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2017 World Series of Poker Europe

Event #10: €111,111 High Roller for One Drop No-Limit Hold'em
Dias: 3
Event Info

2017 World Series of Poker Europe

Resultados Finais
M?o Vencedora
Event Info
Informa??es do Nível
2,000,000 / 4,000,000

Hands #87-90: Some Value for Nitsche

Nível 27 : 1,500,000/3,000,000, 500,000 ante

Hand #87: Andreas Eiler raised to 7. million with the {A-Clubs}{10-Clubs} and forced a fold from Dominik Nitsche.

Hand #88: Nitsche raised to 6.0 million with {6-Spades}{4-Hearts} and Eiler defended with {8-Clubs}{6-Diamonds}. The flop of {J-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}{2-Spades} saw no player hit anything and Eiler checked, Nitsche checked back. The {Q-Clubs} turn was checked by Eiler, Nitsche bet 8.0 million and won the pot.

Hand #89: Eiler raised to 6.0 million with {Q-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds} and Nitsche called with {8-Spades}{7-Diamonds}. Nitsche flopped best on {8-Clubs}{5-Diamonds}{2-Hearts} and checked his top pair, while Eiler bet 4.5 million. Nitsche called and bet the {5-Clubs} turn for 10.5 million, Eiler called.

After the {K-Diamonds} river, Nitsche bet 6.0 million and Eiler tank-called.

Hand #90: Nitsche limped in with the {K-Diamonds}{3-Spades} and Eiler raised to 8.0 million with {A-Spades}{A-Diamonds}, Nitsche called. The flop of {10-Hearts}{8-Clubs}{2-Spades} brought a bet of 6.0 million by Eiler and Nitsche quickly folded.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Dominik Nitsche de
Dominik Nitsche
Profile photo of Andreas Eiler de
Andreas Eiler

Tags: Andreas EilerDominik Nitsche

Hands #85-85: Eiler Doubles Up

Nível 27 : 1,500,000/3,000,000, 500,000 ante

Hand #85: A walk for Dominik Nitsche, who held {10-Hearts}{2-Diamonds} in the big blind.

Hand #86: Nitsche limped in, Andreas Eiler moved all in for 46.55 million and Nitsche called.

Andreas Eiler: {A-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}
Dominik Nitsche: {Q-Spades}{J-Clubs}

The board ran out {8-Spades}{8-Diamonds}{7-Clubs}{9-Clubs}{4-Clubs} and Eiler doubled.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Dominik Nitsche de
Dominik Nitsche
Profile photo of Andreas Eiler de
Andreas Eiler

Tags: Andreas EilerDominik Nitsche

Hands #79-84: Nitsche Crushing Heads-Up Play

Nível 27 : 1,500,000/3,000,000, 500,000 ante

Hand #79: Andreas Eiler limped on the button with {8-Diamonds}{7-Clubs} and Dominik Nitsche checked his option with {q-Diamonds}{4-Diamonds}. Both players checked the flop of {10-Clubs}{6-Diamonds}{2-Hearts} and the {6-Spades} paired the board on the turn. Nitsche checked again and Eiler bet 3.0 million, good enough to get Nitsche to fold.

Hand #80: Nitsche just called from the button with {3-Spades}{X-} and Eiler checked his big blind with {q-Diamonds}{5-Spades}. The flop came {8-Spades}{3-Diamonds}{2-Clubs} and Eiler check-folded to a bet of 3.0 million from Nitsche.

Hand #81: Eiler limped on the button with {k-Spades}{k-Hearts} and Nitsche checked with {j-Spades}{6-Hearts}. The flop came {a-Hearts}{q-Hearts}{j-Hearts} giving both players a piece of the board. Nitsche checked to Eiler who bet 3.0 million and Nitsche called. The turn was the {7-Diamonds} and Nitsche checked again. Eiler fired 6.5 million and Nitsche still called. The {8-Clubs} completed the board and both players checked, sending the pot to Eiler with a pair of kings.

Hand #82: Nitsche raised to 6.0 million on the button with {a-Spades}{10-Hearts} and Eiler called with {q-Diamonds}{9-Clubs}. The flop fell {7-Hearts}{7-Diamonds}{5-Spades} and Eiler checked to Nitsche who continued for 5.0 million. Eiler mucked his hand and Nitsche took down the pot.

