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2017 World Series of Poker

Event #27: $3,000 No-Limit Hold'em 6-Handed
Dias: 3
Event Info

2017 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
M?o Vencedora
Event Info
Informa??es do Nível
80,000 / 160,000

Hands #100-104: Dias Gains Some Ground

Nível 31 : 60,000/120,000, 20,000 ante

Hand #100: Chris Moorman opened to 260,000 and Dias called. The flop came {k-Clubs}{a-Diamonds}{3-Spades}, Moorman bet 210,000 and Dias called. Dias checked on the turn {q-Hearts} and Moorman bet 550,000. Dias called to see the {6-Spades} on the river and both players checked. Dias won the hand with two pair, kings and threes.

Hand #101: Dias opened to 260,000 and Moorman folded.

Hand #102: Moorman opened to 260,000 and Dias called, bringing a {9-Clubs}{5-Diamonds}{q-Spades} flop. Moorman bet 200,000 and Dias called. The {q-Diamonds} fell on the turn and both players checked to the {7-Hearts} on the river. Dias checked once more and Moorman bet 575,000. Dias folded.

Hand #103: Moorman was given a walk.

Hand #104: Moorman opened to 260,000 and Dias made the call. The dealer fanned a {10-Clubs}{10-Spades}{a-Hearts} flop and Dias check-called a bet of 175,000 from Moorman. The turn was the {k-Spades} and both players checked to see the {6-Spades} on the river for free. Both checked again and Moorman won with aces and tens.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Chris Moorman gb
Chris Moorman
Profile photo of Bernardo Dias br
Bernardo Dias

Tags: Bernardo DiasChris Moorman

Bernardo Dias Makes a Big Call, Building Back

Nível 31 : 60,000/120,000, 20,000 ante

Hand #94: Chris Moorman raised to 260,000 on the button and Bernardo Dias moved all in from the big blind. Moorman folded and Dias won the pot.

Hand #95: Moorman got a walk in his big blind, winning the blinds and antes.

Hand #96: Moorman limped on the button and Dias checked. The flop was {J-Spades}{4-Hearts}{3-Spades} and Dias checked. Moorman bet 150,000 and Dias called.

The turn was the {9-Diamonds} and Dias checked again. Moorman bet 450,000 and Dias called again.

On the {A-Spades} river, Dias checked and Moorman pushed forward a bet of 1,100,000, nearly two-thirds of Dias's stack. Dias went into the tank, drank some water, shook his head, and grimaced repeatedly. After several minutes, he called.

Moorman had {K-}{10-} for king-high and Dias was good with his {J-Diamonds}{5-Diamonds} for a pair of jacks.

Hand #97: Dias raised to 260,000 on the button and Moorman called in the big blind. They both checked the {A-Spades}{5-Hearts}{2-Spades} flop, and the turn was the {7-}. Moorman bet out 350,000 and Dias folded.

Hand #98: Dias got a walk.

Hand #99: Dias raised to 260,000 on the button and Moorman called in the big blind. They both checked the {8-Hearts}{5-Spades}{5-Diamonds} flop and the {5-Clubs} turn.

On the {10-Spades} river, Moorman bet 250,000 and Dias thought for awhile before he folded.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Chris Moorman gb
Chris Moorman
Profile photo of Bernardo Dias br
Bernardo Dias

Tags: Chris MoormanBernardo Dias

Hands #89-93: Moorman Wins a Big One

Nível 31 : 60,000/120,000, 20,000 ante

Hand #89: Bernardo Dias opened to 275,000 and Chris Moorman defended. Dias continued with a bet of 325,000 on the {9-Spades}{3-Diamonds}{j-Spades} flop and Moorman check-called. The {6-Diamonds} fell on the turn and both players checked, bringing the {4-Spades} on the river. Both checked again and Moorman won with {a-Hearts}{10-Spades}.

Hand #90: Moorman opened to 260,000 and Dias folded.

Hand #91: Dias limped and Moorman raised to 420,000. Dias called and the flop ran out {5-}{6-Hearts}{10-Diamonds}. Moorman continued with a bet of 335,000 and Dias called. The turn card was the {8-Hearts} and Moorman fired a second bullet worth 950,000. Dias Called.

The {q-Hearts} landed on the river and Moorman bet 1,800,000. Dias quickly folded.

Hand #92: Moorman opened and Dias folded.

