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2024 PokerStars EPT Paris

€50,000 EPT Super High Roller
Dias: 3
Event Info

2024 PokerStars EPT Paris

Resultados Finais
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Event Info
Informa??es do Nível
100,000 / 200,000
Informa??es do Jogador - Dia 3
Jogadores Restantes

Santerne Gets Sixes Twice

Nível 23 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante

Jonathan Santerne limped in from the button and Chris Brewer checked in the big blind. Santerne then bet 160,000 on the K?3?2? flop and a check-call followed from Brewer.

On the K? turn, Brewer checked again, after which Santerne made it 600,000 to go. Brewer called once more before both players quickly checked the J? river.

Brewer flashed the 2x for bottom pair to go with the kings on board, but Santerne's 6?6? was the winning hand and he raked in the pot.

One hand later, Brewer limped his button and Saterne raised to 600,000 in the big blind. Brewer came along with a call and also called the 600,000-chip bet Santerne put out on the 10?2?5? flop.

Santerne then checked the Q? turn and Brewer took the initiative with a bet of 800,000. Santerne slid in a call, and the 3? river was once again checked by both.

Santerne showed down 6?6? for a pair of sixes, but was outdone by the 10?8? of Brewer, who had flopped a pair of tens.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Chris Brewer us
Chris Brewer
Day 2 Chip Leader
Profile photo of Thomas Santerne fr
Thomas Santerne

Tags: Chris BrewerJonathan Santerne

Brewer Doubles, Regains Chip Lead

Nível 23 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante
Chris Brewer
Chris Brewer

Thomas Santerne opened the button to 325,000. Chris Brewer quickly reraised all in for 4,750,000 and Santerne snap-called.

Chris Brewer: A?9?
Thomas Santerne: 10?10?

Brewer took the lead on the 8?3?A? flop to leave Santerne drawing to two outs. Santerne couldn't hit a set across the Q? turn and 2? river and Brewer scooped a double up.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Chris Brewer us
Chris Brewer
Day 2 Chip Leader
Profile photo of Thomas Santerne fr
Thomas Santerne

Tags: Chris BrewerThomas Santerne

Santerne Hits River

Nível 23 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante

Chris Brewer limped his button and Thomas Santerne knuckled the table in the big blind. The 5?K?8? flop was then check-called by Santerne after Brewer bet 160,000.

The 4? turn was checked by both, and so was the 2? river. Santerne showed 8?2? for two pair and Brewer's cards swiftly hit the muck.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Thomas Santerne fr
Thomas Santerne
Profile photo of Chris Brewer us
Chris Brewer
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: Chris BrewerThomas Santerne

Brewer Gets Some Back

Nível 23 : Blinds 80,000/160,000, 160,000 ante

Chris Brewer limped in from the button and Thomas Santerne checked in the big blind. Brewer continued for 160,000 on the 8?9?A? flop and Santerne check-called.

The 5? turn went check-check before the Q? river saw Santerne bet 425,000.

Brewer instantly called and Santerne showed K?7? for king-high. Brewer tabled Q?2? for a rivered pair and raked in the pot to decrease his deficit.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Thomas Santerne fr
Thomas Santerne
Profile photo of Chris Brewer us
Chris Brewer
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: Chris BrewerThomas Santerne

Nível: 23

Blinds: 80,000/160,000

Ante: 160,000

Stacks Get Closer

Nível 22 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante

Chris Brewer limped in on the button and Thomas Santerne checked in the big blind. The 9?4?7? flop was checked by both before Santerne made a bet of 180,000 on the 7? turn.

Brewer made the call and called Santerne's 450,000-chip bet on the 3? river as well. Brewer showed down 9?2? for top pair and Santerne's cards only flashed briefly before hitting the muck.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Thomas Santerne fr
Thomas Santerne
Profile photo of Chris Brewer us
Chris Brewer
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: Chris BrewerThomas Santerne

Brewer Doubles

Nível 22 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Chris Brewer
Chris Brewer

Thomas Santerne went all in from the button and Brewer snap-called for his tournament life.

Chris Brewer: J?10?
Thomas Santerne: Q?J?

Despite being dominated, the 2?4?4? flop gave Brewer a flush draw which he hit on the Q? turn leaving Santerne drawing dead. The 5? was inconsequential and Brewer got a much needed double.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Thomas Santerne fr
Thomas Santerne
Profile photo of Chris Brewer us
Chris Brewer
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: Thomas SanterneChris Brewer

Brewer Miscounts

Nível 22 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante

Chris Brewer limped his button and Thomas Santerne checked the big blind. Santerne then check-called a 125,000 bet of Brewer on the Q?10?3? flop before both players checked the 5? turn.

The A? river saw Santerne bet 750,000, which puzzled Brewer. Eventually, he stuck in a call but only put 550,000 in the middle. Brewer saw the 5?3? Santerne tabled for two pair and mucked his cards, but still owed 200,000 to his opponent.

"Oh f**k, it's 750,000?" Brewer asked. "I legitimately would have folded. I thought it was 550,000," he added.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Thomas Santerne fr
Thomas Santerne
Profile photo of Chris Brewer us
Chris Brewer
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: Chris BrewerThomas Santerne

Santerne Widens Gap

Nível 22 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante

Chris Brewer limped his button and Thomas Santerne checked his option. The A?6?10? flop was checked through before Brewer was the one to bet 240,000 chips on the 4? turn after Santerne had checked.

Santerne made the call and checked again once the Q? river arrived. Brewer responded with a bet of 850,000 and Santerne made a quick call.

Brewer showed J?7? for jack-high, while Santerne took down the pot with 6?3? for a pair of sixes.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Thomas Santerne fr
Thomas Santerne
Profile photo of Chris Brewer us
Chris Brewer
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: Chris BrewerThomas Santerne