Hand #83: Eiler folded the button and gave Nitsche a walk.

Hand #84: Nitsche limped the button with {8-Spades}{3-Diamonds} and Eiler checked with {10-Spades}{6-Clubs}. The flop came {a-Clubs}{j-Clubs}{5-Clubs} and Eiler checked to Nitsche who bet 3.0 million with complete air. Eiler called, holding the only club in his hand and the {8-Diamonds} landed on the turn. Both players checked to the {k-Diamonds} on the river and Eiler led out for 5.5 million. Nitsche tossed in a chip to call and Eiler was caught bluffing again.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Dominik Nitsche de
Dominik Nitsche
Profile photo of Andreas Eiler de
Andreas Eiler

Tags: Andreas EilerDominik Nitsche

Nível: 27

Blinds: 1,500,000/3,000,000

Ante: 500,000

Hands #74-78: Nitsche Gets Most of It

Nível 26 : 1,200,000/2,400,000, 400,000 ante

Hand #74: Dominik Nitsche limped in with the {10-Diamonds}{6-Hearts} and Andreas Eiler checked with {Q-Diamonds}{3-Spades}. Eiler checked the {9-Diamonds}{6-Clubs}{5-Diamonds} flop and Nitsche bet 2.5 million to win the pot right there.

Hand #75: Eiler raised to 6.0 million with the {7-Spades}{6-Diamonds} and Nitsche called with {8-Diamonds}{7-Hearts}. The flop fell {J-Clubs}{J-Spades}{3-Spades} and Nitsche checked, Eiler bet 4.5 million and forced a quick fold.

Hand #76: Nitsche limped in with the {10-Diamonds}{6-Hearts} and Eiler checked his option with {9-Clubs}{7-Spades}. On a flop of {Q-Diamonds}{8-Diamonds}{3-Clubs}, Eiler checked and Nitsche's bet of 2.5 million did the trick to scoop the pot.

Hand #77: Eiler folded {9-Hearts}{2-Spades} and Nitsche got a walk with {Q-Clubs}{8-Clubs}.

Hand #78: Nitsche raised to 6.0 with the {7-Diamonds}{5-Spades} and Eiler defended the {K-Clubs}{9-Diamonds}. The flop fell {5-Clubs}{4-Spades}{2-Spades} and Eiler checked, Nitsche bet 5.0 million his pair of fives and won the pot uncontested.

Tags: Andreas EilerDominik Nitsche

Hands #69-73: Nitsche Catches Eiler Bluffing

Nível 26 : 1,200,000/2,400,000, 400,000 ante

Hand #69: A walk for Dominik Nitsche.

Hand #70: Nitsche raised to 6 million with the {J-Hearts}{4-Clubs} and Andreas Eiler called with {K-Hearts}{7-Hearts}. The flop fell {9-Clubs}{7-Clubs}{3-Spades} and Eiler checked, Nitsche bet 5 million and Eiler called.

The {3-Diamonds} paired the board and Eiler checked once more, prompting a second barrel worth 13 million by Nitsche. Eiler folded and Nitsche extended his lead.

Hand #71: Another walk for Nitsche.

Hand #72: Nitsche folded and Eiler received a walk with the {Q-Spades}{10-Hearts}.

Hand #73: Andreas Eiler raised to 6.0 million on the button with {8-Diamonds}{6-Diamonds} and Dominik Nitsche called from the big blind with {q-Diamonds}{9-Spades}. The flop came {a-Hearts}{k-Clubs}{j-Spades} and Nitsche check-called a bet of 4.5 million from Eiler.

The turn was the {10-Diamonds} and Nitsche checked his straight. Eiler fired 12.5 million and Nitsche just called with his straight. The river paired the board with the {j-Hearts} and Nitsche checked for the third time. Eiler reached back for a bet of 24.0 million and Nitsche snap-called. Eiler's cards went to the muck and Nitsche took a substantial chip lead.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Dominik Nitsche de
Dominik Nitsche
Profile photo of Andreas Eiler de
Andreas Eiler

Tags: Andreas EilerDominik Nitsche

Hands #66-68: Nitsche Takes the Lead

Nível 26 : 1,200,000/2,400,000, 400,000 ante

Hand #66: Andreas Eiler got a walk with the {Q-Hearts}{8-Clubs}.

