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2024 PokerStars EPT Paris

€50,000 EPT Super High Roller
Dias: 3
Event Info

2024 PokerStars EPT Paris

Resultados Finais
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Event Info
Informa??es do Nível
100,000 / 200,000
Informa??es do Jogador - Dia 3
Jogadores Restantes

Santerne Four-Bets Flop

Nível 22 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Thomas Santerne
Thomas Santerne

Chris Brewer made it 325,000 from the button and Thomas Santerne made the call.

Santerne checked the 4?6?6? flop to Brewer who bet 200,000. Santerne then decided to check-raise to 650,000. Brewer, undeterred, put in the three-bet to 1,100,000. Santerne wasted little time before making a four-bet to 2,200,000. Brewer snap-folded and Santerne took down the pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Thomas Santerne fr
Thomas Santerne
Profile photo of Chris Brewer us
Chris Brewer
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: Chris BrewerThomas Santerne

Santerne Wins With Ducks

Nível 22 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante

Thomas Santerne raised to 250,000 on the button and received a call from Chris Brewer in the big blind.

The pair then checked the 7?J?3? flop and the 9? turn. On the K? river, Brewer led out for 125,000 and Santerne quickly called.

Brewer showed 10?9? for a pair of nines, but Santerne tabled 2?2? for the lowest possible flush.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Thomas Santerne fr
Thomas Santerne
Profile photo of Chris Brewer us
Chris Brewer
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: Chris BrewerThomas Santerne

Santerne Regains Chip Lead

Nível 22 : Blinds 60,000/120,000, 120,000 ante
Thomas Santerne
Thomas Santerne

Thomas Santerne opened from the button to 250,000. Chris Brewer reraised to 1,000,000. Santerne made the call.

Brewer led the K?5?J? flop for 550,000 and Santerne called. He slowed down and checked the J? turn. Santerne fired a bet of 650,000. Brewer made the call before checking the 9? river. Santerne then bet 2,700,000, leaving two 100,000 chips behind. Brewer went into the tank and deployed numerous time banks. He spoke out loud to himself while assessing his decision.

After a while, he flicked in the call. Santerne tabled K?Q? for two pair and Brewer mucked his hand leaving Santerne with a sizeable pot.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Thomas Santerne fr
Thomas Santerne
Profile photo of Chris Brewer us
Chris Brewer
Day 2 Chip Leader

Tags: Chris BrewerThomas Santerne

Nível: 22

Blinds: 60,000/120,000

Ante: 120,000

Brewer Doubles Up, Takes Chip Lead

Nível 21 : Blinds 50,000/1,000,000, 100,000 ante
Chris Brewer
Chris Brewer

Chris Brewer limped in from the button and Thomas Santerne raised to 350,000 from the big blind. Brewer made a call for a flop of 7?9?Q? to be dealt.

Santerne continued for 400,000 chips and another call followed from Brewer. Santerne then sized up to a bet of 1,000,000 chips on the 5? turn, but Brewer still stuck around with a call.

On the A? river, Santerne put 850,000 more chips in the pot, but this time Brewer went all in for 2,745,000.

A long tank followed from Santerne but eventually, he put in the call. Brewer showed 8?6? for a straight and Santerne was forced to show his Q?8? for an inferior pair of queens.

Brewer doubled up and ended up with roughly 2,500,000 more chips than his opponent.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Chris Brewer us
Chris Brewer
Day 2 Chip Leader
Profile photo of Thomas Santerne fr
Thomas Santerne

Tags: Chris BrewerThomas Santerne

Pieter Aerts Eliminated in 3rd Place (€422,900)

Nível 21 : Blinds 50,000/1,000,000, 100,000 ante
Pieter Aerts
Pieter Aerts

Pieter Aerts called in the small blind for 100,000. Thomas Santerne reraised to 300,000 from the big blind, Aerts made the call.

The K?7?10? was checked around leading to the 8? turn. Aerts led for 450,000 and Santerne made the call. Aerts then used a time bank before checking the A? river. Santerne announced all in.

Aerts went into the tank before deploying two time banks. He glanced over at Santerne and checked his cards. He burned another two time banks before making the call. He tabled K?J? for a pair of kings. Santerne tabled A?Q? for top pair, which sent Aerts to the cash desk.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Thomas Santerne fr
Thomas Santerne
Profile photo of Chris Brewer us
Chris Brewer
Day 2 Chip Leader
Profile photo of Pieter Aerts be
Pieter Aerts

Tags: Pieter AertsThomas Santerne

Brewer Leads to Win

Nível 21 : Blinds 50,000/1,000,000, 100,000 ante

Pieter Aerts raised to 200,000 on the button with his newfound stack and Chris Brewer defended the big blind. Brewer then check-called Aerts' 110,000 bet on the 7?Q?2? flop before the 2? turn paired the board.

Brewer decided to lead for 100,000 chips, receiving a call from Aerts. Brewer sized up to 250,000 on the 6? river, and Aerts called once more, this time after using one time bank.

Brewer showed J?7? for two pair, sevens and deuces, and Aerts' cards swiftly hit the muck as he could not beat that.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Chris Brewer us
Chris Brewer
Day 2 Chip Leader
Profile photo of Pieter Aerts be
Pieter Aerts

Tags: Chris BrewerPieter Aerts

Aerts Gets Lucky

Nível 21 : Blinds 50,000/1,000,000, 100,000 ante

Pieter Aerts jammed all in from the small blind for 1,260,000. Thomas Santerne sat in the big blind and threw in one time bank extension before making the call.

Pieter Aerts: 9?8?
Thomas Santerne: J?8?

Aerts was heavily dominated but flopped trips on 7?9?9?. The 4? turn gave Santerne a flush draw in addition to his gutshot straight draw, but neither came in on the 2? river.

Aerts secured his double-up and leveled the playing field by just a bit.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Thomas Santerne fr
Thomas Santerne
Profile photo of Chris Brewer us
Chris Brewer
Day 2 Chip Leader
Profile photo of Pieter Aerts be
Pieter Aerts

Tags: Pieter AertsThomas Santerne

Duco ten Haven Eliminated in 4th Place (€320,800)

Nível 21 : Blinds 50,000/1,000,000, 100,000 ante
Duco ten Haven
Duco ten Haven

Thomas Santerne opened from the button to 200,000. Duco ten Haven reraised to 550,000 from the small blind. Santerne announced all in to claim the remaining 100,000 or so left of Ten Haven's stack.

Duco ten Haven: 10?10?
Thomas Santerne: K?8?

Ten Haven's tens were ahead but at risk on the 4?3?8? flop and the 2? turn left him drawing dead. The inconsequential 6? was dealt on the river before Ten Haven tapped the table and said good game before heading to the cash desk.

Jogador Fichas Progresso
Profile photo of Thomas Santerne fr
Thomas Santerne
Profile photo of Duco ten Haven nl
Duco ten Haven

Tags: Duco Ten HavenThomas Santerne