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2023 World Series of Poker

Event #93: $10,000 Short Deck Championship
Dias: 3
Event Info

2023 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
M?o Vencedora
Event Info
Informa??es do Nível
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Informa??es do Jogador - Dia 3
Jogadores Restantes

Nível: 21

Blinds: 0/0

Ante: 20,000

Eric Wasserson Eliminated in 4th Place ($85,124)

Nível 20 : Blinds 0/0, 15,000 ante
Eric Wasserson
Eric Wasserson

Eric Wasserson moved all in for a little under 700,000 and Ivan Ermin went into the tank.

After around 15 seconds, he made the call to put Wasserson at risk and the cards were tabled.

Eric Wasserson: K?9?
Ivan Ermin: K?Q?

The flop of 10?6?8? did not do much for either player, but the 9? on the turn gave Wasserson a pair of nines.

"Come on, hold!" Wasserson shouted.

"Jack!" Ermin shouted also, and it seemed the dealer only heard the second request as the river came the J? to give him a straight to win the pot, eliminating Wasserson in fourth place.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Ivan Ermin ru
Ivan Ermin
Day 1 Chip Leader
Profile photo of Eric Wasserson us
Eric Wasserson

Tags: Eric WassersonIvan Ermin

Wasserson Gets Caught Bluffing

Nível 20 : Blinds 0/0, 15,000 ante

Both Eric Wasserson and Ivan Ermin limped in before Hong Wei Yu made it 105,000 to go on the button. Wasserson and Ermin made the call and the trio saw a flop of J?9?8?.

All three players checked their options to the J? turn. Wasserson led out for 80,000 and only Ermin came along. The 10? hit the river and Wasserson took close to 30 seconds before sliding out a bet of 180,000. Ermin quickly called and Wasserson tabled A?6? for the ace-high bluff.

Ermin rolled over Q?J? for a queen-high straight to scoop the sizable pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Ivan Ermin ru
Ivan Ermin
Day 1 Chip Leader
Profile photo of Hong Wei Yu us
Hong Wei Yu
Profile photo of Eric Wasserson us
Eric Wasserson

Tags: Eric WassersonHong Wei YuIvan Ermin

Wasserson Swings Back

Nível 20 : Blinds 0/0, 15,000 ante

Eric Wasserson moved all in from the button and Martin Nielsen quickly called to put him at risk of elimination.

Eric Wasserson: A?K?
Martin Nielsen: 10?10?

The flop came out 8?K?J? to give Wasserson the lead with his pair of kings, but the turn Q? gave Nielsen an open-ended straight draw. Fortunately for Wasserson, the river was the brick 7? and he let out a big sigh of relief as he was pushed the pot for a double up.

"I'm not dead yet!" he declared as he stacked up his reclaimed chips.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Martin Nielsen (FI) fo
Martin Nielsen (FI)
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Eric Wasserson us
Eric Wasserson

Tags: Eric WassersonMartin Nielsen

Nielsen Finds Miracle Runout To Double Off Wasserson

Nível 20 : Blinds 0/0, 15,000 ante
Martin Nielsen
Martin Nielsen

In a heads-up pot with 120,000 in the middle on a flop showing A?Q?8?, Martin Nielsen bet 60,000 from early position and Eric Wasserson raised to 200,000 from the cutoff. Nielsen took a few seconds before announcing all in for 1,200,000 and Wasserson snap-called.

Martin Nielsen: A?9?
Eric Wasserson: 8?8?

Wasserson flopped a set and had Nielsen in rough shape with his top pair. The turn fell the 7? and Nielsen picked up a straight draw. The river peeled off the 6? and the straight got there for Nielsen to score a massive double up off Wasserson and leave him short.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Martin Nielsen (FI) fo
Martin Nielsen (FI)
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Eric Wasserson us
Eric Wasserson

Tags: Eric WassersonMartin Nielsen

Ermin Gets Check-Raised by Yu

Nível 20 : Blinds 0/0, 15,000 ante
Hong Wei Yu
Hong Wei Yu

Eric Wasserson opened to 100,000 from the cutoff and was called by Ivan Ermin on the button and Hong Wei Yu from under the gun.

The flop came out 9?A?8?. Yu and Wasserson checked to Ermin who bet 115,000, but then Yu check-raised him to 500,000 and Wasserson quickly got out of the way.

Ermin then went into the tank for almost a minute and a half, using two of his time banks before he finally decided to lay it down.

"Show an eight!" Wasserson said to Yu, who then complied by showing the 8? as he raked in the pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Hong Wei Yu us
Hong Wei Yu
Profile photo of Eric Wasserson us
Eric Wasserson
Profile photo of Ivan Ermin ru
Ivan Ermin
Day 1 Chip Leader

Tags: Eric WassersonHong Wei YuIvan Ermin

Nível: 20

Blinds: 0/0

Ante: 15,000

Wasserson Takes From Nielsen

Nível 19 : Blinds 0/0, 12,000 ante

Martin Nielsen opened to 75,000 from early position and only Eric Wasserson made the call in the cutoff.

The flop fanned out 10?9?9? and Nielsen check-called a bet of 65,000 from Wasserson. On the 8? turn Nielsen checked a second time and Wasserson came with a size of 140,000.

Nielsen took some time, but in the end made the fold and the pot was shipped to Wasserson.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Eric Wasserson us
Eric Wasserson
Profile photo of Martin Nielsen (FI) fo
Martin Nielsen (FI)
Day 2 Chip Leader
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Eric WassersonMartin Nielsen