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2017 World Series of Poker

Event #73: $10,000 No-Limit Hold'em MAIN EVENT - World Championship
Dias: 10
Event Info

2017 World Series of Poker

Resultados Finais
M?o Vencedora
Event Info
Informa??es do N��vel
1,500,000 / 3,000,000

Hands #159-160: Ott Doubles Through Pollak

N��vel 41 : 1,000,000/2,000,000, 300,000 ante
Dan Ott doubles up
Dan Ott doubles up

Hand #159: Scott Blumstein raised to 4.3 million on the button, and Benjamin Pollak folded in the small blind. Dan Ott defended his big blind, and the flop came down {j-Diamonds}{3-Spades}{a-Diamonds}. Ott checked to Blumstein, who bet out 3.5 million. Ott called, and the {7-Spades} hit the turn. Ott tapped the felt again, and Blumstein bet again, this time 8.5 million. Ott made the call again, and the {3-Diamonds} completed the board. Ott checked one more time, and Blumstein did the same. Blumstein showed {A-Hearts}{9-Hearts} for a pair of aces to take down the pot, beating the pair of jacks that Tournament Director Jack Effel announced for Ott.

Hand #160: Pollak bumped it up to 4.3 million on the button, and Ott moved all in from the small blind for about 34 million. Blumstein folded, and Pollak didn't take very long to call.

Pollak: {8-Spades}{8-Hearts}
Ott: {A-Hearts}{Q-Hearts}

The flop came down {Q-Spades}{6-Spades}{5-Hearts}, shooting Ott out into the lead. Pollak picked up backdoor flush and straight outs, but the {10-Clubs} on the turn ended those hopes for that. Pollak needed one of the two eights left in the deck to win the hand now, but the river brought the {6-Clubs} instead.

Ott doubled up to nearly 70 million, while Pollak dropped down to under 24 million.

Dan Ott
Jogador Fichas Progresso
Scott Blumstein us
Scott Blumstein
Main Event Champion
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Dan Ott us
Dan Ott
Benjamin Pollak fr
Benjamin Pollak

Tags: Benjamin PollakDan OttScott Blumstein

Hands #156-158: Pollak Jams the Turn

N��vel 41 : 1,000,000/2,000,000, 300,000 ante

Hand #156: Scott Blumstein just called from the button and Benjamin Pollak called from the small blind. Dan Ott checked his option from the big blind and the flop came {a-Clubs}{j-Spades}{9-Spades}. The action was checked around to Blumstein who bet 3.5 million. Pollak put in a raise to 10.5 million and Ott got out of the way. Blumstein made the call and the {10-Clubs} fell on the turn. Pollak announced all-in for 32,450,000 and Blumstein tanked for a couple minutes before sending his cards into the muck.

Hand #157: Pollak folded his button and Ott limped in from the small blind. Blumstein checked his option and the flop came {k-Hearts}{8-Spades}{3-Clubs}. Ott checked and Blumstein fired 2.8 million into the middle. Ott called and the turn was the {7-Clubs}. Ott checked again and Blumstein checked behind. The {6-Clubs} landed on the river and both players checked. Ott tabled {7-Spades}{7-Diamonds} for a set of sevens and scooped the pot.

Hand #158: Blumstein called from the small blind and Pollak checked his big blind. The flop came {10-Diamonds}{8-Clubs}{6-Hearts} and both players checked to the {9-Clubs} on the turn. Blumstein led out for 5 million and Pollak quickly laid his hand down.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Scott Blumstein us
Scott Blumstein
Main Event Champion
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Benjamin Pollak fr
Benjamin Pollak
Dan Ott us
Dan Ott

Tags: Benjamin PollakDan OttScott Blumstein

Hands #154-155: Blumstein on a Tear

N��vel 41 : 1,000,000/2,000,000, 300,000 ante
Scott Blumstein
Scott Blumstein

Hand #154: Dan Ott called from the small blind and Scott Blumstein checked his option from the big blind. The flop came {a-Diamonds}{10-Clubs}{9-Clubs} and Ott checked. Blumstein bet 3 million and Ott called.

The turn was the {7-Diamonds}. Ott checked and Blumstein decided to check back.

The dealer completed the board with the {7-Spades} on the river and Ott checked for a third time. Blumstein bet 9.5 million and Ott reached into his stack to put out a check-raise worth 25 million.

Blumstein came halfway out of his seat to look at the board and then tossed out a single chip to call. Ott tabled {9-Spades}{8-Hearts} for two pair nines and sevens, but Blumstein revealed {j-Spades}{7-Clubs} for trip sevens to scoop the pot.