Hand #67: Dominik Nitsche received a walk with {10-Hearts}{6-Hearts}.

Hand #68: Nitsche raised to 6 million with the {Q-Clubs}{J-Clubs} and Eiler defended the {A-Diamonds}{2-Hearts}. The flop fell {A-Hearts}{8-Clubs}{6-Clubs} and both players checked. Eiler also checked the {10-Hearts} on the turn and Nitsche bet 8 million, Eiler called.

The {9-Clubs} completed not only a straight but a flush for Nitsche and Eiler checked. Nitsche gave it some thought and bet 14 million to see Eiler stare back at him and the board for quite some time before tossing in a call.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Dominik Nitsche de
Dominik Nitsche
Profile photo of Andreas Eiler de
Andreas Eiler

Tags: Andreas EilerDominik Nitsche

Mikita Badziakouski Eliminated in 3rd Place (€1,521,312)

Nível 26 : 1,200,000/2,400,000, 400,000 ante
Mikita Badziakouski
Mikita Badziakouski

Hand #65: Andreas Eiler raised to 5.5 million on the button and Mikita Badziakouski in the big blind moved all in for 59.2 million. Eiler quickly called and Dominik Nitsche was the only one of the trio to stand up from his chair.

Mikita Badziakouski: {8-Spades}{8-Hearts}
Andreas Eiler: {A-Spades}{K-Spades}

The board came {10-Clubs}{9-Hearts}{4-Diamonds}{A-Diamonds}{5-Hearts} and Eiler paired his ace on the turn to eliminate Badziakouski in third place for €1,521,312.

Right after the clocks were stopped with 25:50 left in the level and both players agreed to a 70-minute dinner break. Action resumes at 10 p.m. local time with the live stream getting back underway half an hour after that.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Andreas Eiler de
Andreas Eiler
Profile photo of Dominik Nitsche de
Dominik Nitsche
Profile photo of Mikita Badziakouski by
Mikita Badziakouski
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Andreas EilerDominik NitscheMikita Badziakouski

Hands #60-64: Eiler and Badziakouski Take Turns

Nível 26 : 1,200,000/2,400,000, 400,000 ante

Hand #60: Dominik Nitsche raised to 5.0 million on the button with {a-Clubs}{j-Spades} and Mikita Badziakouski called from the small blind with {k-Clubs}{j-Diamonds}. Andreas Eiler also called in the big blind with {7-Hearts}{5-Hearts} and the flop came {10-Spades}{8-Diamonds}{3-Diamonds}. The action was checked around to the {7-Diamonds} on the turn and Badziakouski led out for 7.0 million. Eiler and Nitsche both folded sending the pot to Badziakouski.

Hand #61: Eiler limped in with {10-Diamonds}{9-Clubs} from the small blind and Nitsche checked his option with {6-Hearts}{3-Spades}. The flop came {q-Diamonds}{j-Clubs}{5-Diamonds} and both players checked to the {6-Diamonds} on the turn. Eiler fired 3.5 million with a straight and flush draw and Nitsche called with his pair of sixes. The river landed the {10-Hearts} and both players checked and Eilers won the pot with a pair of tens.

Hand #62: Eiler raised to 5.0 million on the button with {j-Clubs}{10-Clubs} and Badziakouski defended his big blind with {q-Hearts}{8-Hearts}. The flop fell {j-Hearts}{7-Clubs}{4-Diamonds} and Badziakouski checked to Eiler who continued for 4.5 million, forcing Badziakouski to fold.

Hand #63: Badziakouski called from the small blind with {q-Hearts}{4-Hearts} and Eiler checked his big blind holding {k-Diamonds}{6-Hearts}. The flop came {9-Clubs}{3-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds} and Badziakouski led out for 2.5 million. Eiler let his hand go and Badziakouski earned himself a pot.

Hand #64: Badziakouski picked up {q-Spades}{q-Clubs} on the button and just called. Eiler also called in the small blind with {10-Diamonds}{2-Diamonds} and Nitsche checked his option. The flop came {k-Diamonds}{j-Spades}{3-Clubs} and the action was checked to Badziakouski who bet 2.5 million. Eiler and Nitsche both folded their rags and Badziakouski raked in the pot.

Tags: Andreas EilerDominik NitscheMikita Badziakouski