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2024 WSOP Europe

Event #3: €1,350 Mini Main Event
Dias: 4
Event Info

2024 WSOP Europe

Resultados Finais
M?o Vencedora
Event Info
Informa??es do Nível
800,000 / 1,600,000
Informa??es do Jogador - Dia 4
Jogadores Restantes

Marechal Triple Barrel Bluffs Into Campisano

Nível 36 : Blinds 500,000/1,000,000, 1,000,000 ante
Christopher Campisano
Christopher Campisano

Frederic Marechal made it 2,000,000 on the button and Christopher Campisano called from the big blind.

They saw a flop of A?7?5? where Campisano checked, Marechal bet 1,600,000, and Campisano called.

A J? dropped on the turn and again Campisano went into check-call mode as Marechal fired 3,000,000.

When the K? completed the board, Campisano checked and Marechal bet 10,000,000. Campisano was thinking for a while before he finally slid in a stack of pink chips to make the call.

Marechal tabled 8?6? for a busted straight draw, and Campisano showed A?4? to claim the pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Christopher Campisano it
Christopher Campisano
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Frederic Marechal be
Frederic Marechal
Day 3 Chip Leader

Tags: Christopher CampisanoFrederic Marechal

Campisano Value-Bluffs Marechal

Nível 36 : Blinds 500,000/1,000,000, 1,000,000 ante

Frederic Marechal on the button raised to 2,000,000. Christopher Campisano defended in the big blind, after which the flop of 2?7?6? was dealt.

Both players checked to the 4? turn, where Campisano bet 2,700,000. Marechal stuck around with a call to the 2? river, where Campisano sized up to 4,500,000.

Marechal mulled it over for a bit but ultimately called. Campisano tabled A?8? for just ace-high, but it was good against the A?3? of Marechal, who tossed his cards into the muck.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Frederic Marechal be
Frederic Marechal
Day 3 Chip Leader
Profile photo of Christopher Campisano it
Christopher Campisano
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Christopher CampisanoFrederic Marechal

Marechal Five-Bet Shoves, Campisano Folds the Best Hand

Nível 36 : Blinds 500,000/1,000,000, 1,000,000 ante
Frederic Marechal
Frederic Marechal

Christopher Campisano opened the button to 2,000,000 with A?Q? and Frederic Marechal three-bet to 5,500,000 with A?10? from the small blind. Once the big blind folded, Campisano four-bet to 13,500,000, then Marechal five-bet shoved for 36,400,000.

Campisano had found himself in a tricky spot and rechecked his cards before he asked the dealer for an exact count. Around four minutes passed before Campisano came to a decision, and he eventually folded.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Frederic Marechal be
Frederic Marechal
Day 3 Chip Leader
Profile photo of Christopher Campisano it
Christopher Campisano
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Christopher CampisanoFrederic Marechal

Anastasakis Takes the Lead

Nível 36 : Blinds 500,000/1,000,000, 1,000,000 ante
Dimitrios Anastasakis
Dimitrios Anastasakis

Dimitrios Anastasakis raised his button to 2,000,000 with 10?9?. Frederic Marechal then made it 5,000,000 to go in the big blind with K?8? and Anastasakis called.

The flop fell 10?10?J?, seeing Marechal continue for 2,000,000. Anastasakis played it slow and just called with his trips, after which Marechal checked the 6? turn.

Anastasakis checked it back but received no further action from Marechal as the 4? river was checked by him. Anastasakis fired an over-bet of 21,000,000 and received a quick fold from Marechal's king-high.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Dimitrios Anastasakis gr
Dimitrios Anastasakis
Profile photo of Christopher Campisano it
Christopher Campisano
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Frederic Marechal be
Frederic Marechal
Day 3 Chip Leader

Tags: Dimitrios AnastasakisFrederic Marechal

Marechal Turns a Set of Kings

Nível 36 : Blinds 500,000/1,000,000, 1,000,000 ante

Frederic Marechal limped in with K?K? from the small blind and Dimitrios Anastasakis checked his option with A?5?.

They saw a flop of 3?J?Q? where Marechal bet 1,500,000, and Anastasakis called.

Marechal improved to a set on the K? turn and made another bet, this time to 2,500,000. Anastasakis took his time but eventually folded.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Dimitrios Anastasakis gr
Dimitrios Anastasakis
Profile photo of Frederic Marechal be
Frederic Marechal
Day 3 Chip Leader

Tags: Dimitrios AnastasakisFrederic Marechal

Campisano Plays It Tricky

Nível 36 : Blinds 500,000/1,000,000, 1,000,000 ante
Christopher Campisano
Christopher Campisano

Christopher Campisano limped in from the small blind with K?K? and a quick check followed from Frederic Marechal in the big blind, who looked down at 7?6?.

Campisano put in another 1,000,000 on the 6?Q?10? flop and Marechal called with his bottom pair.

The A? turn saw Campisano size up to 2,500,000, this time receiving a quick fold from his opponent and taking down the pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Christopher Campisano it
Christopher Campisano
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Frederic Marechal be
Frederic Marechal
Day 3 Chip Leader

Tags: Christopher CampisanoFrederic Marechal

Anastasakis Limp-Raises

Nível 36 : Blinds 500,000/1,000,000, 1,000,000 ante

Dimitrios Anastasakis limped from the small blind with A?5? and Christopher Campisano made it 3,500,000 from the big blind holding K?Q?. Anastasakis then limp-raised to 13,000,000, and Campisano got out of the way.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Dimitrios Anastasakis gr
Dimitrios Anastasakis
Profile photo of Christopher Campisano it
Christopher Campisano
WSOP 1X Winner

Tags: Christopher CampisanoDimitrios Anastasakis

Marechal Does Not Pull Trigger

Nível 36 : Blinds 500,000/1,000,000, 1,000,000 ante

Frederic Marechal limped in from the small blind with and Dimitrios Anastasakis checked in the big blind.

The 2?3?9? flop was checked by Marechal before he floated the 1,000,000 bet of Anastasakis. The 6? turn was checked through.

The same happened on the 9? river, whereafter Marechal showed 8?7? for a missed open-ended straight flush draw. Anastasakis raked in the pot with 8?3? for bottom pair as the stacks evened out further.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Frederic Marechal be
Frederic Marechal
Day 3 Chip Leader
Profile photo of Dimitrios Anastasakis gr
Dimitrios Anastasakis

Tags: Dimitrios AnastasakisFrederic Marechal

Campisano Limp-Folds King-Jack

Nível 36 : Blinds 500,000/1,000,000, 1,000,000 ante

Christopher Campisano picked up K?J? in the small blind and limped in, then Frederic Marechal made it 5,000,000 with Q?5? from the big blind. Campisano thought for some time, but decided to lay it down.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Christopher Campisano it
Christopher Campisano
WSOP 1X Winner
Profile photo of Frederic Marechal be
Frederic Marechal
Day 3 Chip Leader

Tags: Christopher CampisanoFrederic Marechal

Nível: 36

Blinds: 500,000/1,000,000

Ante: 1,000,000