Hand #155: Blumstein raised it up to 6.4 million from the small blind and Benjamin Pollak defended his big blind. The flop came {10-Hearts}{7-Hearts}{4-Spades} and both players checked to the {2-Spades} on the turn. Blumstein led out for 8.5 million and Pollak called. The river was the {7-Spades} and Blumstein reached into his stack to cut out a bet worth 12 million. Pollak tanked for about two minutes and eventually called. Blumstein tabled {k-Spades}{2-Hearts} for two pair sevens and deuces and Pollak mucked his hand, sending the pot to the chip leader.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Scott Blumstein us
Scott Blumstein
Main Event Champion
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Dan Ott us
Dan Ott
Benjamin Pollak fr
Benjamin Pollak

Tags: Benjamin PollakDan OttScott Blumstein

Hands #151-153: Pollak Raises the River

N��vel 41 : 1,000,000/2,000,000, 300,000 ante

Hand #151: Benjamin Pollak folded on the button, and Dan Ott limped in from the small blind. Scott Blumstein raised it up to 6.3 million, and Ott released his hand.

Hand #152: Ott folded from the button, and Blumstein called in the small blind. Pollak checked his option, and they went heads up to a flop of {3-Hearts}{k-Hearts}{8-Hearts}. Both players checked, and the {5-Hearts} hit the turn. Blumstein led for 5 million, Pollak called, and the {10-Diamonds} completed the board. Blumstein bet 9.7 million, and Pollak rechecked his cards, tanked for about a minute, then raised it up to 21,500,000. Blumstein immediately sat back in his chair, and started chatting with Pollak, who remained silent and motionless. Eventually, Blumstein tossed his cards into the middle, and Pollak took in a nice pot.

Hand #153: Blumstein folded his button, and Pollak limped in from the small blind. Ott checked, and the flop came down {j-Clubs}{5-Hearts}{k-Spades}. Pollak checked to Ott, who did the same. The {A-Diamonds} on the turn saw Pollak bet out 2.5 million, and Ott released his hand.

Benjamin Pollak
Benjamin Pollak raises the river
Jogador Fichas Progresso
Scott Blumstein us
Scott Blumstein
Main Event Champion
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Dan Ott us
Dan Ott
Benjamin Pollak fr
Benjamin Pollak

Tags: Benjamin PollakDan OttScott Blumstein

Hands #147-150: Pollak Starts to Shove

N��vel 41 : 1,000,000/2,000,000, 300,000 ante
Benjamin Pollak
Benjamin Pollak

Hand #147: Scott Blumstein raised to 4.3 million on the button and Dan Ott three-bet to 14.5 million from the big blind. Blumstein laid his hand down and Ott took down the pot.

Hand #148: Ott limped from the small blind and Blumstein checked his option. The flop came {q-Clubs}{8-Diamonds}{6-Hearts} and Ott checked to Blumstein who bet 2.5 million. Ott folded and Blumstein earned himself a pot.

Hand #149: Ott opened to 4.4 million on the button and Benjamin Pollak announced all-in from the big blind. Ott looked back at his cards but decided to send them into the muck.

Hand #150: Blumstein raised to 4.3 million on the button and Pollak shoved all-in for 45,950,000 from the small blind. Ott folded his big blind and Blumstein mucked his cards as well.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Scott Blumstein us
Scott Blumstein
Main Event Champion
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Dan Ott us
Dan Ott
Benjamin Pollak fr
Benjamin Pollak

Tags: Benjamin PollakDan OttScott Blumstein

Hands #142-146: Blumstein Fires All Streets and Empties the Clip

N��vel 41 : 1,000,000/2,000,000, 300,000 ante
Scott Blumstein
Scott Blumstein

Hand #142: Dan Ott limped in from the small blind and Scott Blumstein checked his option from the big blind. The flop came {a-Clubs}{k-Clubs}{6-Clubs} and Ott checked, as did Blumstein. The turn was the {2-Clubs} and both players checked to the {k-Spades} on the river. Both players checked again, and Ott tabled {9-Clubs}{6-Hearts} for a flush. Blumstein mucked.

Hand #143: Blumstein limped in from the small blind, Benjamin Pollak moved all in from the big blind and Blumstein folded.

Hand #144: Blumstein raised it up to 4.3 million on the button and Pollak folded his small blind. Action was on Ott in the big blind and he decided to three-bet to 14.2 million. Blumstein paused for a moment but opted to fold.

Hand #145: Ott called from the small blind and Blumstein raised to 6.2 million from the big blind. Ott reached into his stack and put out a raise to 19 million. Blumstein folded.

Hand #146: Ott raised to 4.4 million on the button and Blumstein three-bet to 13.5 million from the small blind. Pollak folded his big blind and action was back on Ott. He wasted no time and called.

The flop came {a-Clubs}{4-Clubs}{3-Clubs} and Blumstein led out for 16 million. Ott thought about it for a moment and called.

The turn was the {9-Diamonds}. Blumstein led out for 20 million and Ott slowly cut out chips for a call.

The river was the {2-Spades} and Blumstein moved all in, putting Ott to the test for his remaining 85,775,000 chips. The entire crowd gasped, and Ott thought for about a minute before folding. Blumstein's rail went crazy as he raked in the big pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Scott Blumstein us
Scott Blumstein
Main Event Champion
WSOP Main Event Champion
WSOP 1X Winner
Dan Ott us
Dan Ott
Benjamin Pollak fr
Benjamin Pollak

Tags: Benjamin PollakDan OttScott Blumstein