Hand #93: Dias limped and Moorman raised to 420,000, getting a fold from Dias.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Chris Moorman gb
Chris Moorman
Profile photo of Bernardo Dias br
Bernardo Dias

Nível: 31

Blinds: 60,000/120,000

Ante: 20,000

Hands #86-88: Back and Forth

Nível 30 : 50,000/100,000, 15,000 ante

Hand #86: Chris Moorman raised to 225,000 on the button and took down the pot.

Hand #87: Moorman got a walk.

Hand #88: Moorman raised to 225,000 on the button and Bernardo Dias raised to 700,000. Moorman quickly folded.

Hands #81-85: Diaz Shortens the Gap

Nível 30 : 50,000/100,000, 15,000 ante

Hand #81: Bernardo Dias opened to 225,000 and Chris Moorman folded.

Hand #82: Moorman opened to 225,000 and Dias called. The flop came {3-Hearts}{j-Diamonds}{9-Clubs} and both players checked to see the board pair on the turn with the {9-Spades}. Dias check-called a bet of 150,000 from Moorman and the {4-Spades} fell on the river. Dias checked again and Moorman bet 325,000. Dias raised to 950,000 and Moorman folded.

Hand #83: Dias opened to 225,000 and Moorman called. Dias tossed out a bet of 175,00 on the {a-Clubs}{10-Hearts}{3-Spades} flop and Moorman check-called. The turn was the {2-Clubs} and Moorman checked once more. Dias fired a second barrel worth 475,000 and Moorman called. The {8-Hearts} completed the board on the river and Moorman checked for the third time. Dias unleashed a third barrel, sliding out a bet of 1,050,000 and Moorman snap-called. Dias tabled his hand and Moorman mucked

Hand #84: Moorman opened to 225,000 and Dias called. The flop came {q-Hearts}{8-Hearts}{6-Diamonds} and Dias checked. Moorman bet 200,000, taking down the pot.

Hand #85: Dias raised to 225,000 and Moorman called. {9-Diamonds}{9-Spades}{5-Hearts} Moorman checked and Dias continued with a bet of 175,000. Moorman folded.

Tags: Chris MoormanBernardo Dias

Hands #76-80: Small Pots

Nível 30 : 50,000/100,000, 15,000 ante

Hand #76: Chris Moorman raised to 225,000 on the button and Bernardo Dias folded.

Hand #77: Moorman got a walk.

Hand #78: Moorman raised to 225,000 on the button and Dias moved all in. Moorman folded and Dias took that pot.

Hand #79: Dias limped on the button and Moorman checked his option. They saw a flop of {J-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}{2-Clubs} and Moorman check-folded to a bet of 125,000 from Dias.

Hand #80: Moorman raised to 225,000 on the button and Dias defended his big blind. On the {10-Diamonds}{9-Diamonds}{4-Hearts} flop, Dias checked, Moorman bet 175,000, and Dias let it go.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Chris Moorman gb
Chris Moorman
Profile photo of Bernardo Dias br
Bernardo Dias

Hands #69-75: Moorman Wins This Round

Nível 30 : 50,000/100,000, 15,000 ante

Hand #69: Chris Moorman opened to 225,000 and Bernardo Dias folded.

Hand #70: Dias limped and Moorman raised to 350,000, forcing Dias to fold.

Hand #71: Moorman limped and Dias checked his option bringing a [aqc10s] flop. Both players checked and the {a-Clubs} came on the turn. Both checked again to see the {6-Clubs} complete the board on the river. Dias folded when Moorman bet 150,000.

Hand #72: Dias limped and Moorman checked. The flop came {10-Hearts}{5-Diamonds}{j-Diamonds} and both players checked. The {3-Clubs} landed on the turn and Moorman check-called a bet of 125,000 from Dias. The river was the {5-Spades} and both checked. Dias took down the pot with a pair of deuces.

Hand #73: Moorman opened to 225,000 and Dias called. The two saw a {k-Hearts}{4-Hearts}{9-Clubs} flop and checked to the {j-Hearts} on the turn. Dias led with a bet of 300,000 and Moorman folded.

Hand #74: Moorman raised to 225,000 and Dias called. Moorman bet 150,000 on a {2-Diamonds}{q-Clubs}{k-Diamonds} flop and Dias called. The {3-Spades} came on the turn and Moorman bet 450,000. Dias mucked.

Hand #75: Dias limped and Moorman checked to see a {a-Diamonds}{2-Hearts}{5-Diamonds} flop. Dias bet 100,000 and Moorman check-raised to 300,000 getting a fold.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Chris Moorman gb
Chris Moorman
Profile photo of Bernardo Dias br
Bernardo Dias

Tags: Bernardo DiasChris Moorman