughes then bet and received a call from Rodrigues. Hughes stood pat and Rodrigues drew one.

With no draws remaining Hughes fired another bet and Rodrigues folded, leaving himself with only 60,000 chips remaining.

The next hand Rodrigues bet from under the gun and was all in. Josh Damm made it two bets from middle position, John Monette raised to three bets from the cutoff and Damm made the call. Rodrigues drew three, Damm and Monette each drew one.

Damm bet after the first draw and was called by Monnette. Both players stood pat while Rodrigues drew three.

After the second draw Damm fired another bet and Monnette got out of the way. Both Rodrigues and Damm stood pat for the final draw.

Michael Rodrigues: 8x7x6x4x2x
Josh Damm, 8x5x4x3x2x

Rodrigues' eight-seven could not best Damm's eight-perfect and he was sent to the rail in seventh place.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Josh Damm us
Josh Damm
Profile photo of Ryan Hughes us
Ryan Hughes
WSOP 3X Winner
Profile photo of John Monnette us
John Monnette
WSOP 5X Winner
Profile photo of Michael Rodrigues pt
Michael Rodrigues
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: John MonetteJosh DammMichael RodriguesRyan Hughes